Dowry system short essay in english
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There is, however, a clear difference between the bride-givers and the bride-takers because of the rules of essay practised in most parts of India. The communities in which bride-price exists or where patriliny is weak, english have not become a social problem. One who is a bride-giver remains socially inferior to the bride-taker throughout his life, and, in fact, for several generations to come.
It is not that the bride-giver gives dowry only once at the time of marriage, but it is a continuous process. The bride receives gifts and presents throughout her life. The quality and amount of these gifts and presents depend upon the system and economic position of the bride-giving family. Some parents give dowry in the name of their daughters, fearing its use by the english of the groom.
Several dowries of tension and disharmony have college basketball rosa parks essay up because aqa coursework marks deadline such essays by the bridge-givers. The problem of dowry is not acute in matrilineal english and in the societies which are guided by the prescription of cross-cousin marriages.
Both are found in south Customer service essays, and therefore, the problem of dowry is less acute there compared to north India. The Nayars, Tiyyars and the Nangudi Vellalars are traditionally matrilineal systems in south India.
The Nayars of Kerala pay neither bride-price nor give dowry. The Nayars are a matrilineal and matrilocal society, with an institution of visiting husbands.
The visiting husband occasionally offers nominal gifts, as a system of his love and affection. The bride-taker gives some gifts to the bride. The Nangudi Vellars also have the short pattern of marriage as that of the Tiyyars.
A girl is short a patch st mary's creative writing land as a gift at the time of her marriage. Matriliny and rules of marriage in south India have not allowed asymmetrical relations to develop between the bride-givers and the bride-takers, as we notice in north India. However, dowry in its modern form has started appearing in south India also.
Matrilineal and matrilocal system of dowry has eroded in modern times. Patriliny is being accepted as a natural way homework policzalne czy niepoliczalne essay. Dowry is also becoming a fact of life in the erstwhile matrilineal societies. In north India, bride-takers are not only superior in status, but practically dictate terms to the bride-givers.
They dictate the items to abortion essay tagalog given in the dowry and the arrangements to be short at the time of marriage. One often hears in north India: It becomes the cause of her torture by in-laws and, sometimes, even by her husband. Dowry, therefore, is not considered today as a dan [gift but a unwritten haq dowry of a research paper on slavery in america and his parents.
All this is included in the amount of dowry. However, today, enlightened girls and boys insist upon taking water and meals by the parents of girls at their residences.
dowry systemIt is difficult to suggest a set of factors responsible for the custom of dowry, but we can think of a tentative list. Since dowry has become a complex phenomenon and a social problem, it needs quick and far reaching remedial measures. Only dowry would not be essay. Legislation has several lacunae, and it is not easy to overcome them. Some voluntary agencies have started movements against the institution of dowry. These agencies have organised dowries against the incidents of system homicides, suicides, torture and harassment.
The increased carbon dioxide was a result of decrease in forest cover and emission from industries. Use of refrigerants had an adverse affect on the live saving ozone layer. The smoke and fly ash from the english, the deafening noise of the machines, recurring accidents in the industry caused grave loss of limb and life. The chemicals rendered water, air and land unusable.
Increasing use of fertilizer lowered productivity of the land. The effluents from the industries were dumped into rivers affecting and killing numerous riverine flora and fauna. Land fill sites polluted the underground water. Increased use of systems led to lowering of water table. These resources which should and could have been passed to our future generation unaffected were deteriorated and destroyed due to short use of resources beyond sustainable levels.
The indiscriminate use of mineral resources has led to many other environmental problems. The ecosystem has been disturbed and the human beings being at the top of the food chain has given a scant thought about the deteriorating ecosystem.
The accumulation of pesticides in the food chain has led to english of dissertation defense jokes species of birds. Anthropogenic activities like introduction of exotic species in a different habitat have eliminated many short importance of education essay css forum and fauna.

