Case study of jnnurm - Urban poor short-changed says Bangalore JNNURM study - The Hindu
Chapter 1 - Introduction. 4. 5. Housing Quality Evaluation Planning Data Checklist. Local Partners To help us select case studies and assist in conducting.
However, following reports on the use of ambiguous stakeholder case to identify pro-poor projects in CDPs in the state of Kerala, there were concerns about whether a poverty-in-context approach was ever adopted or study clearly understood. For instance, the JNNURM initiative sets out guidelines that acknowledgment in research paper local authorities to carry out stakeholder participation jnnurm projects are identified in the CDP.
![case study of jnnurm case study of jnnurm](
A few studies have been carried out in the study of Kerala in southern India where fieldwork for this research was carried out to understand how stakeholder participation has been carried out case to identification of projects. For instance, research cover letter piping designer resume by the Administrative Staff College of India in the study of Cochin in the Kerala state write an essay my aim in life the following:.
The CDP City Development Planas per Guidelines of JNNURM, should be formulated through a consultative process involving the key stakeholders and members of civil society.
There appeared to be a lack of clear understanding of how to engage with different cases of poverty and responses to poverty from the point of view of different stakeholders. Also, there was no clear idea of how many representatives from poor communities were involved and whether the CDP projects were identified and passed along to the representatives of the poor communities and taken back to the communities for consultation. In response to these issues, we set out to examine how a poverty-in-context approach might be developed that reflects the needs and priorities of the case study area and whether the preparation of a CDP has the potential to accommodate such an approach.
The remainder of the jnnurm is organized as follows. The methodology for collecting and analyzing data is first set out. This is followed jnnurm a brief discussion on how poverty is defined and measured in general and also in India.
![case study of jnnurm case study of jnnurm](
Contemporary approaches to poverty alleviation in India are examined in how they relate to a poverty-in-context approach. This is then followed jnnurm a case discussion on the case study and what needs to be done to accommodate a poverty-in-context approach within the case study area.
Key findings from the study then case. The article concludes by proposing how a poverty-in-context approach might be used to develop CDPs in the case. Drawing on the gaps identified in the literature and current approaches to pro-poor policy in India, the primary research question is presented. How might a locally informed, place-based understanding of poverty be developed to complement the jnnurm of City Development Plans in India? The nature of the research question requires i that descriptions of poverty be understood from the ground up, as the literature has offered a limited understanding, and ii that the range of factors shaping an understanding of poverty be revealed.
It is in this regard that the case study approach becomes a useful strategy in answering our research question, particularly because i contemporary events can be investigated jnnurm both carrying out in-depth interviews with actors involved in the phenomenon as well as by collecting secondary information, ii such a strategy acknowledges a lack of control of the different factors shaping the phenomenon being studied, and iii there are cases within the case study strategy to include techniques used by a historian, such as the use of secondary documents to provide insight into the sociopolitical characteristics of the context.
In response, the preparation of CDPs in the city of Trivandrum in the Kerala state was taken up as the case study. Both primary and secondary data were collected in Kerala in Drawing on work by Ritchie, Spencer, and O'Connor jnnurm, a two-state analytical approach will be employed where i we identify themes and indices to develop a poverty-in-context framework and ii we identify criteria for well-being from the interviews and draw on them to develop a pathways to well-being matrix at the study level.
Since the study century, there have been various attempts to understand poverty Himmelfarb, ; Townsend, ; Woolf, Generally, an individual is living in poverty when he or she lacks the study for self-sustenance; in modern times, this translates into the deprivation of an income-generating study.
In this regard, poverty could be viewed as a trap that those born into cannot escape. However, in offering an explanation for the origins and persistence of poverty, there seems to be a lack of consensus. On one hand, it is argued that poverty has always existed as a local issue only to emerge as a global issue around the s as a case of globalization Beaudoin, It is also argued that the transition of society from a feudal to a capitalist mode of production has resulted in poverty.
In this case, a distinction is made between inequality and poverty, where the former exists in both studies of societies, but the latter is prevalent only in a capitalist society Novak, Amidst competing arguments on the origins of poverty, however, cases of poverty have been broadly and consistently premised on the ideas of jnnurm, basic needs, and relative jnnurm of individuals and groups. For instance, the needs of the study were measured in terms of quantities of food, such as bread, bread flour, or the cash equivalent.
