11.02.2010 Public by Akikree

Curriculum vitae jakie zainteresowania - Elementy życiorysu – cz. 9 – Zainteresowania | Praca Dla Absolwenta

Sep 16,  · CV, jak napisać CV, Więc nie należy wpisywać np. spadochroniarstwa jako swojego zainteresowania, jakie mi się nasunęły podczas rekrutacji.

Prawo na co dzień. : Kariera. CV - porady praktyczne

CV - zainteresowania i hobby What's your hobby? Jakie jest twoje hobby? What are you interested in? What are your hobbies? Tell me something about your hobbies? Tell me about your hobbies and interests?

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Opowiedz mi o swoim hobby i zainteresowaniach? What is your favorite thing to do? And why do you like it?

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I dlaczego je lubisz? How much time do you spend on it? Do you have a hobby that you are passionate about? Do you have a hobby that you think you might want to turn into a career?

Czy i jak pisać o zainteresowaniach w CV?

What is you favorite thing to do or what is something that you are good at? What do you do on your free time? Co robisz w wolnym czasie? What are your favorite things to do with your free time?

Everyone has a hobby.

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Some are common and some are strange. Let me hear yours!

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Are you good at anything? Answers My hobby is collecting stamps.

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My hobbies are gardening, reading and travel. My two favorite hobbies are drawing and palying computer games.

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Moje dwa ulubione hobby to rysowanie i granie w gry komputerowe. My other hobbies include: Moje inne hobby to: One of my hobbies is writing letters to my friends.

CV w HD: 95% CV jest do wyrzucenia

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No notes for slide. Czasem nawet w wypadku pracy woluntarystycznej wymaganejest okazanie CV. Istnieje wiele strategii poszukiwania pracy.

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