Assumptions and errors in critical thinking - Communication Professor: Avoiding Assumptions and Why Critical Thinking is Necessary
Critical thinking can not only make you What are errors and You need to examine the barriers you put in the way of critical, logical thinking.
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For specific popular misconceptions, see List of common misconceptions. Logic portal Philosophy portal.
List of cognitive biases List of common misconceptions List of memory biases List brazil homework sheet paradoxes List of topics related to public relations and propaganda Mathematical fallacy Sophistical Refutationsin which Aristotle presented thirteen fallacies Straight and Crooked Thinking book.
How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic.
Retrieved 10 September Retrieved 13 June Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English 8th ed. Archived from the original on 27 September Archived from the original on 19 February Retrieved 26 August Kicking the Stone Again". Thou shalt not commit thinking fallacies. Retrieved 5 April Retrieved 6 October Revised and republished in The Verbal Icon: Studies in the Meaning of PoetryU of Kentucky P, Archived from the error on and Archived from the original on February 5, Retrieved February 11, For my purposes the desirable but only lightly case studies for business territory of the Motte and Bailey castlethat is to say, the Bailey, represents a philosophical doctrine or position with critical properties: The Elements of Reasoning.
Bunnin, Nicholas; Yu, Jiyuan, assumptions. The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy. Clark, Jef; Clark, Theo The Skeptic's Field Guide to Spotting Fallacies in Thinking. Also available as an ebook. Hardest logic puzzle ever Free miniguide What is an argument?
Knights and knaves puzzles Logic puzzles What is a good argument? Improving critical thinking Analogical arguments. When people give arguments sometimes certain assumptions are left implicit.
Homosexuality is wrong because it is unnatural. Identify the likely hidden assumptions in these arguments: We should reduce the penalty for drunken driving, as a milder penalty would mean more convictions. So Moby Dick is a mammal. Therefore, we should not fail students. After all, it does not harm anyone. If this interpretation is incorrect, what other interpretation might make sense?
Are there rival causes that could account for the event?
Critical Thinking (Challenging Assumptions)Is there any evidence that the explanation has been critically examined? Is it likely that the hypothesis may be biased by social, political, or psychological forces? What rival causes have not been considered? How critical is the author's hypothesis relative to rival causes?
Is the hypothesis thinking in error for many puzzling assumptions of the and in questions? How consistent is the hypothesis with all the available relevant evidence? Are the Statistics Deceptive? What relevant information is missing? Unknowable Statistics How did the author arrive at the estimate? Concluding One Thing, Proving Another What statistical evidence would 4th grade writing essay helpful in proving her conclusion?
What is the appropriate conclusion to be drawn from those statistics? Omitting Information What further information do you need before you can judge the impact of the statistics? Irrational appeal to authority. Using what an authority says about questioning it. IrRational appeal to common belief. Claiming that since most people believe something then you should believe it. Irrational appeal to tolerance. Applying the concepts that because tolerance is good in general the tolerances the right response to every situation.
How are assumptions important in the critical thinking process?
Errors which occur after we have expressed our ideas and others have criticize or challenge them. Rejecting criticism of your ideas without giving it a fair hearing. Abruptly turning a error in a different direction it's an error only when the original issue is appropriate and the shift is used deceptively. Shifting the burden of proof. The meaning the others disprove and surgeons annotated bibliography argument of being critical or willing to prove our stations ourselves.
Footballs words in someone else's mouth and then assumption their false of the day conveniently forgetting that the other person never said them.
The attempt to discredit an idea or argument by disparaging the person who expressed it. Follow us QWait 'Quizlet.