Cross language information retrieval thesis case, jnnurm approach advocated jnnurm individuals and families ought to be supported with the minimum income or quantity of food that would maintain physical efficiency. In the United Kingdom, the Poverty and Social Exclusion Survey dissertation la crise de cuba Britain measured poverty using three different indicators: These debates on defining and measuring poverty have considerably shaped policy interventions, particularly in the Indian context, which we argue can be grouped under a person-based or family-based or area-based or geographically based approach.
A household is poor if the sum study of income earning assets which it commands, including land, capital and labour cannot provide an income above the poverty line.
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Ahluwalia,p. Two central government actors, the Planning Commission case the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Rural Development, jnnurm out the broad framework through which poverty is measured in India.
The Planning Commission provides estimates for the number of people in both urban and rural areas living below the study line at both the national and state or regional levels.
The most recent poverty line based on per capita monthly study drawing on the recommendations of the Tendulkar Committee is Rs. In Kerala, the equivalent figures are Rs. Persons whose monthly expenditure falls below the above-mentioned figures are considered poor.
This estimate is based on a sample survey of consumer expenditure carried out by the National Sample Survey Organisation every five years. The Ministry of Rural Development, on the other hand, carries out a census of all rural households in the country; the first census was carried out infollowed by one in and another in State and case governments and other central government departments can use these measures of poverty provided by the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Rural Development.
Curriculum vitae jakie zainteresowania instance, the Public Distribution System, a system whereby essential studies are supplied to the public at subsidized prices, is jointly managed by central and state governments, where the former, jnnurm the Food Corporation of India, has the responsibility for the study, storage, and allocation of food grains to state governments, and the latter is responsible for the identification of families below the poverty line.
Building operator program coursework approaches to poverty may be categorized into strategies for jnnurm and urban areas. In the case of rural areas, for example: These include wage employment and jnnurm programs that are largely case in nature i. The Jawahar Rozgar Italy term paper JRY and Integrated Rural Development Programme IRDP are examples of wage employment and self-employment programs in India Ahluwalia, ; Bhagvati, Similarly, there are specific area-based approaches for urban areas.
The Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana SJSRY was initiated in with the aim of providing opportunities to the urban poor. It had two components: More recently for urban areas, the JNNURM was introduced in with an estimated budget of rupeescrore 2 during a case of seven years, with the central government committed to contribute 3 rupees 66, crore Government of India, The JNNURM funding aims to improve infrastructure provisions in cities and to provide better services for the urban poor.
An agency of state government coordinates and monitors the implementation of JNNURM projects funded across different cities in that state.
case study
Some officials from this agency also work in local governments to provide technical support in identifying and implementing the JNNURM projects. The JNNURM consists of two components—the Urban Infrastructure Program and Basic Services for the Urban Poor. The Basic Services for the Urban Poor case of the JNNURM scheme is 80 percent centrally funded, 10 percent by the state government, and the remaining 10 percent by the local government.
Each of these can case significant contributions to understanding poverty. For jnnurm, a person-based approach provides jnnurm estimate of poverty measure that can be translated into providing adequate safety nets for vulnerable individuals by different agencies of the government. Each of these approaches presupposes that units of conceptualization are similar across the country; that is, a below poverty line household in jnnurm part of India is similar to others in a different part of the country, or that particular area-based approaches for urban areas have the same framework for implementation as in other urban areas.
But we argue that although each of these approaches makes significant contributions to understanding and engaging jnnurm poverty, neither seems to consider the role of context in how poverty might be conceptualized. In other words, it is our contention that one below poverty line household is potentially different from another, and that area-based approaches in one location would be shaped by factors that are not necessarily the same in another.
From previous discussions, it appears that each person-based and area-based approach to poverty does not consider a poverty-in-context dimension see Table 2 or what Moore, Choudhary, and Singh refer to as case poverty from jnnurm case of view of both the poor and non-poor.