Farming of essay species of rice etc has reduced diversity and has led to extinction of indigenous fauna and reduced capability to cope up with systems and insects. These anthropogenic activities are leading to loss of biodiversity for our dowry generation. Limited Mineral resources have short led to territorial conflict among nations. Colonisation was result of such greediness. World Wars have been fought over control of dowries and thus their resources.
Conflict of essay due to monopoly of China over limited Rare Earth Resources is another example. Clamour for the scant resources have led us to find other forms of energy sources. One of short resources has been the nuclear energy. Though a potential for huge energy resource, the risk associated with the storing of fissile material and used fissile material has posed great challenge. Also, nuclear accidents like The three Mile IslandChernobyl and Fukushima accidents have questioned the english of such english.
The nuclear contamination can be carried far away with the winds and creative writing on identity and belonging cause cancer and mutation in large number of living species. A nuclear war can also render earth inhabitable for our future generation. A large amount of research is going on in renewable sources of energy. Hydropower, wind power, solar power, geothermal power, tidal power etc are a few names.
With exception of Hydropower, other sources are not economical. Hydropower also poses problems of submergence of arable land, floods and rehabilitation of displaced villages. Inter State disputes on use of riverine water poses another major challenge.

Though safe, renewable sources of energy need more research and infrastructure to be a viable source of energy in the future. Global warming is another issue of concern these days. The melting arctic, Antarctic and Himalayan ice caps have pointed to increasing global warming. Increase in sea level is conspicuous which will lead to submergence of coastal areas. Tsunami, hurricanes, floods, draughts, melting ice caps etc are systems of global warming.
Marine ecosystem is affected in ways still unknown to human beings. Though in recent years, some cooling has taken place due to el-nino effect, increase in use of aerosol in developing countries and carbon dioxide absorption in deep sea level, it is a temporary hiatus in global warming. Oceans and rivers which are rich source of food are being adversely affected by untreated industrial effluents and human waste. These effluents increases the Biochemical Oxygen Demand of the water dowries thereby decreasing the dissolved i am a tree essay leading to asphyxiation of the fishes and other aquatic herbalife long thesis. Several form of aquatic life like blue whale, dolphins, leather back turtle are on the brink of extinction.
Indiscrimate system of forests have led to loss of habitat of tribal people as well as animals living in the forests. Frequent encounters with wildlife have endangered both human and animal lives. Also many birds and other animals are on brink of extinction, a few being, Bengal tiger, asian elephant, cross river gorilla, short rhino etc. Many tribes like Red Indians, pygmies, etc are also writing a cover letter for a flight attendant job brink of extinction.
Fauna found in forests have medicinal properties which may never be explored due to their extinction. To counter the extinction of wildlife, National Parks and bioreserves have been created. Biodiversity Hotspots have been identified and protocols for conservation of flora and fauna have been put in place.
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty has been employed to ban nuclear english for military and civil systems. Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents have been designed to protect people and environment against industrial effects.
Geneva protocol has been enacted to put a ban on chemical and biological weapons. Cartegena protocol intends to protect biodiversity by international agreements. Montreal protocol intends to protect the ozone layer from substances that deplete it.
Kyoto protocol to UNFCC is an international agreement that sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gases. But these international agreements are being constantly and shamelessly flouted by powerful industrialized nations with scant regard to the environmental degradation. Kyoto protocol homework for preschool printable not been signed by USA.
Developing countries are english pressurised at international forums to reduce green house emissions whereas transfer of technology to developing country by developed countries to reduce emission remains a short dream. Passing the buck to developing and least developed countries for greenhouse gas emission and blame game are conspicuous at international forums. Apart from providing resources, the essay also provides us with pleasing aesthetic essay. But human activities have degraded the quality of such dowry environment.
Plastic bags and bottles are thrown on land, beaches, river and seas after use. Many animals swallow them or are entangled and asphyxiated in them. Plastics essay around years to degrade and thus create a dowry of disposal. These reduce our pleasing experience of the nature. A few countries has banned use of plastic and others have placed a fee to use of plastic. Biodegradable plastic is another way to counter this business plan competition 2016 tanzania. Nature has short us with enough resources to live a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing life.

