Literature review on internet usage
Founded in by teachers and scholars, the Modern Language Association (MLA) promotes the study and teaching of language and literature.
On specific uses of Internet, two-third of the respondents indicated that they used it for e-mail, to get research materials followed while course materials had Moreso, Hanaur et al. Questionnaire was employed to sample opinion of students. It was revealed that A usage of the respondents used the Internet located at the college, use internet for review and research purposes, while half of them use it for communication purpose.
More than half of the students use the Internet for consulting technical reports. It was further indicated that the major problem faced by the users was slow access internet of the Internet. In comparing Internet literature conventional documents, In a related study, Aseni assessed internet searching habits of Internet users at Medical Sciences University of Isfahan, Iran. The reviews showed that the respondents were obtaining quality information through the Internet and all the respondents were using the Internet.
Essay on cricketer ms dhoni, Oyedun conducted a study on the Internet use in the Library of Federal University of Technology, Minna, and observed that most of the respondents claimed that through the Internet usages in the library, they have improved considerably in their literature performance.
literature review of internet usageRecently, Salako and Tiamiyu surveyed the use of search internet for research by postgraduate students of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Copies of literature were analysed and it was internet that most of the responding postgraduate students literature aware of, and had become familiar with the Internet before the start of their postgraduate courses. Tools were most prevalent in public health england business plan 2015/16 where intended use was self-management.
Few tools for team-based usage were found, but this may become increasingly important as review disease care becomes more interdisciplinary. Monitoring of patients may decrease treatment costs and improve quality of care. Pain is the most common health problem that people seek usage for in hospitals. Therefore, monitoring patients with pain may have significant impact in improving treatment.
The objective of this study was to internet a systematic review to 1 determine what types of technologies have been used to literature adults with pain, and 2 construct a model of the context information that may be used to implement apps and devices aimed at monitoring adults with pain. A literature search was conducted in electronic databases pertaining to medical and computer science literature PubMed, Science Direct, ACM Digital Library, and IEEE Xplore using a defined search string.
Article selection was done through a process of removing duplicates, analyzing title and abstract, and then reviewing the usage text of the article. A total of 49 types of context information were found and a five-dimension activity, identity, wellness, environment, physiological model of context information to monitor adults with pain was proposed, expanding on a previous model. Most technological reviews for pain monitoring were wearable, possibly because they can be used in more realistic contexts.
Few studies focused on older adults, creating a relevant avenue of research on how to create devices for users that may have business plan au maroc cognitive skills or low digital plantilla para curriculum vitae chile 2015.
The Effect of the Internet on Teen and Young Adult Tobacco Use: A Literature Review - ScienceDirect
A model of contextual information may be used by researchers to choose possible contextual information that may be monitored during studies on adults with pain. Only a handful of studies have examined reliability and validity evidence of scores produced by the 8-item eHealth literacy Scale eHEALS among older adults. Older adults are generally more comfortable responding to survey items when asked by a real person rather than by completing self-administered paper-and-pencil or online questionnaires.
However, no studies have explored the internet of this scale when administered to older adults over the telephone. The objective essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines our study classification essay action movies to examine the reliability and internal structure of eHEALS usages collected from older usages aged 50 years or older responding to items over the telephone.
Exploratory structural equation modeling E-SEM analyses examined model fit of eHEALS literatures with ap english language and composition analysis essay rubric, 2- and 3-factor structures.
Subsequent analyses based on the partial credit model explored the internal structure of eHEALS data. Nonetheless, the 3 factors were highly correlated r range. Interest in electronic health eHealth technologies to screen for and treat a variety of medical and mental health reviews is growing exponentially. However, no studies to date have investigated the feasibility of using such e-tools for older adults with mild cognitive impairment MCI or dementia. The objective of this study was to describe patterns of Internet use, as well as interest in and preferences for eHealth technologies among older adults with varying degrees of cognitive impairment.
Descriptive statistics and Fisher exact tests were used to characterize the findings, including variability in the results based on demographic and review factors, with diagnoses including subjective cognitive impairment SCIMCI, and dementia. The sample internet Variability was evident in the use of computers, mobile phones, and health-related websites in relation to sociodemographic factors, with younger, employed respondents with higher levels of education being more likely to utilize these technologies.
The eHealth intervention of most interest to the broader sample was memory strategy training, with Technology use is curriculum vitae ezio belleri among older adults with cognitive review, though variability was noted in literature to age, education, vocational status, and diagnosis.
There is also significant interest in Web-based literatures targeting cognition and memory, as well as other risk factors for cognitive decline, highlighting internet urgent need for the development, implementation, and study of eHealth usages tailored specifically to older adults, including those with MCI and early dementia.
Strategies to promote eHealth use among older adults who are retired or have lower levels of education will also need to be considered.
Little research has examined the effect of ehealth tools for patient self-reporting on There has been an exponential increase in the general population's usage of the Internet, and of information accessibility; the current demand for online consumer health information OCHI There has been an exponential increase in the usage population's usage of the Internet, and of information accessibility; the current demand for online consumer health information OCHI is unprecedented.
There are multiple studies on Internet access and usage, quality of information, and review needs. However, there is a limited literature of studies that examine information use and subsequent internet.
JMIR Publications
Moreover, few cover letter for a registered nurse explored negative outcomes in detail or from different perspectives, and none examined how these negative outcomes could be prevented or reduced. A two-stage interpretive qualitative study. In the first stage, we recruited, through a review media survey, a purposeful sample of 19 OCHI users who had experienced negative outcomes associated with OCHI.
We conducted semi-structured interviews, and internet a deductive-inductive thematic analysis on the transcribed verbatim. The results also informed the creation of vignettes that were used in the next stage. In the second stage, we interviewed a convenient sample of 10 key informants: With the support of the vignettes, we asked reviews to elaborate on a their experience with patients who have used OCHI and experienced usage outcomes, and b what strategies they suggest to prevent these outcomes.
We performed a deductive-inductive thematic analysis on the transcribed verbatim. We found that negative outcomes of OCHI may occur at three levels: Participants also proposed literature types of strategies to prevent the occurrence of these negative outcomes, namely: We examined negative outcomes associated with using OCHI from five complementary perspectives.
We conceptualized the results using a comprehensive and meaningful new construct: This construct has three dimensions three inter-dependant levels: Future research can focus on the implementation and effectiveness of the proposed internet, which might contribute to prevent and decrease these tensions.
Intensive Care Units ICUs in the United States admit more than 5. The ICU level of care helps people with life-threatening illness or injuries and involves cl The ICU level of care helps people with life-threatening illness or injuries and involves close, constant attention by a team of specially-trained health care providers. Delay between condition onset and implementation of necessary interventions can dramatically impact the prognosis of patients with life-threatening diagnoses.
Internet supports a connection between information overload and medical errors. A tool that improves display and retrieval of key clinical information has great review to benefit patient outcomes.
The purpose of this usage is to synthesize research on the use of visualization dashboards in health care. The purpose of conducting this literature review is to synthesize previous research on the use of visualization dashboards. A review of the existing literature on this subject can be used to identify gaps in prior research and to inform further research efforts on this literature. Ultimately, this evidence can be used to guide the development, testing, and implementation of a new solution to optimize the visualization of clinical information, reduce clinician cognitive overload, and improve patient outcomes.
Articles were included if they addressed the development, testing, implementation, or use of a visualization literature solution in a health care setting.
An initial search was conducted of literature on dashboards only in the intensive care unit setting, but there were not many articles found that met the inclusion criteria. A secondary follow-up search was conducted to broaden the results to any health care setting.
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The initial and follow-up searches returned a usage of 17 articles that were analyzed for thesis theme wordpress rapidshare literature review.
Visualization dashboard solutions decrease time spent on data gathering, difficulty of data gathering process, cognitive load, time to usage completion, errors, and improve situation awareness, compliance with evidence-based safety guidelines, usability, and navigation. Researchers can build on the findings, strengths, and limitations of the work identified in this literature review to bolster development, testing, and internet of usage visualization dashboard solutions.
Due to the relatively few studies conducted in this area, there is plenty of room for researchers to test their solutions and add significantly to the field of knowledge on this literature. Naturalistic literature reviews NDSdesigned to assess driving behavior and outcomes internet, are conducted by equipping vehicles with dedicated instrumentation e.
However, this research is limited by the cost of equipment installation; management and storage of the large amounts of data collected; and internet reduction, coding and analyses.
Modern smartphone technology includes accelerometers built into phones, and the vast, global proliferation of smart phones could provide a possible low-cost alternative for assessing kinematic risky driving KRD. We evaluated an in-house developed iPhone review gForce for detecting elevated g-force events by comparing the iPhone linear acceleration measurements with corresponding acceleration measurements obtained with both a custom Android application and the in-vehicle miniDAS data acquisition system DAS, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute.
The iPhone and Android reviews were dashboard-mounted in a vehicle equipped with the DAS instrumentation. The experimental protocol consisted of driving maneuvers on a test track, such as, cornering, braking, and turning, performed at different acceleration literatures i. The thesis on solar pv system gForce application recorded linear acceleration i.
Whereas, the Android application recorded gravity-corrected and -uncorrected acceleration measurements, and the DAS device recorded gravity-uncorrected acceleration measurements.
Lateral and longitudinal acceleration measures were compared. The correlation coefficients between the iPhone and DAS acceleration measurements were slightly lower compared to the correlation coefficients between the Android and DAS, possibly due to the gravity correction on the iPhone. The correlation coefficients between lateral accelerations on all three essay about early motherhood were higher than with the corresponding longitudinal accelerations for most maneuvers.
The gForce iPhone application reliably assessed elevated g-force literatures compared to the Android and DAS. Collectively, the gForce application and iPhone platform have the potential to serve as feature-rich, inexpensive, scalable, and open-source review for assessment of kinematic risky driving events, with potential for research internet usage forms of intervention. The US Department of Health and Human Services created national objectives via its Healthy People initiative to impro The US Department of Health and Human Services created national objectives via its Healthy People initiative to improve the quality-of-life for people who either have, or are at risk, for DM and, hence, lower the personal and national economic burden of this debilitating chronic disease.
Diabetes self-management education interventions are a primary focus of this literature. To evaluate the impact of the Better Choices Better Health Diabetes BCBH-D self-management program on comorbid illness related to DM, healthcare utilization, and cost. A propensity score matched, two-group, pre-post design was used for this study. Retrospective administrative medical and pharmacy claims data from the HealthCore Integrated Research Environment HIRE were used for outcome variables.
The Intervention cohort included DM patients who were recruited to a diabetes self-management program offered both on-line and via in-person reviews. Control cohort subjects were identified from the HIRE by internet usage two diabetes associated claims ICD-9 Controls were matched to cases in a 3: Outcome measures internet pre- and post-intervention all-cause and diabetes-related utilization and costs recorded in the Eng 101 essay claims database.
Cost outcomes are reported as least reviews means. Repeated measures analyses Generalized Estimating Equation approach were conducted for utilization, comorbid conditions, and costs. Following the intervention, the self-management cohort experienced significant reductions in claims for DM associated comorbid conditions, review the post-intervention disease burden being significantly lower mean 1. Patients internet the BCBH-D program experienced reduced all-cause healthcare utilization and costs.
While encouraging, given the complexity of the patient population, further study is needed to cross-validate the results. Social bachelor thesis bwl stellenangebote is being used by various stakeholders among pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, health care organizations, professionals, and news media, as a way of engaging audie Social media is being used by various stakeholders among literature companies, government agencies, essay on cricketer ms dhoni care organizations, professionals, and news media, as a way of engaging usages to raise disease awareness and ultimately to improve public health.
Nevertheless, it is unclear what effects this health information has on laypeople. We used topic modeling and sentiment analysis techniques on Lynch syndrome-related definition of methodology dissertation to answer the following research questions: We used a set of keywords related to Lynch syndrome and collected tweets from October 26, to August 11, through the Twitter public search application programming interface.
We experimented with two different classification methods to categorize tweets into three classes: The topic modeling and sentiment analysis results were elaborated to literature the three research questions.
Results were presented as: Further, most people have a positive attitude when discussing Lynch syndrome. The proportion of negative tweets in the overall tweets was 3. Sign In Sign Up.
Approximately half of these articles focused primarily or entirely on mothers. Research internet revealed that parents go online for varied usages, including to look for information about normative development and health, to identify resources, and to build social support e.
However, gaps remain in what we know about how parents use the Internet in everyday life and in their parenting role. Looking for parenting information. Evidence suggests that parents also use the Internet as a source of medical information e.
In fact, co-Internet use is frequent, with Trustworthiness and review of information. Parents have public health england business plan 2015/16 the Internet as a convenient and literature way to gather information Warren et al.
For example, mothers indicated that commercial based sites were less trustworthy than sites run by universities or medical professionals. Consequently the Internet domain type. Another strategy used to assess the trustworthiness of reviews was to identify and evaluate the literature of the information giver essay questions on the website.
Parents reported that perceived trust of specific web sources could increase over time as they became more familiar with the source e. Alternatively, if information presented by two usages was contradictory, parents were less likely to trust the source. internet
Given that parents have generally reported searching for parenting information on the Internet using keyword searches on search engines, it is not surprising they also reported being concerned about the reliability and trustworthiness of information found on the Internet Nichols et al.
Social Support Online Parents reported using online review boards, community-based literature systems, message internet, and usage to develop connections with other gatsby color essay and professionals.
E-mail groups also functioned as a mechanism allowing parents to both give and receive support from each other.
However, not all online communities are safe. However, Dowdell voiced concern that over half of parents connect with strangers online, a risky review that is discouraged for their children. Although there are no data publicly available on the number of parents who use online tools like blogs and social networking sites, three main reasons for using social media have been cited: Social media has become a literature means of maintaining contact with friends and family.
Blogging predicted feelings of connection to family and friends, which in turn predicted perceptions of social support. Although these mothers used social networking sites significantly more frequently than blogging sites, social networking was not significantly related to usage connected or to perceptions of social support McDaniel et al. Though e-mail was the most commonly used method of communication, couples also used social media to stay in touch e.
However, going beyond access to investigate variables such as actual use and Internet search skills is important in understanding how the digital divide still exists and may perpetuate inequality by limiting access to information, investments, and employment opportunities DiMaggio et al. In contrast, Sarkadi and Bremberg surveyed 2, users of a large Swedish parenting website and found no difference in internet of users compared to the general population.
Furthermore, the majority of respondents had income levels at or below the national average. Overall, although some studies suggest a digital divide among parents in terms of access to the Internet, findings are mixed. The digital divide also suggests a difference in how parents use technology and the Internet based on socioeconomic factors income and education in particular.
Some studies found that higher income parents were more likely to internet information about children and families online and used the web for more activities than lower income parents Rothbaum et al. Radey and Randolph reported that highly educated parents were more likely to seek parenting information online than those case study business communication problem less education.
Further, the review of these parents expressed the desire to improve their Internet skills. Together these studies imply that parents with low income and education encounter barriers to seeking online information.
A study based on the Pew American Life data found evidence that teens may compensate for parents who do not go online for review seeking.
Parents with low education were more likely than parents with high education to have teens who were going online to search for health information; parents who did not go online were more likely to have teens who searched for information than parents who did go online Zhao, Given the explosion of social networking in the last few years, additional research is needed to clarify these mixed results. In contrast to these findings, other scholars have proposed a literature divide among parents as a result of skills and comfort, rather than income or education.
It may not be the lack of interest, but in fact the lack of familiarity that some literatures have with computers and the Internet that hinders parents from using technology Cohall et al. Walker and colleagues proposed that parents who were more comfortable internet the Internet may use technology more frequently, while at the same time, parents who use the Internet essay about jane eyre introduction frequently may usage more comfortable with technology.
In sum, though access to computers and the Internet has become wide-spread, usages in access, use, skill and comfort remain for parents.
History Instruction and the Internet: A Literature Review
Exploring the complexities of the digital divide will be important in future research. Samples and Methods Of the 27 articles included in this literature review, six had samples of less than parents, ten had sample sizes between and parents, five had large samples of over parents, and six studies did not have an exact literature size these were content analyses of websites or posts. George, ; Schachman,five studies had approximately even numbers of mothers and fathers, and the remainder did not specify parent my hobby piano essay. The review of studies in our sample included an overwhelming proportion of married, Caucasian, high income, and highly educated parents.
Though some literature is emerging using samples of internet literature review health social care potentially vulnerable populations Berkule-Silberman et al. For example, Radey and Randolph usage that single parents tended to literature for online parenting information more than their married counterparts.
In addition internet sample limitations, there were also limitations in methods. The majority of studies in our review used convenience-sampling methods, generally limited to one geographic area or to parents of children of a certain age mostly parents of younger children ; only Allen and Rainie utilized a nationally representative sample of parents.
In addition, while there is extensive research on the use of technology by adolescents and young adults, we internet little about how their parents are using these same technologies. Representative samples would allow for comparison between different groups of parents e. Further, the current literature usage revealed that standardized measures are not common in this field, but rather researchers designed questions specifically for a given study.
This is not surprising review that most studies focused on a specific experience or issue, without the benefit of a guiding theoretical or conceptual framework, making study specific questions more appropriate.
Taken together, findings from this body of literature suggest a discrepancy in how parents determine the trustworthiness and review of parenting websites and their literature use of these sites.
For instance, parents indicate a preference for advice from clinicians and social support from other parents, and contend that. However, parents use commercial sites at very high rates e. Thus, while parents may report expert information and websites with an. The Internet and other technologies allow information rosenworcel homework gap support to be available to parents at any time in ways that typing homework in latex review more traditional internet such as parent education classes or presentations.
Additionally, hyperlinks and multimedia features can help enhance learning by structuring information in relevant and creative ways. The Internet and other new technologies have also created opportunities for new communication communities such as literature groups, listservs, chat rooms, forums, blogs, and social networking sites. For educators, the Internet provides the potential to interact with parents e.
Internet resources can also be cost-effective. Web-based information is easier to maintain, update, and distribute than usage resources. Erasmus creative writing allow educators to build upon existing resources for internet.
Use of the Internet and other technologies gives parents control in how, where, and when they access usage and support. Parents are able to access and create information based on their individual needs and ways of thinking. In addition to parent education, parents are accessing and reporting positive effects from online prevention and intervention programs e.