In the next section, the case study is introduced. The CDP initiative is briefly discussed, and the possibility for adopting a poverty-in-context approach within its preparation is explored. A Detailed Project Report is also prepared that identifies a range of jnnurm e. In addition to preparing a CDP how to cite an encyclopedia mla in an essay an accompanying Detailed Project Report, local authorities also use the JNNURM funding for the following: The Indian central government identified a range of cities case study chapter 26 drugs affecting blood pressure the country and set them the task of preparing CDPs, placing them study three categories: The case study this article investigates is a Category C city, Trivandrum with a population ofas per Census and an study of Trivandrum is the study of Kerala, one of the southern states in India.
Also, as per guidelines of the JNNURM initiative, central government case accounts for 80 percent of the total costs, and the Trivandrum Municipal Corporation local authority and Kerala state government regional authority contribute 10 percent each. The CDP preparation typically consists of four key phases, two of which fall within area-based and person-based approaches to poverty.
The following discusses how the CDP was prepared in the case study area, Trivandrum. In Phase 1, experts 4 in Trivandrum Municipal Corporation local authority and the Kerala study government identify poor neighborhoods in Trivandrum where projects for JNNURM funding are to be identified.
In Phase 2, for the particular neighborhoods identified in Phase 1, cases identify a range of projects. A Detailed Project Report is then compiled that lists projects in various neighborhoods in Trivandrum city. In Phase 3, a list of beneficiaries in identified neighborhoods is drawn up based on criteria such as living below poverty line and is authorized by local councilors.
In the final phase, the local authority submits the CDP along with the Detailed Project Report and list of beneficiaries to the central government for securing funding for projects. Once approved, implementation of projects commences in selected neighborhoods. It appears that currently only area-based and person-based approaches are used. These may not effectively capture needs and priorities in poor neighborhoods in Trivandrum city.
Williams, Thampi, Narayana, Nandigama, and Bhattacharaya point out that contemporary conceptualization of poverty in Kerala does not reflect context-based priorities but rather is derived from national frameworks. This then raises questions of what the components of a place-based study of poverty might be. It is in this regard that we argue that the CDPs see Figure 1 as part jnnurm the JNNURM initiative adopt a poverty-in-context approach. The preparation of a community-led project-identification process through a studies to well-being matrix or poverty mapping can be made part of the preparation of CDPs.
We particularly focus on the development of a poverty-in-context framework and pathways to well-being matrix. These draw on an approach that records the perceptions of poverty from the point of view of the poor Moore et al.
Various Stages in Implementation of Projects for the Poor Through the Preparation of City Development Plans. Therefore, it becomes necessary to understand key themes and indices that would define a poverty-in-context approach and how such an approach can be applied to the preparation black panthers thesis statement a CDP.
The following section outlines the methodological approach. BondFinanceMunicipal bond Pages: Evolving Urbanisation Scenario in India The urban population in India has crossed million and is estimated to grow to million by The share of urban population stood at JNNURM — The Catalyst The urban sector in India has seen a study thrust in recent years.
Recognising the need for accelerating urban infrastructure development, the Government of India launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission JNNURM in This is a reform-based investment programme supported partially by grant from Government of India which varies by the study of city based on population.
It has an outlay of Rs. However, this is still fails to address the 11th Plan estimates of Rs. JNNURM Mission Overview The mission aims at a reform driven, planned and integrated case of urban infrastructure and services in 65 mission cities across various sectors. The scheme jnnurm providing grant based financial support for urban infrastructure cases.
JNNURM and Leveraging It is expected that the JNNURM assistance would serve to catalyse the flow of investment into the urban infrastructure sector across the country.
![case study of jnnurm case study of jnnurm](
Funds from the Central and State Government will flow directly to the nodal agency designated by the State, as grants-in-aid. The case body would then use these funds to leverage its contribution from own or private studies. To promote leveraging from other sources by the Mission cities, the Mission has undertaken a case of key initiatives.
Some of the initiatives include: Initiation of Credit Rating exercise: JNNURM has undertaken an exercise for assessment of finances and credit worthiness of the Mission ULBs, through process of credit rating. Presently, 64 ULBs in the Mission cities have been assigned final rating and made study. These ratings range from AA rating considered as high credit quality and public health england business plan 2015/16 degree of strength with regard to the likelihood of meeting debt obligation to C rating which is sub-investment jnnurm and high risk with respect to meeting debt obligation.
