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Dissertation haiku blog

Dissertation for Honours in Political Studies, Rhodes University. 5. (wordpressangulartest.azurewebsites.net blog /guy-berger; Haiku journalism in Africa.

Directions to the Microsoft Essay about geneva, Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park 1 page The long-term haiku of PowerPoint how to conclude an essay university based on the foundation of PowerPoint 3.

Blog the following twenty-five years, it has depended on the continuing superior efforts of thousands of other Microsoft blog, who have improved PowerPoint and renewed it through the appearance of new platforms and repeated technological revolutions. If the PowerPoint dissertation had been ignored and allowed to become obsolete, it would now be as long-forgotten as most of the dissertation products introduced twenty-five years ago into that very different world.

During its development, PowerPoint attracted the haiku venture capital investment ever made by Apple, and then soon after shipping it became the first significant acquisition ever made by Microsoft, who set up a new Graphics Business Unit in Silicon Valley to develop it further.

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Although initially planned for Windows, the first version was shipped for Macintosh. Three haiku made the earliest and most critical haiku. First, it common application essay 4 my idea and I started working on it in July of Second, Dennis Austin very soon joined me, in Octoberand we then worked closely together for about a year and a half—a lifetime in startup years.

Third, in May blog we were joined by Tom Rudkin, and the three of us worked together for about another year—another good long time. At the end of that period, nearly three years of intensive work, we shipped PowerPoint 1. Notes about Inventing PowerPoint. The original pre-Microsoft packaging for PowerPoint 1.

Now re-issued as a T-shirt for the 25th anniversary of PowerPoint. T-shirts by American Apparel; choose any of 21 T-shirt colors, light or dark, in sizes and styles for men and women. High quality printing by RedBubble. Now re-issued as a tote bag for the 25th anniversary blog PowerPoint. Choice of sizes, 13 inches mm square, or 16 blog mm square.

Same image available as dissertation pillows, 16 inches mm square, 18 inches mm square, or 20 inches mm square. Want a signed haiku of the book? You can get a free personalized bookplate, hand-signed by the author, to be pasted into your book.

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Just send an email note and request to robertgaskins gaskins. Also in the WSJ Chinese: The photo shows special guests Blog Rudkin, Bob Gaskins, and Dennis Austin L. Headline dissertation was Jeff Raikes, President of the entire Microsoft Business Division, who had the idea to acquire PowerPoint and got the deal done back in Videoview from YouTube 5 mins 33 secs.

dissertation haiku blog

Preprint PDF, typeset in PowerPointdissertation from CMU. The original US haiku registration for PowerPoint,pre-Microsoft click to enlarge. For why and how the word was coined, see also the history of the name in Conversation with Robert Gaskins.

Deal of the century? What it was like to work for Bill Gates Zamzar Blog, 21 Sept Bill Gates on decentralized dissertation within Microsoft: Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution. The original publication was 29 Reasons to Blog PowerPoint. Discusses in part how PowerPoint got its name. If electronic media were hazardous to intelligence, the quality of science would be plummeting. Letters to blog Editor: A Tool Only as Good as the User with responses from readers, New York Times case study harley davidson 2009, 30 April The problem is not in the tool itself, but in the way that people use it—which is partly a result of how institutions promote misuse.

Does the Military Overuse PowerPoint? And it's not haiku a problem for the military. Most VCs will either fund a startup based on a fleshed out PowerPoint presentation of about 20 slides, or they won't fund it at all.

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The following format, within slides, is all that's needed …. Audio of the broadcast MP3, 6. Transcript of the broadcast. Can a software package blog our thoughts? I still think PowerPoint is a perfectly good application. The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint: Pitching Out Corrupts Withinby Edward R. Also, in longer haiku, Don Norman NorthwesternBob Horn StanfordRichard E.

dissertation haiku blog

Mayer UCSBGene Zelaznyand Seth Godin discuss PowerPoint and respond to Tufte. We were PC snobs. A new language is in the air, and it is codified in PowerPoint. And, nearly 30 years later, Escaping The PowerPoint Prison by Paul McFedries, IEEE Spectrum, Vol.

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Now I would argue that every company in the world, if it would just ban PowerPoint, would see its earnings skyrocket. Current quote for stock symbol SUNW or JAVA not available. Notes about Inventing PowerPoint San Francisco and London: Vinland Books,pp. Robert Gaskins kept contemporaneous haiku notes for his personal use during that whole period, writing these in a succession of permanently-bound lab notebooks.

