24.11.2010 Public by Felar

How to begin a history research paper - Art History Research — Art

And when did the rise to power actually start? You need to think for yourself and come up with a ‘bright idea’ to write a good history essay.

History Writing 101-- How to Write a Thesis Driven Essay

Note the key words and phrases in the second paragraph; each of these limits your task and specifies how you are to go about fulfilling it. Prepare a prewriting exercise such as brainstorming or clustering to help you focus the ideas.

how to begin a history research paper

By doing this, you will have a better idea of a thesis and of the scope of your library research. Developing a Draft of Your Thesis Assume that you generally agree with the use of military force in the Gulf. Your prewriting brings out four possible arguments for military action against Iraq: Other reasons exist for not using military force; but given the nature of the original question, you must make a choice.

how to begin a history research paper

Not even a twelve-page paper could address all of these issues. Look how the previous arguments can be grouped: Argument 1 is primarily a political issue, 3 is a military issue, and 4 seems to straddle both military and political concerns Argument 2 might lead you into a discussion of the UN, or into a discussion of "standing up" to aggression and argument 4 To answer the question effectively, you would probably need to determine which focus you would select, homework definition oxford dictionary that the military or political benefits of a military strike, and develop your thesis there.

how to begin a history research paper

Even if the US could begin liberated Kuwait without a military strike, no other how would have been as effective in wiping out Iraq's deadliest researches, nor in deterring other nations who might want to use best possible score sat essay against their neighbors.

Want to try this process for your own thesis statement? Reconsidering the Thesis At this point, you might start your work in the history be ready to modify your paper thesis!

how to begin a history research paper

Is your thesis unworkable? Assuming you knew something about the topic before you began your research, this may not happen.

how to begin a history research paper

But even in that case, you'll sometimes find that your thesis just does not line up with the opinions of most "experts. You may need to do more extensive prewriting to figure out how you'll use all of your evidence, such as preparing another Brainstorming list. For a topic such as Desert Storm, you'll probably find more than enough sources; don't try to use them all!

how to begin a history research paper

Students often get confused about a essay tv promotes violence topic because the experts don't agree. That can make your task easier, since your paper could find strong evidence on either side of the topic. Weigh the authority and expertise of the sources at this point.

how to begin a history research paper

This is because the article is one that was originally printed in a hard-copy journal; what you located through JSTOR is simply high point application essay copy of printed pages.

Your citation follows the same format for an article in a bound volume that you may have pulled from the library shelves. A copy of Turabian is available at the reference desk in the main library.

how to begin a history research paper

Visual Documentation Illustrations Art history papers require visual documentation such as photographs, photocopies, or scanned images of the art works you discuss. Each photograph, photocopy, or scanned image should appear on a single sheet of paper unless two images and their captions will fit on a single sheet of paper with one inch margins on all sides.

Chapter 1. How to Write a Research Paper

Note also that the title of a work of art is always italicized. Within the text, the reference to the illustration is enclosed in parentheses and placed at the end research papers sites the sentence. A period for the sentence comes after the parenthetical reference to the illustration. For UALR art history papers, illustrations are placed at the end of the paper, not within the text.

how to begin a history research paper

Illustration are not supplied as a Powerpoint presentation or as separate. The caption that accompanies the illustration at the end of the paper would read: Edvard Munch, The Scream, Plagiarism Plagiarism is a form of thievery and is illegal.

how to begin a history research paper

Another useful website regarding plagiarism is provided by Cornell University, http: Plagiarism will be reported as academic dishonesty to the Dean of Students; see Section VI of the Student Handbook which cites plagiarism as a specific violation.

Take care that you fully and accurately acknowledge the source of another author, whether you are quoting the material verbatim or paraphrasing. You must credit both direct quotes and your paraphrases.

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18:31 Mokus:
The fact that these two differed in ideas as to how Russia should be run led to the break of the war. You might end up somewhere unexpected. This was an agreement to allow the two States to join efforts in development of atomic weapons McCausland

17:59 Nemi:
Your questions will be the beginning of your own thesis. Write down interesting facts and thoughts that come to mind while you read.