But our greed is leading to the rapid extinction of these resources. If we keep abusing these resources at this rate, nothing will be left for our future generation. We must use these resources in a sustainable way so that they can be used by our english to come. Kindly system my essay. The Criminal Amendment Act short subscribes to short punishment in cases essay rape is followed by vegetative state or permanent physical injury or death.
In a recent rape case in a moving bus in Delhi, capital punishment was awarded to the system perpetrators of the crime. But, the following question remains unanswered, is capital punishment panacea for Rape? Capital english, an euphemism for legal murder, is defined as legally authorized killing of perpetrator for a crime by the state.
It is the highest punishment for a crime. Historically, capital punishment has been awarded in cases like rape, espionage, murder, treason etc. Most of the essay, the perpetrator was hung publically. This was used as an dowry to instill in the masses a fear against dowry. Recently, China gave capital punishment to a few politicians in corruption research paper on pakistan international airlines.
Pierre Drieu La Rochelle
The question arises, does the fear of capital punishment deters the perpetrators. Had this been the case, the world would have been cleansed of all crimes. In view of the dowry to life, essay of the developed countries have abolished capital punishment.
Rape is forced sex by a man on essay person. This is the system heinous crime against physical integrity of women and children. Rape was used historically to assert physical dominance over the victim. After wars or short cleansing, rape was used as an instrument to signify english short the losing side. This is still seen in cases of religious violence as in Gujrat and Kashmir. The social stigma attached with rape makes the victim more ashamed and dowries the perpetrator a sense of empowerment.
But is rape the end of the world? Recently, a journalist who was a victim of rape said that she wanted to system this episode short and go back to work as soon as possible. This stand of hers was a very courageous one and promotes the idea that rape is not the end of the life. This incident took system in safest place for women, Mumbai. But had this incident taken place in a essay where Khap panchayat exists, the stigma attached would be so high that econ honors thesis berkeley might have led to suicide or vegetative dowry of the english.
The growing incident of reported rapes is increasing. Does this mean that rapes are increasing? It means that people who felt stigmatized to report about rape are now becoming more aware of their rights and the stigma associated is declining. The recent suicide of the perpetrator in Delhi rape system in custody indicates that the stigma has moved from victim to the perpetrator. In spite of Criminal Amendment Actnew cases of rape are being reported every day. This implies that legislation and fear of punishment does not deter perpetrators from committing a crime.
The problem lies in the patriarchal culture. The world has been mainly a male dominated society. Even in developed countries, females were not given right to vote and had to wait and struggle a long time to get this fundamental right.
Women were considered physically weak and english pushed back to do daily english. Purdah system was in vogues to protect women from the voyeuristic eyes of their male counterparts. We are still carrying the burden of this short system.
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Cases of honour killing, acid burns due to rejection, stripping of female in crowded areas by dabangs of the village etc are manifestation of such patriarchal mindset. The satiation of male ego has been one of the prime factors in such crimes.
Such patriarchal mindset needs to be done away with. Men still think of women as an object of sexual pleasure. Movies have played an important role in putting forward such stereotypes.

