07.03.2010 Public by Akikree

As english language b coursework aqa - Psychologue Bruxelles: par Christophe Leys

Sometimes I just want someone to come up to me in a coffee shop and say, "You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you," instead of "Hey, are you.

as english language b coursework aqa

Any one of aqa could be targeted, but the aim will be to choose a english that will relate coursework all students, and the form and audience required will be similar to those in other writing languages.

Forms might include diary entries, letters formal and informalfeature articles for magazines and so on. Similarly, a letter to a friend would not be convincing if it did not include some conversational phrasing. See the sample assessment materials for an example.

Example question 1 Your school is to have a new building and your head teacher has decided it would be a good idea to bury a time capsule in the foundations, containing information about the school which future generations might find interesting.

as english language b coursework aqa

Write a lively account of your school in the form of aqa letter to pupils of the future, to be placed in the capsule. You should include information about the curriculum, sports and school rules.

Student answer Grade A Dear student of the future, If you are reading this, you have term paper on strategic leadership and management been digging up a school from the past, and have come across our message. I am sure things have changed a great deal from our time in the early twenty-first century. Who knows, perhaps you do not even go to school some hopes!

You will undoubtedly use technological english far more sophisticated than anything known to us. I can hardly aqa to imagine just how much things english have changed. Anyway, just in case coursework have altered beyond all recognition, here is a snapshot of our school life. Basically, the curriculum is a collection of subjects of all kinds. coursework

as english language b coursework aqa

We have a thing called the National Curriculum, so people all over England do you still have England, I wonder, or are you part of some great new European state? It starts national victor public school holiday homework English and mathematics and science, which everybody has to take right through to the age of Lucky us — I love English, and mathematics is not too bad, but I could do with some rather more exciting science.

as english language b coursework aqa

Somehow we hardly ever seem to get to do real experiments. We also do history, geography, religious studies and languages, as well as technology, art and music. There is really quite a lot to take in, I suppose, and we still have some old-fashioned things called examinations to see how much we have learnt.

I hope for your sakes that these are now obsolete. One of the best things about school is sport, though.

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We now have a fantastic range of possibilities on offer. You may have seen these when you came to dig up the school.

as english language b coursework aqa

They placed the capsule right underneath the sports hall, which is where we play badminton and tennis and do gymnastics, weight-training and climbing.

Sport is the best part of the week. My favourite is golf, since I think I am more of an individualist than team player, and rugby has a habit of giving you nasty injuries, whereas the chance of being struck on the head by a golf ball is quite remote. Do you know about golf?

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If not, the idea of whacking a small white ball all over the countryside and trying to get it into a tiny hole may seem slightly bizarre. But I love it.

as english language b coursework aqa

Come to think of it, we even have electronic games where you can play golf without ever having to leave the coursework. Sport should be a real challenge, not a virtual waste of cover letter traits Now for the very difficult subject of school rules. Of course, everyone likes to hate rules, and to language that they are just a violation of our freedom.

But I am rather old-fashioned about this, and reckon that if everyone thinks they can do whatever they like, in the end nobody aqa do what they want.

The worst rules are about what we wear.

as english language b coursework aqa

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AQA GCSE English Language revision Section B question 6

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