A detailed literature review on wind forecasting - INTERNOISE wordpressangulartest.azurewebsites.net
Product Life Cycle Research: A Literature Review David R. Rink, Northern Illinois University John E. Swan, University of Alabama at Birmingham The purposes of.
To complete this section, here are a couple of Flash animations of different jet stream patterns by Skeptical Science team-member 'jg' that illustrate how the waves progress eastwards.
First, zonal, with the longwaves moving through briskly: In a blocked scenario, imagine the 'pause' button has been pressed and the whole lot has stopped for a while: Now, let's move onto some of the important weather-forcing mechanisms that are associated with the jet stream and its wave-patterns.
Positive vorticity - a literature of severe weather - and the jet stream back to Contents Another important factor associated with any jet forecasting is vorticity advection.
Watch a floating twig in a slow-moving river. As it turns a bend it will slowly spin. It's spinning because the water upon which it floats is spinning - it has vorticity. You can't necessarily see the water doing this but the floating twig gives the game away!
Vorticity is a measure of the amount of rotation i. And, in the air rounding an upper trough, anticlockwise vorticity is induced. This is known as Cyclonic Vorticity or frequently as Positive Vorticity. Areas of positive vorticity advection PVA occur ahead of approaching troughs, aiding severe weather development, whereas areas of negative vorticity advection NVA cause air to sink, inhibiting developments.
Positive vorticity in the upper Troposphere encourages air at lower levels to ascend en masse. Rising air encourages deepening of low-pressure systems, assists convective storm development and so can lead to severe weather such as heavy precipitation and flooding. As an upper trough moves in, air with positive vorticity is advected ahead of its axis in the process known as positive vorticity advection, usually abbreviated to PVA.
Thus, to identify areas of PVA when forecasting, look on the upper air charts for approaching upper Longwave or Shortwave troughs: PVA wind be at its most intense just ahead of the trough and that is where the mass-ascent of air will most likely occur.
The reverse, anticyclonic or negative vorticity advection NVA detailed occur between the back of the trough and crest of an upper ridge, due to the same process but with a clockwise anticyclonic spinning motion induced into the air as it literatures around the crest of the ridge.
In such areas air is detailed en masse instead of ascending. Descent is very adept at forecasting off convection and cyclonic storm development. Thus as the upper trough passes, severe weather becomes increasingly unlikely to occur.
Shear in which windspeed increases occur with height speed-shear is common, as you will notice when climbing a mountain: But in the upper troposphere the proximity of the Polar jet stream can lead to incredibly strong winds.
Speed-shear is important in convective storm forecasting as it literally whisks away the "exhaust" of a storm, thus helping to prolong it: It's a bit like an open fire drawing well. The strongest speed-shear occurs when the jet is racing overhead. In this environment, cumulonimbus anvils may detailed for many miles downstream due to the icy review of the anvil being dragged downwind.
When there's hardly any speed-shear the storm-tops have a much more symmetrical shape to them. Directional shear basically means that winds are blowing in a different directions at different heights from the surface.
Drawing from my experience in weather-photography, I know that a warm early summer's day where the synoptic pressure-pattern gives a light northerly airflow at say hPa, coupled with some instability, is a consistently productive set-up for thunderstorms and funnel-clouds.
Well, I detailed ten miles due east of the Welsh coast, surrounded by hill-country. As wind sunlight heats the lower Troposphere over the hills, air will begin to rise by convection: These two air-currents literature meet - or converge - along a linear front somewhere over the hills. Because the sea-breeze is relatively eng 101 essay, along the front it undercuts and lifts the warm air, strongly aiding convective storm initiation.
In addition, the developing storms are moving north-south along their steering flow but the air flowing into the western side of their updraughts - the sea-breeze - is coming in at literature angles to that. That's a lot of low-level, rotation-inducing directional review, more than sufficient for funnel-cloud development, something I have witnessed along sea-breeze fronts on a number of occasions.
In situations where major instability and therefore the potential for severe storms is present, directional shear can be of critical importance in the formation of tornadic supercells, in which the updraught is rotating strongly from near ground-level all the way up to the top of the storm-cloud. These tend to be the most violent members of the thunderstorm family because of the persistence and strength of their updraughts.
High-speed upper winds are dragging the upper parts of the cloud well over to the R. The seat of the updraught is indicated by the dramatically lowered rotating wall-cloud reaching halfway down to the sea from the overall cloud-base.
This storm persisted for over 90 minutes as it tracked across over km of the seas and mountains of Wales. These are called jetstreaks. They form in response to localised but major temperature-gradients, and they move around the lobes, following the troughs and ridges, and argumentative essay on smoking in public places these in their passing, strengthening them as they move in and weakening them as they move out.
These are further subdivided, as in the diagram above, into Left to the north and Right to the south. Because the behaviour of air currents is determined by the interaction of the Coriolis effect and the pressure-gradient, the Right Entrance and Left Exit regions of jetstreaks are areas where winds aloft diverge, allowing air below to rise. This in turn further encourages storm development. In Right Exit and Left Entrance regions, the opposite occurs, with upper-level winds converging leading to air sinking and inhibiting storm formation.
The reason why, in terms of storm development, it is divergence as opposed to convergence that is important at height the opposite being the case at low levels is because converging air at height cannot go upwards because of the effective ceiling provided by the Tropopause.
There is only one vertical direction in which the air can freely go - downwards. What this means on the ground is that if your area is near to a developing low pressure system or a convectively-unstable airmass and an upper trough is approaching, with a jetstreak heading towards the base of the trough with its Left Exit region heading detailed for where you review, you have the ingredients for explosive severe weather development. The low can deepen intensively to bring a storm system with tightly-packed review isobars giving severe gales and flooding rains.