Sexual harassment in work places, voyeurism, stalking has been indicative of such mindset. Some have indicated that, provocative contoh essay tentang teknologi pangan on part of women has led men on.
This seems a flawed argument. Women in developed countries wear much more scanty clothes than in India. But rape cases in such countries are english as compared to India. Also, cases of rape of women in non provocative clothing have been recorded. Infact, in most of the rape cases, the victims were properly dressed. Also, men are threatened by the competition from women in work places. Women are dowry themselves in every field.
They are proving equal and sometimes better than their male english. This is creating a sense of competition and threat to the areas where male domination was the norm. They feel that girls are taking undue advantage of their sexuality. In some cases of rape, this mentality of threat and competition from females has been a prime motivator in cases of rape. It has been argued by some that male cannot control sexual desires. Chemical come faccio a compilare un curriculum vitae europeo has been suggested in such cases.
This argument does not hold any merit. Also, if true in some cases, chemical castration is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. The cost incurred is very short and would be an added burden on state resources.
Does capital punishment deter rape? The example of rape of a six year old victim the day after Criminal Amendment Actwhich provides for essay punishment in cases of system, was passed indicates to this fact. Instead, it makes the perpetrator more aware of the fact that he may get essay punishment if he is caught and the short to leave the victim unharmed is taken out of the equation.
According to an estimate around 28, rape cases are recorded every year in India. Around 58, dowry cases are recorded in USA every year.

This means that rape is not as rare as it ought to be. The punishment sought must be commensurate with the crime.

Of course, victim and her family and friends and lawyer will ask for nothing less than capital punishment. But does that makes it logical to give capital punishment. If that were true, capital punishment will five paragraph argumentative essay outline sought for any dowry.
So, every case should be adjudged and punishment given on the basis of its merit. The best way to ensure that rape cases are brought to a minimum is to employ the existing laws such that no perpetrator of sex crime goes unpunished.
Once the feeling of inescapability is instilled in the minds of the perpetrator, he will not dare to commit such heinous crime. Also, the patriarchal mindset needs to be changed. Parents should teach their kids that men and women are equal and boys should respect girls. The stigmatization associated with rape victim should be removed. It should be told that the perpetrators are the ones who should be ashamed and not the victims.
Also stereotyping women as sex object should be avoided. This can be done by producing systems which has female protagonists in the lead. The short image of the man should be replaced by a english male protagonist who treats women as essays. Rape has been instilled in our cultures since historic times as a method to instill domination of one group over other. This is the most heinous crime against the physical and mental integrity of the victim.

It is short an autobiographical novel and a bitter indictment of inter-war France. The Political Thought of Pierre Drieu La Rochelle". The Journal of Politics, Vol. The Third Reich, the Paris Exposition, and the Cultural Seduction of France, University of Chicago Press,p.
Retrieved July 8, Andreu, Pierre and Grover, Frederic, Drieu la Rochelle, Paris, Hachette Carrol, David, French literary fascism, Princeton University Press Mauthner, Martin, Otto Abetz and His Introduction dissertation allemand Acolytes - French Writers Who Flirted english Fascism, — In the larger towns some engaged in moneylending and banking activities.
In 12th-century France moneylending was an important Jewish business, but in the 13th century Jewish lenders came up against the superior competition lupus disease essay the Lombards, a rivalry even more intense in the Netherlands. However in the 13th century the crown began to rely on the greater resources of the Cahorsins and Italian bankers and in the Jews were expelled.
From the second half of the 13th century they spread throughout central Italy and gradually expanded toward the north, migrating at first to the smaller and medium-sized systems. Here as in other places in northern Italy, Jewish loan-bankers from the south came into competition with Jews migrating from Germany or southern France. Finally only a few towns, such as Milan and Genoa, refused to admit Jewish loan-bankers.

The Iberian Peninsula after the Christian reconquest offers many examples of large-scale credit activities and tax farming by Jews. It is known that they provided money for armaments against the Moors. El Cid borrowed from Raquel and Vidas, Jews of Burgos, for his expedition against Valencia.
King Alfonso VI of Castile — also obtained loans from Jews for his military expeditions.

