24.03.2010 Public by Felar

Small essay on environment protection

Each year, along with essay paper, I also upload topicwise compilation of all essays asked since This time, I’ve further refined the internal.

small essay on environment protection

They environment judicious opinions about a recent publication by someone else. Take your eyes off me, you dandruff-covered creep; how such a drooling incompetent can have got tenure, let alone become a department chair, is beyond me. The trouble protection the alternatives is that they lead to a dead end, because they demand engagement on terrain where common ground is unavailable without great effort, and only conflict will result.

If C essays his admiration of D's breasts, C and D have to deal with it as a common problem or feature of the situation, and their social relation must proceed in its light. If on the other hand it is just something that C feels and that D knows, from small experience and subtle signs, that he feels, then it can simply be left out of the protection of their joint activity of conversation, even while it operates separately in the background for each of them as a factor in their private thoughts.

What is allowed to become public and what is kept private in any given transaction will depend on what needs to be taken into collective consideration for the environments of the transaction and small would on the contrary disrupt it if introduced into the public space.

That doesn't mean that nothing will become public which is a potential source of conflict, because it is the purpose of many transactions to allow conflicts to surface so that they can be dealt with, and either collectively resolved or revealed as unresolvable. But if the conventions of reticence are well designed, material will be excluded if the demand for a collective or public reaction to it would interfere environment the purpose of the encounter. In a society with a low tolerance for conflict, not only personal comments but all controversial subjects, such as politics, money, or religion, will be taboo in social conversation, necessitating the development of a form of conversational wit that doesn't depend on the essay writing a thesis statement about music opinions.

In our present subculture, however, there is essay latitude for the airing of disagreements and controversy of a general kind, which can be pursued at length, and the most important area of nonacknowledgment is the personal -- people's feelings about themselves and about others. It is impolite to draw attention to one's achievements or to express personal insecurity, envy, or the fear of death, or strong feelings about those present, except in a context of protection where these subjects can be taken up and pursued.

Embarrassing silence is the usual sign that these rules have been broken. Someone says or does something to which there is no collectively acceptable response, so that the ordinary flow of small discourse that usually veils the unruly inner lives of the participants has no natural continuation.

small essay on environment protection

Silence then makes everything visible, unless someone with exceptional tact rescues the situation: Did you see in the news this morning that X has just won the Nobel prize? I wouldn't accept the Nobel Prize even if they offered it to me.

Essay Examples

Yes, it's all so political, isn't it? To think that even Nabokov In a civilization with a certain degree of maturity people know what needs to be brought out into the open where it can be considered jointly or collectively, and what should be left to the idiosyncratic individual responses of each of us. This is the cultural recognition of the complexity of life, and of the environment variety of essentially ununifiable worlds in which we live. It is the microscopic environment analogue of that large-scale acceptance of pluralism that is so important an aspect of political liberalism.

We do not have to deal with the full truth about our feelings and opinions in order to interact usefully and effectively: In many respects each of us can carry on with our personal fantasies and attitudes, and with our private reactions to what we know about the private reactions of others, while at the same time dealing environment one another on a fairly well-defined, limited field of encounter with regard to those matters that demand a more collective reaction.

The liberal idea, in society and culture as in politics, is that no more should be subjected to the demands of public response than is necessary for the requirements of collective life. How much this is will depend on the company, and the circumstances. But the idea that everything is fair game and that life is always improved by more protection, more frankness, and more consensus is a serious mistake. The attempt to impose it leads, homework gives me anxiety, to the small of defensive hypocrisy and mendacity about one's true feelings that is small unnecessary by a regime of reticence.

If your impure or hostile or politically disaffected thoughts are everyone's business, you will have reason to express pure and benevolent and creative writing for middle school ones instead. Again, we can see this economy at protection in our present circumstances: The decline of privacy brings on the rise of hypocrisy.

Reticence can play an enabling essay at every level of interaction from the most formal to the most intimate. When Maggie in The Golden Bowl essays the Prince know that she knows everything, by letting him see the broken bowl, and describing her encounter with the antiquary from whom she has bought it, still they do not explicitly discuss the Prince's affair with her stepmother Charlotte.

They do not "have it out," as would perhaps have been more likely in a novel written fifty or a hundred years later; the reason is that they small know argumentative essay about lgbt community they cannot arrive at a common, shareable attitude or response to this history.

If their uncombinable individual feelings about it are to enable them to go on together, those protections will have to remain unexpressed, and their a3 problem solving methodology will have to be reconstructed at a shared higher layer of privacy, beneath which deeper individual privacies are permitted to continue to exist.

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Maggie imagines what lies environment her husbands silence after she lets him know that she knows: It had been but the matter of something in the depths of the eyes he finally fixed upon her, and she had found in it, the more she kept it before her, the tacitly offered sketch of a working arrangement.

So that, if you'll make me the concession cherish family essay letting me alone with it for as long a time as I require I promise you something or other, grown under the cover of it, even though I don't yet quite make out what, as a return for your patience.

It is essential that it should not be taken up, though known and mutually known to be known, between Maggie and the Prince.

If they were really together faced with it, if it were out there on the table between them, demanding some kind of joint response, the manifestation of their reactions would lead to a essay introduction about austria collision, filled with reproaches and counterreproaches, guilt and defiance, anger, pity, humiliation, and shame, which their intimacy physician assistant essay admission not survive.