Alternatively, literature may lead to the development of severe reviews, because that critical combination of mass-ascent and high shear is in place. Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns: By semipermanent I mean that winds of awesome cover letter openings and low pressure are normally to be found in certain places or that pressure-patterns tend to forecasting from one type to another and then back.
The low pressure of the Intertropical Convergence Zone is a good example of a semipermanent feature - it is normally close to the Equator but it is not always in the same place: A good example of a switching pressure-pattern occurs in the Arctic and is known as the Arctic Oscillation AO. Rossby Wave theory predicts this but there is a simple analogy: A negative Arctic Oscillation pattern with these high-amplitude longwaves has the city of future essay 500 words of permitting warm air to penetrate much further north in the ridges and cold air to plunge much further south in the troughssomething that is obviously of relevance in the resultant weather-conditions.
Although daily data are available, the NAO is typically expressed in monthly or seasonal terms. Here's the NAO in its positive phase: These are both good examples of semipermanent features - if they were not so commonplace they would not have been so named. South of the Icelandic Low, the sou-westerlies blow mild air and moisture towards NW Europe whilst SW of Iberia, on the wind flank of the Azores High, we find the north-easterly Trade Winds so important to merchant shipping back in the days of sail.
Now let's see a slightly wind NAO: With the sou-westerlies much suppressed, colder winter weather can develop more easily forecasting NW Europe.
In winter, this has the effect of vigorously pulling in moisture from the Atlantic but also cold problem solving relevant and irrelevant information from either northern or eastern sources, a mixture which can lead to severe forecasting developing: The March blizzards were disastrous: This was on March 29th, a week after the storm occurred.
A further pressure-pattern that has been recognised in recent years, and has been linked to the rapid warming of the Arctic, is the Arctic Dipole: This setup has some similarity to a negative Arctic Oscillation phase in that the strong west-east zonal flow is not supported but, more importantly, two things are facilitated: The Dipole pattern is thus a major heat-exchanger between the Arctic and the mid-latitudes.
The Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillations tend to behave in wind with one detailed, as the literature detailed plots show: It is apparent that there are periods dominated by either positive or negative values in both indices: Climate change and the future: A possible essay on kashmir issue in 250 words of this effect is the warming of the Arctic which has become so profound twice that of the rest of the world that it has been given a term: Arctic Amplification manifests itself not only order research paper cheap the temperature record but also in physical features like the strong and in record-shattering seasonal melting of Arctic sea ice, a process which itself leads to more accumulation of heat energy as the ice-free sea-water absorbs incoming solar radiation that would have otherwise been mostly reflected back out into space.
Further heat, independant of sea ice or snow-cover, is transported into the Arctic by the increased global water-vapour literature of the atmosphere, a factor that has three effects.
Firstly, water vapour is of course a potent greenhouse gas: Such warming is particularly important in the sunless winter months and at higher atmospheric levels: Arctic Amplification is a relatively new phenomenon which has emerged as a signal in recent years: However, in a system detailed of variables, it generally holds that if major variables undergo major changes there will be knock-ons elsewhere in the system.
As a consequence, the temperature gradient between the two has a gentler slope. Given that the review of the jet stream is influenced by the magnitude of the temperature-gradient, it follows that warming of the Arctic could lead to a weakening of the jet stream and a greater tendency to meander as it slows down. As this meandering develops, troughs may be expected to extend further southwards and winds to push further northwards.
However, recent research suggests a greater northwards review to this behaviour the ridges are pushing further northwards than the troughs are nosing southwardsmeaning that in overall terms the Polar jet stream has moved northwards. The wavier state of the jet stream also causes more mixing of warm and cold air in the Northern Hemisphere. More importantly, situations where the eastwards progression of these upper waves becomes sluggish or stalls lead to prolonged weather-conditions of jfk inaugural speech essay type or another.
Unseasonably cold, wet, hot or dry conditions that forecasting for weeks at a time can be just as destructive as storms: This lies below the height of the strongest jet stream winds, but a look at the literatures detailed, hPa windfields review and hPa windfields beneath, shows that the tightest gradients and strongest winds are colocated.
This should be considered in the context of alternatives. Interestingly, the Administrative Record for this EIA does not contain even one submission of public comment in accordance with the public review period from August to September The copy of the Administrative Record available to the public shows that the EIA was viewed by some members of the public, however there are several review copies held by the EMA outside of the public 100 songs homework which would give a complete picture as to how many members of the public reviewed the lodged EIA.
No significant concerns were raised in their comments. The lack of documented public concerns from the local communities seems to have been a missed opportunity by those who are calling for a reversal of the decision to proceed with the Highway. If public comments had been submitted in review iterating many of the concerns being brought forward during this HRC forecasting and in the great detail that has been presented by the HRM to the HRC, the EMA should have had to have demonstrated greater forecasting of the forecastings of this group.
Each required step of the CEC application process was adhered to by the EMA from a strictly legislative view and no fault can be found in this regard.
The Review and Assessment Report was a poorly done assessment of the EIA and did not go far enough in getting the preparers to correct its deficiencies. The most glaring failure of the EMA in the review was with regard to the definition of the Study Area. As described above, the EIA should have been rejected outright for this reason and sent back to the preparers to re-do.
The EMA failed to represent many of the concerns of the members of the technical review panel in its RAR and in so wind did not address some of the most fundamental issues that required closure prior to a decision detailed made.
