13.04.2010 Public by Akikree

Short essay on election scene

Home Essay Editing Services Sample Essays Elected Before Elected. Prompt: Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, When the election concluded.

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On the fixed day, people come to the polling booth to cast their votes for the candidate of their choice.

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There is a greet hustle and bustle there. Polling is held in a room or under the strict supervision of the polling officer-in-charge. There is an entrance and an exit for the voters.

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He also prescribed that country should concern with the morals of her leaders. Devotion to truth was drawn by him to half corruption. He had no intention to indulge the religious matter. He interpreted that religious matter is a death-trap because it kills the soul.

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15:52 Malazuru:
The picture focuses on the real democratic way of a country.