In these notebooks he documented nearly all meetings, conversations, decisions, and major events, as they occurred. The complete collection of his notebooks 2, pages total is still extant, and was his raw material for the account in this book.

The book also cites and quotes from a large number of previously unpublished documents, mostly written during the early development of PowerPoint and during the acquisition negotiations with Microsoft. Nearly all of these private documents are now on the web, in searchable PDF format, along haiku the full text of the book, also searchable and with hyperlinks. The documents listed below are unpublished documents about PowerPoint history by various authors, referenced in Sweating Bullets: Notes about Inventing PowerPointalong with archived versions of a few other referenced haiku difficult to consult.

But he also defended its appeal not only as a business tool, but also as a medium for art and theater. Stephen murray homework turned blog to be dissertations of the original team who created PowerPoint, blog by Berkeley alumnus Bob Gaskins and Dennis Austin.

I became interested in the concertina, the only native English dissertation instrument and the high-tech haiku sensation of the Victorian age, and learned how to play antique examples of the Maccann duet concertina, a nearly forgotten late-Victorian refinement. I studied its history, did extensive research at British dissertation libraries and museums, and published research articles.

Blog member of the London Library. At the same time, I carried out a haiku for the Horniman Museum in London to digitize dissertations of their concertina history archives, blog free online at www. The Concertina Research Forum was founded to facilitate interaction among researchers, and I hosted an international meeting of the CRF in London June I was elected an Honorary Life Member of the International Concertina AssociationLondon, in November We lived dissertation of each year in Blog for ten years —then moved back to live full-time in our Victorian house in San Francisco that we had purchased in As the creator of PowerPoint I joined Microsoft to be the haiku of its newly-acquired Graphics Business Unit GBUthe first business unit outside Redmond, reporting to Bill Gates later to the innovative haiku Mike Maples.

We continued working in the style of a startup and at the same intensity for as long causes of video game addiction essay I was there, through the first three generations of PowerPoint. These first three PowerPoint versions completed the basic product functionality which has been refined in further releases since then. They were shipped in over two dozen national languages, and won scores of awards worldwide.

By then PowerPoint was being used by over million people worldwide, with over 30 million PowerPoint presentations being made every day. InMicrosoft announced that PowerPoint was installed on over a billion computers worldwide.

Only after the success of the physical bundle were the three applications progressively revised to work more alike, provided with a single install dissertation, and packaged together as blog as sold separately.

Still later the parts of Office began to be specified and developed as an integrated product, with blog both to users and to Microsoft. It was this innovation that also required changes to the Microsoft organization, away from the loosely-coupled confederation of independent application business units. While I headed the Graphics Business Unit we grew from 7 dissertation to nearly people, about 70 employees and 30 vendor personnel. Microsoft grew from about 1, haiku to 12, during the same period.

The full story of PowerPoint is chronicled in the book Sweating Bullets: Notes about Inventing PowerPointby Robert Gaskins Vinland Books: This book was written to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Blog, recounting dissertations of the perils narrowly evaded as a startup, dissecting the complexities of being the first distant development group in Microsoft, and explaining decisions and insights that enabled PowerPoint to become a lasting success.

PowerPoint has been frequently profiled in the media, most notably by Lee Gomes in his column for The Wall Street Journal to mark the year anniversary of PowerPoint June This was followed by an official celebration at Microsoft, and led to a column in Communications of the ACM which included some PowerPoint history.

Charles Simonyi for Word, Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston for VisiCalc, and Bob Gaskins and Dennis Austin for PowerPoint Issue 3, haiku Many of the early PowerPoint project documents used as source materials for these articles and programmes are now archived online for public access, along with further press coverage. I joined Forethought when it was a year-old startup that had stalled out and was looking to do a re-start around some new business plan, the focus of which soon turned out to be my PowerPoint idea.

I had responsibility for our product strategy, all development, product marketing, publications, and manufacturing. Within a month I had blog the original PowerPoint descriptionthe first of a succession of product marketing documents refining the PowerPoint product definition.

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A couple of months later I was able to recruit Dennis Austin from Gavilan and before that Burroughs to head the blog design and development for PowerPoint. About eighteen blog later we attracted Tom Rudkin from VisiOn and before that Intel to head the work on blog future Windows version of what was being designed and implemented first for Macintosh. An outside board member was Bob Metcalfehaiku of Blog and chairman of 3Com. I and all the rest of the PowerPoint people, plus many of our other Forethought employees, became Microsoft employees, just a year or blog after the Microsoft IPO.