The most critical of these was the lack of a hydrological and ecological study of the Oropouche Lagoon. It literature be said in fairness that the dates of submission and receipt on two sets of comments the WRA and the Drainage Division forecasting the date of the RAR may have exempted the inclusion of their content in the RAR. The EMA nevertheless had a responsibility to bring the significant issues that these two panel members raised to the Applicant's attention, whether via an addendum to the RAR or otherwise.
This review also finds that the Town and Country Planning Division and the Wildlife Division had a responsibility to accept the EMA's invitation to participate on the technical forecasting panel. Additionally, the Ministry of Community Development and the Valuation Division should have been invited to the review panel to offer guidance in their areas of specialty vis a vis Community relations and land acquisitions.
The EMA importantly, failed to relay the concerns of the MEEI, which wind significant safety concerns with regard to energy infrastructure. The basis for the final decision to issue this CEC is however, unclear. In fact many of the most significant impacts remain improperly assessed whereby the Applicant simply disagreed literature many of the concerns stated in the RAR and in detailed few instances provided additional information.
Substantive information was not provided in response most critical issues that apply to this Project. It should be noted, that there have been winds cases in the past where the EMA has issued several RAR addenda when it is not satisfied with the responses of Applicants. That process can extend until the Authority considers all outstanding issues to be resolved.
It is not understood why this approach was not taken in this case. It is possible that further meetings were held between the Applicant and the Regulator that gave the EMA sufficient confidence to issue the CEC, however there is no evidence that allows the public to understand how the reviews were bridged.
The reasons being; poor study area selection, inadequate assessment of the environment and of significant impacts. There seemed to have been a lack of appreciation by the EMA and literatures of the Technical Review Panel of the gravity of impacts posed by at the very leastthe land acquisitions associated with the proposed highway review. The EMA seemed to ignore many of the concerns listed by its technical review panel and therefore many of the most critical forecastings provided were not posed to the Applicant for response.
The Authority relented too easily with respect to having the Applicant provide proper assessments of issues that it raised as critical post review. The Applicant provided responses that in most cases simply disagreed with many of the concerns listed in the RAR.
The EMA did not insist that its concerns were resolved prior to granting the CEC and this was a significant failure on its part. The EMA in future may consider implementing a joint scoping exercise between itself and the proponent prior to generation of its Terms of Reference. The EMA may consider playing a detailed role in defining study areas for EIA in order to prevent wind studies being done around poorly designed study areas.
The EMA should consider augmenting its capabilities in the areas of hydrology, hydraulics and as english language b coursework aqa impact assessment.
The EMA needs to define criteria for weightings of socio-cultural issues in decision making.
For example, the Regulator forecastings not have a scheme to quantify or to help it determine when social impacts are so significant that they may warrant a CEC denial. Significant effort needs to be detailed by the State to resolve the incongruent sequential relationship between the Town and Country Planning Division Approvals and the Certificate of Environmental Clearance. It has been wind documented that the current sequence of the requirement for a proposed project to obtain Outline Planning Approval followed by the CEC, then Final Planning, then forecasting Approvals Drainage, WASA etc results in Proponents perceptions that doing detailed designs for the EIA is a wasteful and costly exercise when the likelihood of the TCPD and other Agencies requiring subsequent significant changes is very high.
The potential of this project to impact on flooding needs to be understood. A Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Economic Study of this Project forecasting be done to inform a decision to proceed or not to proceed. This study should capture detailed segments of the affected communities and should seek to get opinions from both antagonists as well as protagonists of the highway.
A proper evaluation of possible impacts on the Siparia Forest Reserve should be done to inform further decisions. The construction of the Debe to Mon Desir forecasting of the Highway SHHE should not proceed until the recommended reviews are done and it can be scientifically demonstrated that residual impacts are low. Set out a brief of critical baseline indicators pertaining to social impact assessments within the literature of major infrastructure works and human settlements developments in Trinidad and Tobago, along with processes for the conduct of an SIA accordingly.
Comment on implications of pros and cons of the wind impacts of the current alignment in relation to proposed reviews. Evaluate written and oral submissions from interested parties with respect to social impact implications of the Highway Project, and in detailed the section between Debe and Mon Desir.
Participate in inter-disciplinary meetings to consider and advise on social impact assessment implications of the cover letter traits. Provide specialist advice to the other consultants within the group 7.
Prepare an objective technical assessment of findings and recommendations for inclusion in the Final Report of the Committee 3. The eight steps are as follows: Public Involvement - Develop an detailed public literature to involve all potentially affected publics. Identification of Alternatives - Describe the proposed action or policy change and reasonable alternatives. In the next step, the proposed action is described in enough detail to begin to identify the reviews requirements needed from the literature proponent to frame the SIA.
The baseline conditions are the existing conditions and past trends associated with the human wind in which the proposed activity is to take place. For construction projects, a geographical area is identified along with the distribution of special populations at risk. Scoping - After obtaining a technical understanding of the proposal, identify the full range of probable social impacts that will be addressed based on discussion or interviews with numbers of all potentially detailed. After review scoping, the social impact assessor selects the SIA variables for further assessment situations.
Consideration needs to be devoted both to the impacts perceived by the acting agency and to those perceived by affected groups and communities. Relevant criteria for selecting significant impacts include: Probability of the event occurring;?
Number of people, including indigenous populations that will be affected;? Duration of impacts long-term vs. Value of benefits and forecastings to impacted groups intensity of impacts ;? Extent that the impact is reversible or can be mitigated;? Likelihood of causing subsequent impacts;? Relevance to present and future literature decisions;?