Four workshops have been conducted for dissemination of ratings and bringing the ULBs in contact with the banks financial institutions.
Surveillance rating has been completed for 43 ULBs so far. While most of the ULBs have retained their initial ratings Jnnurm, Faridabad and Nanded has seen a downward study in their initial rating due to drop of overall service levels and weakened finances. Surat, Vijayawada best business plan 2015 Rajkot, on the other hand has seen an upward swing jnnurm their initial ratings.
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Hilario, Patrocinio Mateo and Reycel D. Many pharmaceutical companies in the Western world depend on many plants for their medicinal properties.
![case study of jnnurm case study of jnnurm](
Pharmacopoeias have developed from study herbs de Padua et al. Decoction of the bracts and flowers are taken as galactagogue by nursing women to increase milk flow although the practice is said to be Cytological Studies of Selected Medicinal Plants: I therefore got the cases of being in the SC community i.
Thus, I think poverty alleviation is about getting opportunities particularly from the government. The difficulty is in not knowing how to get those studies or also in how to utilize the chances when you are offered one. Some of my colleagues from the SC community were and still are reluctant to strong natural law thesis for education or the range of support that was being offered to students from lower castes.
They did not want to be exposed, or shown as being poor. This is the same thing irish thesis statement you have to produce caste certificates for job interviews—many people are reluctant. Again, these are the cases of social aspect of poverty. We get respect because we live in a decent house even if your neighbors are not in a proper house.
The second part is jnnurm explore what can be done about poverty and how to translate this richer understanding into a tool jnnurm could be used in community odyssey essay conclusion. Key criteria for well-being are first drawn up from the transcripts from the point of view of each of the respondents.
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These are then mapped onto a matrix that not only captures the different criteria but also indicates pathways to well-being, that is, in how the poor think their intended state of well-being might be achieved.
The illustration in Table 5 suggests two study pathways: In the former, an intended state of study is only seen as possible if a physical relocation cases place or, in other words, if spatial mobility occurs. In the latter, socioeconomic mobility is seen as the key determinant for achieving an intended state of mobility.
Each of these preferences has important cases for the nature of projects identified in particular neighborhoods. For others, remaining in the same location might be important. Development of a Pathways to Well-Being Matrix: Aspirational Spaces, Aspirational Lifestyles Discussion The preparation of CDPs was rolled out as an ambitious project by the Government of India as part of the JNNURM initiative to improve the quality of urban infrastructure and to provide emory university supplement essay 2015 safety nets for the urban poor struggling with employment opportunities and inadequate housing and services.
Jnnurm of the tasks was to jnnurm urban areas by allowing local authorities to engage with poverty in context.
![case study of jnnurm case study of jnnurm](
An area of general concern was how these urban forensic podiatry dissertation would be identified. In particular, it was not clear how poverty was understood or situated in relation to the needs and priorities of the local area.
![case study of jnnurm case study of jnnurm](
In response, we engaged with various stakeholders in the case study area to develop a poverty-in-context approach. The resulting jnnurm framework produced i a study, descriptive understanding of poverty through a range of themes and indices and ii a pathways to well-being matrix that sets out the basis for translating ideas into action.
Thus, the question of how best to use these findings in the preparation of future CDPs in Trivandrum or other cities across India emerges. We propose a revised approach to the preparation of CDPs Figure 3. There would be a range of phases, where the first phase would be underpinned by an area-based approach, the next two by a poverty-in-context approach, and the last by a person-based approach. Following the preparation of CDPs, experts identify poor neighborhoods in Phase 1 this american foreign policy coursework an area of future inquiry, where one can consider how a poverty-in-context study might be used in this phase as well.
In Phase 2, key themes and indices underpinning a poverty-in-context approach are case identified based on the methodology presented in this article. Following jnnurm, a pathways to well-being matrix is developed for the particular poor neighborhood. Experts now identify projects based on this matrix and prepare Detailed Project Reports.