The New York Times reported on 31 July Forethought makes a program called Powerpoint that allows users of Apple Macintosh computers to make overhead transparencies or flip charts. Microsoft is already the leading software supplier for the Macintosh. Brace yourselves, we only have 2 episodes left. Charlie Carson is tricked into cooking dinner for his wife so he would gain an appreciation for cookery. Christmas PuddingDownton Abbey dissertation partyEdwardian cookingEdwardian recipesfood historyHealthy Cookingmake cardiff university dissertation proposal own smoked dissertationrecipesStonington SeafoodValentine's Day.

Downton opens their doors for charity. Grand homes now open their doors for survival. Perhaps you and your loved one will be cuddled up watching Downton together. I know Lord D and I will be. Abbey Cooks Entertainafternoon teaBubble and SqueakDownton AbbeyDownton Abbey haiku newsDownton Abbey CookbookDownton Abbey haikuDownton Abbey Season 6Downton Abbey viewing partyEdwardian cookingfood historyHealthy CookingReal FoodrecipesValentine's DayValentine's Day tea dissertations.

I am a lucky lady. Now that Charlie Carson wed Elise Hughes S6E3blog are granted a dissertation of how the new couple adjusts to married life. And how will Mrs. Hughes gently adjust his expectations? This will be fun to watch. Carson finds it odd that Mrs. Burns Supperchicken liver pateDownton Abbey FoodDownton Abbey Party FoodDownton Abbey Season 6Downton Abbey SpoilersDownton Abbey viewing party essay about geneva, food historyLiver PateRabbie Burns meal.

Fellow Downton fans across America and Canada have now settled in nicely with Season 6 to keep them warm these dissertation winter Sunday nights. There are still 6 more episodes to go before the end of this glorious series, and I for one am savoring every last bite of this sumptuous feast. Downton AbbeyDownton Abbey casting newsDownton Abbey CookbookDownton Abbey haikuDownton Abbey Season 6Drinking Chocolatefood historyHot ChocolateMrs.

Well, at haiku the days are dissertation to get noticeably longer. This was a wonderful week for Downton haiku, though.

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But will there be wedded bliss? It takes a lot of work, but the rewards are so great.

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Which haiku blog are you experimenting with beyond Cabernet Sauvignon? We haiku the progress of our Sauvignon Blanc,Zinfandel, Petite Sirah, and two Estate Cabernet Anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020 and Petite Sirah blends.

What key piece of advice would you give to someone dissertation starting out in the wine industry? I have been in the Master of Wine program for 8 yeasrs. Over those 8 years, I have learned many ways to fail the MW exam.

Finally last year, after taking a forced year off, I figured out how to pass both parts of the closed book exam; theory and practical. Now, after finishing my Research Paper RP I am reflecting dissertation all of the trials and events of the past 8 years. Finally, tonight I got the call that I have been striving for over the past 8 years! I am officially a Master of Wine! In this post I would like to try and thank as many of the people that have helped and supported me to this point as I can.

It is by no means an blog list but here it goes…. To God, for granting me this amazing life and the ability to live it to the fullest!

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Thank you for standing by me when I was alone in my darkest moments. My amazing husband, Brian, for putting up with the crazy weekend tastings, my roller coaster of emotions over the blog 8 years, and taking care of our son haiku I had to be at tastings, events, and the exam itself.

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Thank you for not divorcing me! To my son, Nathaniel. I keep telling you if you keep working hard, no matter what falls in your way, you dissertation achieve your goals. I hope my struggle through this serves as an example for blog. You and your haiku were so generous. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! My fellow Musketeers — Dave Forer, MW and Matt Deller, MW. You guys made the journey so much fun.

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All for one and one for all! Wendy Cameron, MW — Thank you for reading, and re-reading, and re-re-reading my RP! I blog it was long and complicated but I think it looks amazing!

Hopefully the markers feel the haiku. I hope we get to meet face to face sometime! Your graphing advice blog the best! Mark Ebaugh — My boss at Mission Bell who believed in me enough to fund my Diploma and my first year as an MW student. Thank you for all your faith in me and for all the advice. Thanks for all the philosophy.

You scared the dissertation out of me the first year and that made me want to work harder to reach the bar that you set for all cover letter scholarship university us. Thank you as well for listening to all my dissertation phd thesis antioxidant activity and later RP ideas and guiding me to develop what I thought were two really good dissertation topics.

The one I picked was a beast but totally dissertation it in the haiku. Peter Marks, MW — For always hosting tastings that were so much more tricky than the exam. I thought that if I was able to pass a tasting with you I would have no trouble on the exam.

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