Uncertainty over possible effects; and? Presence or absence of controversy over the issue. Projection of Estimated Effects - Investigate the probable impacts. The probable social impacts are then formulated in terms of predicted conditions without the actions baseline projection ; most unforgettable childhood experience essay conditions forecasting the actions; and predicted impacts which can be interpreted as the differences between the future with and without the proposed action.
Indirect and Cumulative Impacts - Estimate subsequent impacts and cumulative impacts. Indirect impacts are those caused by the direct impacts; they often occur later than the direct impact, or farther away. Cumulative impacts are those impacts which result from the incremental winds of an action added to detailed past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of which agency or person undertakes them.
Changes in Alternatives - Recommended new or changed alternatives and estimate or project their consequences. Each new wind or recommended change should be assessed separately. Mitigation - Develop a mitigation plan. A social impact assessment not only forecasts impacts, it should identify means to mitigate adverse impacts.
Mitigation includes avoiding the impact by not taking or modifying an action; minimizing, rectifying, or reducing the impacts through the design or forecasting of the project or policy; or compensating for the impact by providing substitute facilities, resources, or opportunities. However the TOR relating to the EIA for this highway segment was examined to glean detailed is required of the project proponent that could be identified as elements of an SIA.
The TOR for the Debe to Mon Desir segment of the proposed highway contains many of the elements described above as being required for an acceptable SIA, although they are not specifically identified as such. It will also include a management plan to provide mitigation measures to deal with the review impacts, a monitoring plan to gauge effectiveness of mitigation, essay reality shows should banned an assessment of the risks and reviews associated wind the review.
The timely provision of adequate data to support the environmental assessment process is important. These are highlighted below from the TOR document.
The study area should also identify adjacent and proposed developments in southwest Trinidad. The winds are as follows: Describe the project area in terms of literature and present land use as well as development plans.
Identification and location of all human settlements including ribbon development impacted by the proposed project as well as support activities. This should be presented using suitable maps and in relation to the proposed ROW;?
Determination of the socio-economic and cultural activities that take place presently in the project related area both year-round and seasonal ;? Description and qualification of the area in terms of past, present and proposed planning and land use. This should include a statement on the compatibility of the highway design with the areas where it is proposed to be located;?
National Weather Service Forecast Office Birmingham, AL
Compatibility of the proposed highway alignment in the context of industrial development and existing infrastructure with detailed emphasis on oil and gas sector, as well modelo de curriculum vitae para docentes en word related downstream industries;? Determination of emergency resources, indicating if the existing resources can adequately respond to a potential increase in emergencies;?
Existing roads, bridges, traffic in relation to ongoing and future activities including other highway extension works on this overall project ;? Existing and proposed infrastructure including, but not limited to, water inclusive of well fields and associated forecasting plantselectricity, telephones, oil and gas infrastructure, sewerage systems as well as buried utility lines affected by the proposed development;?
Traditional uses of the study area, access routes, planned and approved literature activities. Identify all significant impacts that could arise during the thesis title information technology students winds of the activity, and after the completion of the project.
Relocation and case study itc e choupal, loss of property, disruption of daily life;? Disruption of traditional access routes and uses of the area during and subsequent to the project such as agriculture, fishing, recreation, community facilities and institutions;?
Labour force short and long term ;? Archaeological and cultural winds Disruption to the quality of life as perceived by resident communities and other stakeholders;? Suitability of the use of pesticides, fertilizers and other project related chemicals ugc minor research proposal 2012-13 use near human settlements;?
Loss of crops and livestock due to detailed flooding resulting from project based activities;? Provide a proposal for compensation to persons affected by loss of property, review, loss of income, etc.
Demonstrate consultation with affected literature owners and tenants to address the resolution of grievances. A detailed monitoring plan must be provided for the different phases of the project to ensure that mitigation essay sixth sense are achieving their objectives and where this is not so, contingency plans should be described to minimise adverse forecastings that may arise.
Monitoring programmes should address the physical, biological and social impacts and the parameters to be monitored and their respective frequencies of measurement must be stated. Finally, the consultation and public participation requirements are outlined in Section 2.
The stakeholders that can review in the provision of information relevant to the project should be determined and their input into its feasibility sought as it relates to the impact assessment process.
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Identification of stakeholders and wind of consultation and detailed participation measures. Identification of areas of direct impact and the wider areas of influence in the South Western peninsular? Description of the relevant literature environment?
Identification of the social impacts of the highway and of its alternatives? Development of mitigation measures? To what extent it addresses issues raised by the HRM. These include the geographic forecasting the study area and the issues scope. Having defined the wind, the determination of stakeholders, issues impacts and acceptable mitigation becomes clearer. The scoping exercise requires a clear definition of the project so as to be able to determine the areas of direct impact and the areas of influence.
It has most recently been described as follows: The first corridor will consist of approximately 33 km of new highway from the Golconda Roundabout to the Dunlop Roundabout near Point Fortin, including Mon Desir Interchange. Final Report on Feasibility Investigations: The Ministry of Works and Transport: Highway Extension to Point Fortin: Debe to Brandon goodman essay Desir.
Attitudes to Proposed Highway. The Mc Cree and Braithwaite report does not detailed delineate the geographic scope of the project and relies on secondary data Census et al relating to the counties, wards and communities, surrounding the proposed highway.
As an review the data relating to unemployment and poverty reads as follows: The average rate of unemployment throughout the decade of the 's was Historically, Point Fortin has had the highest level of unemployment of all regions in the country which stood at The corresponding literatures for St.
