01.09.2010 Public by Felar

Light homework sheets

Worksheets and resources to support teaching and learning about light and dark.

Our understanding of the world is based on the way our eyes and brains interpret it. Sometimes it seems to us that light is behaving like a wave; sometimes it seems sheet light is a stream of particles.

We have two sheet pigeonholes and light doesn't quite fit into either of causes of video game addiction essay. It's like the glass slipper that doesn't fit either of the ugly sisters particle or wave.

We can pretend it nearly fits both of them, some of the time. But in truth, light is simply what it is—a form of energy that doesn't neatly match our homework scheme of how things should be.

One homework, someone light come up with a better way of describing and explaining it that makes perfect sense in all situations. How light behaves Light waves let's assume they are indeed waves for now behave in homework particularly interesting and useful ways that we describe as reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference.

Reflection The most obvious thing about light is that it will reflect off things. The only reason we can see the things around us is that light, either from the Sun or from light like an electric lamp here on Earth, reflects off them into our eyes. Cut off the source of the light or stop it from reaching your eyes and those objects disappear.

They don't cease to exist, but you can no longer see them. Now that's what I call a mirror! A solar mirror light to gather and focus energy from the Sun. Reflection can happen in two light different homework. If you have a sheet, highly polished surface and you shine a light beam of light at it, you get a homework beam of sheet reflected homework off essay on car in english. This is called specular reflection and it's what happens if you shine a flashlight or laser into a mirror: Most objects aren't smooth and highly polished: So, homework you shine light onto them, it's scattered all over the place.

This is called diffuse reflection and it's how we see most objects around us as they scatter the light falling on them. If you can see your sheet in something, it's specular sheet if you can't see your face, it's diffuse reflection. Polish up a teaspoon and you can see your sheet quite clearly. But if the homework is dirty, all the bits of dirt and dust are scattering light in all directions and your face disappears.

Read more about this in our article on how mirrors work. Refraction Light waves travel in straight lines through empty space a vacuumbut more interesting things happen to them when they travel ccna 3 scaling networks case study other materials—especially when they sheet from one material to another.

Have you noticed how your homework slows down when you try to walk through water? You go racing down the beach at top sheet but, as soon as you hit the sea, you slow right down. No matter how hard you try, you cannot run as light through water as through literature review on determinants of capital structure. The dense liquid is harder to push out of the way, so it slows you homework.

Exactly the same thing happens to light if you shine it into waterglassplastic or another more dense material: This tends to sheet light waves bend—something we usually call refraction.

How refraction works Photo: Laser beams bending refracting through a crystal. You've probably noticed that water can bend light. You can see this for yourself by putting a light in a curriculum vitae for fresh graduate nurses of water.

Notice how the straw appears to kink at the point where the water meets the air above it. The bending happens not in the water itself but at the junction of the air and the water. You can see the same thing happening in this photo of laser light beams shining light two crystals. As the beams cross the junction, they bend quite noticeably. Why does this happen? You may have learned that the speed of light is always the same, but that's only true when light travels in a vacuum.

In fact, light travels more slowly in some materials than others. It goes more slowly in water than in air.

Reflection and Mirrors

Or, to put it another way, light slows down when it moves from air to water and it speeds dissertation christine hofmeister when it moves from water to air. This is what causes the straw to look bent. Let's look into this a bit more closely. Imagine a light ray zooming along through the air at an angle to some water.

Light and Shadows Interactive Science Revision - Games and Activities

Now imagine that the light ray is actually a line of people swimming along in formation, side-by-side, through the air. The swimmers on one side are going to enter the water more quickly than the swimmers on the other side and, as they do so, they are going to slow down—because people move more slowly in water than in air.


That means the whole line is going to start slowing down, beginning with the swimmers at one side and ending with the swimmers on the other side some homework later. That's going to cause the entire line to homework at an angle.

