01.01.2010 Public by Akikree

Essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines

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Essay On The Indian Festivals

And gala is usually a happiness, fun event, usually and ordinarily staged by a local community. So here below you can get the major Festivals which are mentioned below.

These are research paper on green purchasing colorful days in the year.

It celebrates every year. It is the Features traditional sports, exhibitions of handicrafts, dresses and jewelry; horse and cattle show, camel and horse races, camel and horse dances, tent pegging, bull racing, concerts and colorful stalls in a elaborate industrial Exhibition. The Basant festival held in the end of winter season and arrival of spring.

essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines

It is celebrated in the entire country, with flying kites in the all over the Punjab. This festival starts at mid-night when the white kites flying in the sky are light with millions of flood lights from every roof top. It is celebrated by all the Muslims with religious enthusiasm and solemnity across the world.

essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines

It falls on the 12th of Rabi'-ul-Awwal every year. This is a day of remembrance for Muslims, marked by prayers and reading of the Holy Quran. The resolution was presented by A.

essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines

The nation commemorates this day with great zeal and enthusiasm, to honor the most outstanding achievement of the Muslims of South Asia who passed the historic Pakistan Resolution resulting in the creation of Pakistan under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah; a homeland where they could live in peace, harmony and in accordance with the tenets of Islam.

Independence Day is celebrated with argumentative essay should abortion be legalised and fervor in all parts of the country on August 14 with special programmes arranged in all big and small towns and rural areas.

On this day, meetings, processions and rallies are held all over the country and the whole country is decorated on this day.

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People from various walks of life decorate their houses with national flags and the buildings, city shopping centres, bazaars and all the main roads are also being adorned with flags and fancy lights. Defense of Pakistan Day: This historic day is thesis organizational citizenship behavior through withs and exhibitions of military essay at Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta and Karachi.

That day Air shows and other programs mark the PAF's role in defending the nation. This day is celebrated by display of latest aircrafts of Pakistan Airforce and air shows at Rawalpindi, Sargodha, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta. Birthday of Allama Muhammad Iqbal: The event is celebrated with a lot of debating and poetry contests held at different institutes all over Pakistan. This day is celebrated by the Christian minority and the whole nation. Bassant With the outline of spring Basant Festival is celebrated with pomp and show in mid February every pakistan in Lahore.

In other words this is the spring festival. Alleging that kite flying is a Hindu event is also sheer ignorance.

Cultural Festival In Pakistan Free Essays

The sport originated in China about years ago, when Hinduism was in non existent. Why single out kite-flying then, especially when it is a source of joy for the old and the young men and women? The simple reason is that Hindu at Basant Festival fly kites for enjoying Basant. With times Muslims who were living together with Hindus in the sub-continent also join them in kite-flying.

essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines

Since then Muslims are taking participation in just kite-flying at the time of Basant connotating it as Pala Urant. Now a days people of Lahore enjoy it by kite flying competition and by visiting the shrine of saint Madho Lal Hussein, where they assemble to pay their benediction. Lahore is becoming the main focal point for the celebration of this festival in Pakistan. People traditionally fly kites on the roofs of their buildings.

It is commonly observed that rest houses, hotels and house of relatives of the participants are fully packed with guests from all over the country.

essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines

Moreover some five star hotels also arrange this function on their roof top for foreigners and other high class gentry. They also arrange variety of dishes with musical concert.

essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines

Sometimes Lahorities on this occasion become emotional and in this state create law and order problems for the administration. Some of them use metal thread for kite-flying.

essay on festivals in pakistan with outlines

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