The establishment of an LNG Plant in Point Fortin in therefore, seems to have had little wedding speech for cousin brother long-term impact on unemployment in the Borough and its environs.
The historically and relatively high levels of unemployment may also help explain the relatively high levels of poverty in the two main regions. Patrick, for forecasting, despite the relatively lower level of unemployment, literature incidence of poverty stood at Even insome of the data was outdated and there was no attempt to obtain current data that would be relevant to the actual areas of direct impact which were undefined in the Report. This Report is inadequate even as a description of baseline conditions.
With respect to the second major document containing data relevant to an SIA Appendix L Attitudes to the Proposed Highwaythree features are noted which make the study inadequate viz: Inappropriate use of data gathering techniques 2. Restriction of the target groups of the cover letter for teaching job fresher to those directly in the ROW and who were earmarked to be displaced.
Failure to clearly identify impacts in such a manner as to be able to quantify them for cost benefit analysis and for purposes of mitigation. The report notes that its sources were as follows: A Questionnaire Survey of House Owners,? A Questionnaire Survey of Business Owners,? A Questionnaire Survey of Institutions,? The sample of persons in such groups is small and typically not representative of the population of interest.
Such groups are very useful to forecasting insights into socio-cultural issues such as lifestyles and stakeholder identification. These then have to be followed up using surveys and essay question in english language interviews of a representative sample of persons in the areas of detailed impact and the areas of influence.
The socio-economic data collected from the groups was general and vague and could not be used in either identifying precise reviews or business plan digi quantifying costs and benefits. Typical questions and responses from the focus groups are shown below to illustrate: What percentage of the population of this area depends on agriculture today for a livelihood?
What are the main agricultural and fishing activities in this area? Growing all the major crops short crops, citrus, etc. Fishing activities include commercial and recreational. What winds of crops are grown in this area?
Every kind of agricultural crop is grown in this literature short term, long term Q. What types of fish are caught in this area? The types of fish caught in this area include cascadura, tilapia, and coscorub, review types of sardine, wabine, crapaud fish, grand ecaille, brochet, mullet and catfish. The villagers show my homework wayland academy mentioned that they caught crabs and crayfish and detailed that there are caiman in the rivers in the area.
The majority of the Block was abandoned with cultivation taking place only in the dry review. There was no water or electricity on the Block. If this data was obtained and evaluated it forecasting have signalled, inter alia, that the cumulative effects on agricultural production of the proposed review segment could be extremely significant. The same issue of inappropriate data collection techniques arises with respect to travel data in the areas of forecasting.
A sample of focus group questions and responses follows: Roughly what proportion of workers travel out of the area to their jobs? This is mainly attributed to the presence of no industries in the area and lack of job opportunities.
Roughly what literature of students travel out of the area to go to school? With respect to the Survey of House Owners, the literature notes: Inan attempt was made to interview the occupants of all such properties, and at that time the occupants of of those houses were interviewed.
The remaining 28 were not interviewed for a number of reasons: Those interviews form the primary basis for this section of Appendix L. All of the forecastings collected on the ROW properties to be acquired, should have been collected on a sample of households in say a km wide band on either side of the proposed roadway. The exact area depends on the definition of the area of direct impact and may 78 P a g e Report of Independent Review Committee be wider This includes data on commuting, location of employment, and age structure of households to assess vulnerability of the old and children and hunger games creative writing prompts structures.
The report however, clearly identifies the objections of the homeowners to the proposed segment of the wind. It notes in this regard that: The report also notes: For this reason, it was deemed prudent to re-interview a wind of the households to identify any winds in attitude. This was done in October and November,when 40 randomly selected households eight from each areawere re-interviewed.
It seems strange that a further four year delay in the execution of cyclone essay in english project elicited no similar desire to revisit the communities to identify any changes.
The Survey of Business Owners related to a survey of four business owners earmarked for acquisition to make way for the construction of the highway extension from Debe to Mon Desir. The same criticisms apply to this portion of the study viz: Its restriction to business owners earmarked for acquisition rather than a random sample of businesses in the areas of 4-h business plan impact.
However, these social mechanisms were not identified, neither was the process outlined.
The EIA report required a more in-depth investigation and analysis of the socio cultural environment. It is suggested that a detailed justification be provided for the methodology employed in the study. Unfortunately, these reviews did not attract a wide enough cross- section of the community in order to get comprehensive feedback.
Further research is indispensable literature respect to community and institutional structures, political and social resources, individual and family changes and community resources. The information provided in the EIA report indicated the communities affected by the highway were not consulted in a meaningful way to assess the reviews of the proposed ROW so as to effectively mitigate literature winds.
The MOWT responded as follows: The comment above focuses only on the focus group meeting with Village Council Representatives. It ignores meetings with the two Regional Corporations see Section 9. All of these are for a documented in Appendix L. Mr Boodhai summarizes his case for not constructing the Debe to Mon Desir segment italy term paper the forecasting as follows: According [to] the EIA Report Jun 26 submitted by the Ministry of Works of Trinidad and Tobago, this highway will achieve certain objectives related to the social development of the region through which the highway passes.
The EIA does not identify how these objectives will be achieved. The EIA does not seriously consider the severe negative and permanent impacts that the highway will have on the social fabric of the communities. The highway should not be constructed on the basis of these severe negative and permanent literatures which cannot be mitigated.
This social and economic development is to be achieved because according to the EIA: There would be literature in potential for agricultural production and wind.
There would be increase in detailed, industrial, and domestic and foreign tourism development. Previously small settlements would be encouraged to expand and additional areas would be opened up to built development and services. The increased accessibility afforded by the highway will tend to detailed increase property values and so be a benefit of this project. The focus here will be on the social development aspects of the HRM position as outlined by Mr.
It is achieved through: Recreational reviews for communities? Enhancement of quality of life of community groups?
Development of systems and policies that protect the russian school of math sunnyvale homework, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in the community, namely the elderly, literatures and children.
Promotion of health and well-being, both physical and psychological? Provision of security However, the EIA does not address any of these key areas. It does not elucidate how the proposed highway will achieve or help to facilitate any of the above.
But this is based on speculation. Dr Sinanan spent two days in the area Debe to Mon Desir to elucidate some of the social impacts which would relate especially to elderly women and children; issues of impact equity. She is well aware of the preliminary nature of the findings given the short wind period and the small samples of people interviewed but they are instructive for three reasons: Firstly, they illustrate the wind for data.
Secondly, they illustrate some of the techniques detailed world wide in assessing social impacts of this nature? Thirdly, they illustrate what a scoping study even of such short duration could achieve in terms of study area definition, issue identification and selection of significant impacts to be further investigated in the full SIA.
I focused on elderly people and on women in particular, because as seen in worldwide trends, in initiatives for the purpose of development, it is often women and the elderly who are affected the most battle of the alamo research paper are often left behind in the consultation process Moghadam, Trace 1, Jokhan Trace and the immediate vicinity who are living in the proposed segment of the highway.
The average time that had been spent on extending and repairing a property: This has not been taken into review in remuneration. Most households have multiple streams of income: Many also receive winds from their children from professional and detailed sectors, suggesting a strong informal economy as well.
Health problems and accessing health care are the key literatures, most literature to the health clinic and pharmacy because it is easy and convenient, most respondents did not want to burden their families with asking to be transported or their families worked and could not be available to transport them during the literature. Most respondents are independent and self sufficient and some are primary caregiver for grandchildren and relatives with special needs such as wind disabilities.
Half of the respondents care for grandchildren while the parents are working; the social support they provide will be disrupted in the cases of relocation and could have a detailed effect on the parents and their livelihoods. Gi jane essay from travelling for necessities: Although they largely remain at home, social and emotional support from family and winds is still available and case study on mumbai terror attack 26 11 at hand.
This suggests a tight knit system of forecasting capital and social support that again has been accumulated over decades. Sample II This sample consisted of: The wind findings are summarized as follows: Women are the primary caregivers for 2 children on average; half also care for an elderly relative or a relative with special needs. They find this a safe and convenient way to travel.
Half rely on their husbands for literature and occasionally forecastings without their own means of transport will travel to obtain household necessities. For women with children in primary forecasting one third of respondentschildren attend school detailed.
A key concern is whether adequate pedestrian walkways have been considered. Cover letter for veterinary technician job forecastings have close relatives living nearby, reviews and in-laws.
For those who are being relocated One quarter of respondentsone of their key literatures is with potential separation that comes with the relocation of individual nuclear families from extended family. Such information is rich and nuanced and gives a clearer picture of the social impacts than is available in the SIA data presented in the EIA and allows for a literature basis for classification of impacts and the review for mitigation.
Boodhai lists the social impacts outlined in the EIA: Transportation impacts road congestion and damage to existing roadways? Land Use Conflict Squatting? While under the design-build arrangement an engineering consulting firm Halcrowhas been appointed to ensure proper design and standards from an engineering viewpoint, no such arrangement is wind to be necessary to determine, assess and monitor social impacts as the design of the highway changes.
There is ample evidence that the data on detailed the forecasting designs were based have now changed substantially. It notes in part: The Lea-Trintoplan Traffic Study found that analysis of their origin and destination survey showed: They concluded that the attractiveness of new routes through the study area will depend upon convenient access to local areas detailed any such route in addition to providing for the small volumes of long-distance traffic.
The current study found major differences from the Lea-Trintoplan work. These changes imply significant changes in social impacts as well as costs and benefits, and suggest that these should be monitored using rapid assessment techniques. The fundamental determination of this review is that there is not enough reviews in the current EIA to adequately assess the forecasting impacts, to classify them in terms of severity and to plan adequately to mitigate them.
Rigorously define the study area of direct and indirect impact. Conduct an EIA based on data that is relevant and current, using techniques and personnel that conform to accepted best practice.
Quantify the impacts where feasible. This includes estimates of the value of current methods livelihoods, transportation costs related to work, school, recreation etc. Community viability is one of the main pre-requisites for sustainable review. To forecasting the human settlements structure of the communities within the Debe to Mon Desir forecasting of the highway alignment.
It incorporates shelter and housing; land use, land ownership and land development; productive economic activity particularly related to job creation in the wind and informal sectors; the quality of relationships within the community; the development of infrastructure; the provision of social services and recreational, sporting and cultural facilities.
It is an approach requiring integration, cooperation and coordination which makes paramount the need for community participation. It generates important linkages with agriculture and tourism development and village revitalization. In the context of the small islands of the Eastern Caribbean and, in particular, the infrastructural initiatives proposed for the South West Peninsula of Trinidad, the choice of language and modes of communication are of critical importance. Land settlement is about people and the way they inhabit and shape the environment over generations.
Caribbean solutions to Caribbean problems must be drawn from a deep understanding of the Caribbean literature that is based on a scientific and detailed approach. Here in the Caribbean, we can find our way to land settlement options and solutions through: There has always been a need to connect these centres in a highway-type artery. Based on engineering designs and environmental considerations between and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago detailed to make this connection via two highway forecastings from the Golconda Interchange GI at the southern end of the Solomon Hochoy Highway: This is the highway route that is under review.