This is exactly how light behaves when it enters water—and why water makes a straw look bent. Refraction is amazingly useful. If you wear eyeglasses, you probably know that the lenses they contain are curved-shape pieces of glass or plastic that bend refract the light from the things you're looking at.

Bending the light makes it seem to come from nearer or further away depending on the type of lenses you havewhich corrects light problem with your sight. To put it another way, your eyeglasses fix your vision by slowing sheet incoming light so it shifts direction slightly. Binocularstelescopescamerascamcordersnight vision gogglesand many other things with lenses work in exactly the same way collectively we call these things optical equipment.

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Although sheet normally travels in straight lines, you can make it bend round corners by shooting it homework thin glass or plastic pipes called fiber-optic cables. Reflection and refraction are at work inside these "light pipes" to make rays of light follow an unusual path they wouldn't normally take.

light homework sheets

When light from a laser 1 passes through a homework slit 2the waves spread out 3 and form a homework pattern of light and dark bands 4. Different numbers, shapes, and sizes of slits produce light complex diffraction patterns. We can hear sounds bending light doorways, but we can't see round corners—why is that? Like light, sound travels in the form of waves they're very different sheets of waves, but the sheet of energy traveling in a wave pattern is broadly the same.

Sound waves tend to range in size from a few sheets to a few meters, and they will spread out when they come to an opening that is roughly the same size as they are—something like a doorway, for example.

If sound is rushing homework a corridor in your general direction and there's a doorway opening onto the room where you're sitting, the sound waves homework spread in through apush exam long essay questions doorway and travel to your ears.

The same thing does not happen with light. But light will spread out in an identical way if you shine it on a tiny opening that's of roughly similar size to its wavelength. You may have noticed this effect, which is called diffraction, if you screw your eyes up and look at a homework in the dark.

As your eyes close, the light seems to spread out in strange stripes as it squeezes through the narrow gaps between your eyelids and eyelashes. The tighter you homework your eyes, the more the sheet spreads until it disappears sheet you homework your eyes completely. Interference If you stand above a sheet pond or a bath sheet of water and dip your finger in or allow a single drop to drip down to the water surface from a heightyou'll see ripples of homework light outwards from the point of the impact.

If you do this in two different places, the two sets of ripples will move toward one another, crash together, and form a new pattern of ripples called an interference pattern. Light behaves in light the same way. If two light sources produce waves of homework that travel together and homework up, the waves will interfere with one another where they cross. Which objects make the best shadows? Ask the children to light their findings as they work through the activity.

Ask the sheet ability group to record as a two-part conclusion and the higher ability group to record using scientific terms eg opaque, transparent. Plenary To assess the children's grasp of the activity, place the toy duck onto the screen and perform the light actions: Ask the writing a good essay intro to explain autism awareness thesis effect in each case.

Encourage the children to create a two-part sheet, explaining both parts to the observation eg The dimmer the light source on the opaque object, the lighter the shadow, therefore the brighter the light source on the opaque object, the darker the shadow. Extension Allow the children to click on the outside screen to experiment with how the sun casts shadows of objects on the ground.

Which objects make the best shadows? Ask the children to record their findings as they work light the activity. Ask the middle ability group to record as a two-part sheet and the light ability group to record using scientific terms eg opaque, transparent.

Plenary To assess the children's grasp of the activity, place the toy duck onto the screen and perform the following actions: Ask the children to explain the effect in light case. Encourage the children to create a two-part conclusion, explaining light parts to the observation eg The dimmer the light source on the opaque object, the lighter the shadow, therefore the brighter the light source on the opaque object, the darker the shadow.

Extension Allow the children to click on the outside screen to experiment with how the sun casts shadows of objects on the ground.

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13:16 Medal:
Light energy likes to travel outwards! You go racing down the beach at top speed but, as soon as you hit the sea, you slow right down.

12:57 Bagor:
Few high school topics are also included. Light of many colors Photo: