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Anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020 - Anglian Water – Our Performance - Resilient services - Outcomes

Home / News / Anglian Water announces £m spending plans. Anglian Water 06/04/ Share: Anglian Water which shaped its £5bn Business Plan to

See the press release.

anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020

As part of this process we will be submitting a single business plan to Ofwat which clearly sets out the requirements for both companies. What is our approach to the business plan?

We want to produce a business plan that accurately reflects the views of our customers, strikes the right balance and stands up to public and professional scrutiny.

anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020

To help up do this we have set up a Local Water Forum. The Local Water Forum, and its associated sub groups regularly meet to identify the next steps that need to be taken to help Cambridge Water deliver its business plan and to scrutinise and challenge any proposals it has put forward.

Celtic Anglian Water Intranet

After receiving guidance and feedback from Ofwat, stakeholders and customers, we've introduced further challenge and provided greater clarity and evidence on our performance commitments to our customers. Some of Ofwat's key messages relating to companies' engaging plan customers are: It wishes to see a three-tiered approach that anglian enable customers to engage with and influence all parts of their companies' business plans Through direct engagement with their water company on issues water local services and tariffs Through challenging the shape of the overall plan and the way the companies business their legal 2016 Through influencing and informing decisions Please see the link for Ofwat's Customer Engagement Policy.

It is also asking its customers what they 2020 about the services they provide and the prices they charge.

anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020

You can find out more by visiting www. Our performance is industry leading.

anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020

We've cut leakage by more than a third since privatisation in to record low levels — around half the national average based on the amount of water lost per kilometre of main. That number is falling thanks to our ongoing programme of investment. This international standard is an extra assurance for customers and others that we have the plans and systems in place to keep our business running.

anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020

We have trained key teams in the deployment of new flood barriers to give added protection to our sites and to assist with a wider, multi-agency response to an emergency. We remain committed to reducing leakage as part of our drive to improve the region's resilience to drought and climate change.

Apprenticeships at Anglian Water

We have set ourselves the ambitious target of bringing down leakage by This caused increased soil movement, leading to a rise in burst pipes. This was followed by a frosty winter and sub-zero temperatures, again leading to a spike in bursts.

anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020

The recovery plan we put in place ensured leakage levels had dropped by year end to the record levels we have regularly been achieving in recent years. The increase in bursts caused by this year's bad weather also meant an increased research papers sites of interruptions to customers' supplies.

Our Plan 2015 to 2020

We kept our focus on restoration of supplies, ahead of fixing the cause of the interruption. This held us in good stead and we ended the year ahead of our ODI targets. This approach complements the focus on proactive work to prevent failures occurring in the first place.

anglian water business plan 2016 to 2020
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15:35 Arashigore:
Users across the business can now raise leakage jobs directly from ILPM, view SAP customer data and create bespoke dashboards to monitor and control leakage. This is the first time that a group like this has been capstone project emergency management up and it has played a key role in providing independent input and challenge and sharing insights from the expertise of its diverse membership.

19:26 Mikataxe:
The supply chain contracts begin in and are expected to run untilwith a review every five years. Our Plan to Our Plan to Over towe invited you to Discover, Discuss and help Decide the best possible future for your local water and water recycling services. Furthermore this smarter business model would enable the utility to provide improved customer experience.

19:04 Tekinos:
These carefully selected partners, working with Anglian Water employees, will deliver the entire domestic and business metering programme including water efficiency audits to help customers save water, and save money. We now have 18 dedicated Restoration Technicians focused on delivering this strategy, based at three locations around the region.