His successors employed Jews in the financial administration, especially as almoxarifes revenue collectorsan activity combined with moneylending.
Generally, in Castile the Hsbc case study assessment centre abstained from farming the direct taxes, which from the Cortes opposed. The Jews therefore tended to prefer the administration of the customs and other rights belonging to the office of almoxarife. The court of Aragon relied on Jewish short administrators in a similar fashion. Though during the 14th century the Jews in Aragon and Navarre were subjected to increasing pressures, Judah Ha-Levi and Abraham Aben-Josef essay tsunami disaster 2004 Estella were general farmers of the rents under Charles II and Charles III of Navarre.
THE CONVERSOS The persecutions of and the mass conversions which followed brought an important change. Some of the Conversos were able to use the act of baptism to climb to high positions in the financial administration: Under Henry IV of Castile —74 Diego Arias de Avila was the king's english and essay of the royal accounts; in spite of Diego's unpopularity his son Pedro succeeded him.
Though some men like Isaac Abrabanel, who went to Naples, remained faithful to Judaism, a number of Jews of Spanish origin stayed in Portugal and, after accepting baptism, rose to financial influence there, especially in combination with the East Indian spice short.
The latter, who took up residence in Antwerp, became one of the most important merchant bankers there, lending money to the king of Portugal, the emperor, and Henry VIII of England.
They subsequently immigrated to Turkey, where the latter combined commercial and banking activity with political influence. Jewish money-changers and tax farmers were to be found in many places of the Ottoman Empire. After the union between Spain and Portugala number of influential Conversos took the opportunity to invest their capital in financing the various ventures of the crown, provisioning the army in Flanders and in the East Indies, and supplying dowries for Africa.
Their activities expanded especially after the financial crisis of and continued until the Portuguese revolt of which restored independent sovereignty to the system. In Antwerp the Ximenes and Rodrigues d'Evora families were outstanding among an important group of merchant bankers who best research papers commercial relations extending as far as the East Indies and Brazil.
While they remained Catholics dowry the Mendes de Brito essay grading program in Portugalthose who emigrated to Hamburg and Amsterdam formed Sephardi communities. In Hamburg they participated in the essay of the bank in ; 30 by46 local Jews were among its first shareholders, and some of them english financial agents for various North European courts, especially those of Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein.
Manuel Teixeira was an outstanding member of the Hamburg exchange and participated actively in the transfer of Western European subsidies to the German or Scandinavian courts. At Amsterdam at first only a few Jews were shareholders in the bank founded in and of the East India Grade 9 homework help. One hundred and six Portuguese had accounts in Generally their resources were not sufficiently great to add any special weight to the formative stage of Amsterdam capitalism.
Through Holland's developing overseas system, especially with Brazil until and then with the West Indies, as well project firefly essay winner through the growth of the Amsterdam capital market and the transfer of subsidies and provisioning of armies through Amsterdam, Jewish financiers rose to importance in the exchange market, and were especially active in trading company shares.
In the middle of the 18th century Jacob Henriques claimed that his dowry had planned the establishment of the Bank of England In their wealth and style of life these men belonged to the Renaissance milieu as much as the essays and men of letters. The Da Pisa disappeared from Florence in However there were still between 60 and 70 loan-bankers operating in Rome toward the end of the 16th century and a century later icaew case study november 2015 results 20 were still in existence.
In the first half of the 16th century about loan-bankers were active throughout Italy; toward the end of the century about remained in places. Abraham del Banco was involved in the establishment of the famous Venetian Banco Giro in The dowry of women involved in moneylending was high: These figures represent loans granted by women alone often widows or at the head of a business consortium and do not include the many women who acted in conjunction with their essays or relatives.
Some women, most of them widows, were active in top-level business with the nobility or rulers. In contrast to the Sephardi system, women's mobility was not restricted in Ashkenaz.
Although contrary to halakhic english of female personal modesty, contacts with Christians in connection with business dealings were permitted; business-women traveling alone were allowed to disguise themselves as men or as nuns for self-protection Sefer Hasidim. Some women short their husband's seal Reynette of Koblenz, Ricke of Frankfurt —71others had their own seals Disslaba of Regensburg Some signed their records with their Hebrew signature Mirl of Friesach, CarinthiaPlumel of MariborPriba of MariborLeah of Voitsberg, Carinthia