14.02.2010 Public by Felar

Write an essay on my english teacher

In my school there are many teachers. Each one teaches us different subjects. Although all of them are fairly good, there is one teacher whom I love and admire the most.

write an essay on my english teacher

He and his wife Susila raise their daughter Leela from an infant to a boisterous young girl, and they even think of purchasing a teacher, bigger house, but Susila contracts typhoid and after a new york university application essay questions illness dies.

All this occupies the first half of the novel, and provides a foundation of normalcy, of everyday lived reality, for the more philosophical second half. After the poignantly precise imagery of the mourners' essay to the cremation grounds, the reader emerges into a english and dismal retrospect.

Feverless days pass unwanted; the professor endures his classes; the child grows.

write an essay on my english teacher

Then one day a boy accosts Krishna after class: He has a letter to him from his wife. A local man, this boy's father, has accidentally found a contact with the afterlife and has received a message specifically for some man named Krishna. So Krishna begins anew, making regular visits to this medium, conversing with his wife in eloquent detail.

write an essay on my english teacher

Although the possibility of fraud is left open until the end, when Krishna has a vision of Susila, his life and spirits improve; this second half of the novel is thematically richer, investigating just what is necessary for happiness. There is also a schoolmaster, a somewhat ineffective character, whose quasi-breakdown occasions Krishna's departure from the university to work with small children.

write an essay on my english teacher

My reaction to the novel, the second half of it at least, was ambivalent. Death, after all of the grief it causes, proves to be nothing more than a new ad The point is to be accepting, insouciant.

write an essay on my english teacher

The significance of her afterlife may be mostly its own lack of a larger significance; it does not shock anything or anyone, not even Krishna. I was terrible at public speaking and would do practically anything to avoid it. And that was because Mr Scott made me go up and do it. He understood where my true limits were.

write an essay on my english teacher

What truly reinforced my belief that he was my favorite teacher was the way he could teach students with the view to getting the highest grades without us even realising. For example, at the end of every lesson he would play a comical video he found online. It added some light-hearted relief that kept morale high and trouble low.

write an essay on my english teacher

At the same time, he was never someone who overstepped his professional bounds. Nothing changed after this.

write an essay on my english teacher

As we transitioned to the English language part of the course, he continued what he was doing in the same way. It worked and his class got the highest grades in the history of the school. After leaving school, he only remained for another year before departing to another school for better pay.

write an essay on my english teacher
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