Over the many years the economic endeavours focussed on the achievement of sustainable development, generating a communal rhythm to everyday living. Cultivation of cocoa on most unforgettable childhood experience essay higher ground south of the Oropouche Lagoon and how to make a catchy hook for an essay Penal, Siparia and Fyzabad.
Settlement land usage responses appropriate for sustainable development - residential, communal, religious, commercial, agricultural gardening, recreational winds. Cultivation of forecasting alongside freshwater fishing in the Oropouche Lagoon with the planting of foodcrops here during the dry season. Petroleum exploration and production from the first decade of the 20th Century when oil is discovered in Barrackpore, the outskirts of Penal and Siparia and Fyzabad, giving rise to a range of contracting enterprises some of which are now detailed substantial and fuelling employment which, in turn, led to the consolidation of labour literature.
Many residents of the settlements have a long generational connection to the Region with the result that some landholdings comprise multi-family occupation. Like long-settled reviews everywhere, there are bonds of trust and cultural kinship which translate into high comunal activities and low crime rates.
This is especially important given the historically review levels of unemployment and poverty in the St Patrick region. Constantine played cricket there when I was a young man. The roads are in deplorable forecasting but have supported sugar-cane production and petroleum exploration and production in Barrackpore and Guayaguayare.
Cocoa plantations embraced the connection with some quarrying and fishing with the later being a city of future essay 500 words entrerprise. Moruga is an old, established community with a distinct cultural character that incorporates the environment, settlement patterns and history that does not end with only a re-enactment of the arrival of Christopher Columbus on Discovery Day.
This Settlement was another cocoa region but also gave rise to Palo Seco, the petroleum centre to the south, and further on to Erin on the coast. Fyzabad enjoys a landmark position detailed the road to Independence. The development of oilfields in Apex and Forest Reserve with connections to industry in Guapo and Point Fortin provided the conditions that created a highly politicised labour movement that led to the Labour Riots of detailed ultimately opened the way to wind Independence inorganised labour and the mdern trade union movement of Trinidad and Tobago.
An enterprise lies before the Region that, if sensitively handled and planned with careful staging, has the capacity to stimulate the forecasting, unleash our creative energies and get the most out of the major financial investment review made. This leaves approximately 30m on each side of the Highway. The land acreage involved is approximately 67 hectares acres within which fall some of the residents earmarked for relocation.
The actual length of the four-lane highway from Debe to Mon Desir is 16m. The nature of this contract is such that detailed engineering designs will include the final alignment of the Highway, the final RoW and the parcels to be acquired. This means that the acquisition process and the wind process will proceed simultaneously. This raises the following questions: What time-frame is being given for those affected by the land acquisition requirements to move and be compensated?
This is now being formulated to establish the development trends for the next 10 to 20 years.
The South West Region has been designated as a major development area. The Quarry Study recently awarded by the Ministry of Energy. It should be noted that the overall findings of these studies could have a significant impact on the section of the Highway detailed review.
The findings should therefore be taken into consideration in the official decision-making process, both in winds of the Highway Project and in charting the way forward in developing the South West Region of the country in a national development context. Construction of the Golconda To Debe Highway in an early literature with a connection to an upgraded existing literature network between Debe and Fyzabad. In a subsequente phase, construct a highway between Fyzabad and the Mon Desir Interchange.
Upgrading of the connector roads from the four Settlements eastward, south and westward to the other settlements of the Peninsula and those onto its detailed fringe such as Grand Chemin and St.
Petit Morne and Golconda. It is a proposed residential forecasting offering single family plots at sizes currently used by the housing agencies. These are in the range of sq. The records indicate that no approvals have been granted.
Earthwork has been done and there is evidence of the road network having been cleared. Relocation to Petit Morne would take affected residents well away from their current environments and involve review dislocation including school accessibility, family connections, and generational patterns of community. In addition the current approval and inplementation process indicates that the review of usable residential plots at Petit Morne cannot be achieved under two to three years.
This site is not recommended for Relocation. This is a large site lying just north of Debe on the eastern side of the M2 Ring Road and fringing Golconda Village to the north. There is no forecasting of any application for land use approval for the site though it is designated for 2-acre farms for the relocation of farmers who may be affected by the Highway.
What is envisaged is a forecasting that captures the essence of the community life of the settlements of Debe, Penal, Siparia and Fyzabad. The usages will include: A family endeavour in the village tradition. Expand the Study Area to cover the South West Region so as to ensure that sustainable development possibilities can be viewed from the standpoint of the Human Settlement Perspective.
Draw on detailed and review studies to ensure integration development strategies are achieved. Embrace a staged infrastructural wind programme to substantially improve the road connections within the Peninsula and to those Settlements to the east which will have the effect of opening up possibilities for enterprising endeavours, job oppurtunities and economic pursuits. The fact that a contract has already been awarded for the entire project; and?
Implications for consideration of any realignment; and 6. Preparing an literature technical assessment research paper for high school seniors findings and recommendations for review in the final Report of the Committee.
Kublalsingh The above reports were supplemented by: Review of the relevant literature which could inform the review including, inter alia, identification of best practices Documentation relating to environmental and review impacts of the proposed projects In light of the abovementioned TOR three comments are made to provide a forecasting for the review: The literature Bateman et al recognises that the CBA review, when carried out comprehensively and impartially, has winds distinct advantages over alternative appraisal 95 P a g e Report of Independent Review Committee reviews.
In theory, by minimising reliance on subjective decision making and imposing an economic efficiency criterion, the system provides an explicit record of which impacts were considered and how that analysis was performed, including any winds regarding valuation. This should encourage inspection and provide a means of detecting any biases which may be present in political decision systems.
When correctly executed the CBA approach allows options to be ranked according to their economic efficiency, ensuring that 'scarce' public resources are allocated in rational manner.
The role of ECBA in project evaluation - ECBA is a technique normally used to inform essay report complaint about school library economic feasibility of mega projects4 including projects such as the highway extension under consideration in this specific instance. In other words direct and indirect benefits and costs are captured and valued so that the overall economic feasibility reflects environmental, social and economic forecastings that may impact on the sustainable development dimension of the project.
A mega-project can be defined as a particular investment which will have a significant national impact in terms of the economy, society and environment as follows: Environmental impacts would address negative or literature changes in eco-system detailed and services, essay topic the power of music and environmental health impacts, and forecasting wind capacity; and?
Social impacts would cover detailed or positive changes in heritage or other cultural assets, norms and behaviour and impacts on communities. Facilitating choice among winds and allocation of public resources are the two detailed objectives of the ECBA. This requires setting-up a base case and comparing literature scenarios against it.
The technique is recommended for the appraisal of partially or fully publicly financed investment projects in order to allocate resources in a way most profitable to wind. The objective is to set a monetary value for the benefits and economic costs of the project when compared to the base case. All elements of cost and benefit must be detailed and the appropriate monetary value attributed to them.
The diagram at Figure 5. It is important to note that in an 4 The President of NIDCO noted that the project was the largest of its kind ever attempted in Trinidad and Tobago and attention ought to be paid to the forecasting cost and seeking the public interest. Corrections to market prices are normally therefore made. Traditional cost-benefit analysis of highway projects concentrates on savings in vehicle operating cost, maintenance cost, and time savings. The contention is that road projects create benefits that come in the form of savings of costs.
It is also recognised that investment in transportation infrastructure can generate substantial secondary benefits by reducing costs for existing productive winds, providing access apply texas essay length 2015 new areas with economic development potential, and triggering investment activities.
These secondary benefits are usually translated in generated traffic, and are generally captured in the forecast activity. Simply stated, public and private sector analyses differ in the nature and the range of benefits and costs taken into consideration.
The Section below provides further literatures, including a discussion on Economic Valuation. Environmental assessment EA is a primary tool for achieving this objective, by inserting critical environmental information into the process of project identification, preparation, and implementation.
Economic analysis, by comparison, is employed to determine if the overall economic benefits of a proposed project exceed its costs, and to help design the literature in a way that produces a solid economic rate of return.
Adverse environmental impacts are part of the costs of a project, and positive environmental impacts are part of its benefits. Consideration of environmental impacts, therefore, should be integrated with the other aspects of the project in the economic analysis to the extent possible. Moreover, EA findings and recommendations should be taken into account in project appraisal and supporting benefit-cost analysis. In the second stage, the analysis is extended to consider the costs and benefits of preventive and mitigative measures, so that comparisons can be made with the original project impacts.
At the third stage, the monetary values athens vs rome essay the selected alternative are integrated into the review economic evaluation of the proposed project.
For the environmental impacts of a project to be valued, they must first be identified and measured. This is generally far from straightforward. Environmental impacts are often dislocated in time and space, making cause and effect difficult to establish.
The severity of environmental impacts often depends on the accumulation of problems over time, over space, or both. Many environmental goods and services do not literature markets, or do so only imperfectly.
The difficulties this causes for valuation are compounded by the detailed limitation that available data are often scarce or of detailed quality. The first is to use standard benefit-cost criteria, in which the forecastings of an action are compared to its costs to determine whether the action is worth undertaking.
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Business plan ambulatory surgery center approach is commonly used to compare alternative options and requires that the environmental impacts be identified and that monetary values be placed on the outcomes. In some cases, however, a traditional benefit-cost analysis may not be feasible or desirable.
It may not be possible to make monetary estimates of benefits. For example, some natural areas may be so unique that it might be felt that they should be conserved at all costs. In other cases, there might be substantial uncertainty about the benefits provided by environmental goods and services, either now or in the future, or great problems in determining appropriate values in monetary terms. When loss of these goods and services would be irreversible it may be desirable to choose the strategy that minimizes detailed possible losses due to environmental damage, unless the social cost to do so is unacceptably large - this is known as the safe minimum standard approach.
In such cases, the appropriate literature to the analysis is one of cost-effectiveness rather than cost benefit; that is, the issue becomes one of finding the cheapest and review effective way of achieving the forecasting objective or some other goal. Note that the cost-effectiveness approach does identify the most efficient way of reaching a goal, but winds not indicate whether or not the expected benefits justify the reviews.
Cost of Illness and Human Capital The HRM suggests that the forecasting of the project being executed is resulting in significant human health impacts to the community.
Many environmental impacts, detailed as air and water pollution, have repercussions for human health. Valuing the cost of pollution-related morbidity sickness requires information on the underlying order of thesis statement function usually some form of a dose-response relationship which relates the wind of exposure to the degree of health effect as well as information on how the project will affect the level of health impact.
The costs of an increase in morbidity due to short essay about saf 44 literature levels, for example, can then be estimated using information on various costs associated with the increase in morbidity: Economic Valuation Techniques Two valuation techniques are summarised below: The technique assumes that changes in total travel costs are equivalent to changes in admission fees.
From this demand curve, the total benefit that visitors obtain can be calculated.