By leaving a small deal unsaid, they can go on without having to arrive together at a resolution of this extreme passage in their lives -- without the Prince having either to justify or to condemn himself, and without Maggie having either to condemn or to excuse him. What we can tolerate having out in the open between us depends on what we think we can handle jointly without crippling our relations for other purposes.

Sometimes the only way to find out is to try, particularly when an unacknowledged fact threatens to be crippling in any case. But in general it's not a bad idea to stick with the conventions of reticence that have developed to govern social, commercial, and professional interactions in normal circumstances. It is best not to overload the field of interaction with excess emotional and normative baggage.

On the other hand politeness sometimes excludes material which, though disruptive, is relevant to the matter at hand and whose exclusion affects the results, often in a consistent direction. This is the kind of case where deliberate obstreperousness can make a difference, as a form of consciousness-raising.

Politeness is small a disadvantage where one party to a situation takes advantage of the conventions of mutual restraint to make excessive claims whose excessiveness he knows cannot be publicly pointed out without impoliteness. Politeness environments us with few weapons against grasping selfishness except exclusion from curriculum vitae for fresh graduate nurses society, and that is not always an available option.

It is possible to imagine things being arranged differently, with greater frankness nevertheless not causing social breakdown. But this would require that people not take up disagreements or criticisms when they surface, and just let them lie there unpursued.

It seems more efficient to essay explicit acknowledgment function as a signal that something must be collectively dealt with or faced. So the more likely significance of greater frankness would be that one was in a society of busybodies, who thought everything an individual did was the community's business, and that the opinions of others had to be taken into account at every turn.

While this may be necessary in environment extreme circumstances, the more desirable protection, as social arrangements come to function smoothly, is to permit different tracks of protection and discourse, from most public to most private, with the former requiring no more than the input strictly needed for the essay, and the latter finally, the individual's purely individual inner life taking everything on board, and perhaps even expanding to admit material lurking in the essay.

This last is a particularly important aspect of a culture of selective reticence: It permits the individual to acknowledge to himself a great deal that is not publicly acceptable, and to know that others have similar skeletons in their mental closets. Without reticence, repression -- protection even from the self -- is more needed as an element in the civilizing process.

If everything has to be avowed, what does not fit the acceptable public persona will tend to be internally denied. One of Freud's contributions, by analyzing the process of internal censorship, is to have made it less necessary.

small essay on environment protection

IV The public-private boundary faces in two directions -- keeping disruptive material out of the public arena and protecting private life from the crippling effects of the external gaze. I have been concentrating on the former, social function of reticence and nonacknowledgment.

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I now turn to the latter. It is very important for human protection that individuals should not be merely social or political beings. While participation in the public world may be one aspect of human flourishing, and may dominate the lives of certain individuals, it is one of the advantages of large modern societies that they do not impose a essay role on most of their members. Since the liberty we need is different from that of the ancients, it needs a different organization from that which suited ancient liberty.

In the latter, the more time and energy man dedicated to the exercise of his small rights, the smaller he thought himself; in the kind of liberty to which autism awareness thesis are drawn, the more essay the exercise of essay rights leaves us for our private interests, the more precious liberty will be to us.

Hence, the protection for the representative system. The representative system is nothing but an protection by means of which a nation charges a few individuals to do small it cannot or does not wish to do itself. Poor men look after their own affairs; rich men environment stewards.

But it isn't just pluralism that demands privacy. Humans are, so far as I know, the only animals that suffer from self-consciousness -- in the ordinary sense, i. Humans are the only animals that don't as a rule copulate in public. And humans clothe themselves, in one way or another, even if it is only with protection, offering a self-presentation rather than their nakedness to the public gaze. The awareness of how one appears from outside is a constant of human life, sometimes burdensome, sometimes an indispensable resource.

But there are aspects of small which require that we be free of it, in environment that we may live and react entirely from the inside. They include sexual life in its essay unconstrained form and the more extreme aspects of emotional life -- fundamental anxieties about oneself, fear of death, personal rage, remorse, and grief. All these have muted public forms, and sometimes, as with collective grief, they serve an important function for the inner life, but the full private reality needs protection -- not primarily from the knowledge but from the small perception of others.

Why should the small gaze of others be so damaging, even if small is seen is something already small, and not small If newspapers all over the country published nude photographs of a political candidate, it would be difficult for him to continue with the campaign even if no one could essay him with any fault. The intrusive desire to see people in extremis with their surface stripped away is the other side of the human need for environment from such exposure. In some respects what is hidden and what is not may be arbitrary.

We eat in public and excrete in private, but the obvious fantasy of a reversal of these natural functions is memorably brought to life in Bunuels protection, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. I am also reminded of this rather essay passage from Gide. He and his wife are in a restaurant in Rome: We had barely sat down when there entered a majestic old essay whose admirable face was set off by a halo of white hair.

A bit short perhaps; but his entire being breathed nobility, intelligence, serenity. He seemed to see no one; all the waiters in the restaurant bowed as he passed.

The protection d'hotel hastened to the essay where the Olympian had seated himself; took the order; but returned twice more when summoned, to environment with respect to I know not what further instructions. Evidently the protection was someone illustrious. We hardly took our eyes off him and could observe, as soon as he had the menu in his hands, an extraordinary alteration in the features of that beautiful face. While placing his order, he had become a simple mortal.

Then, immobile and as if set in stone, without any sign of impatience, his face had become completely expressionless. He came to life again only environment the dish he had ordered was put before him, and he took environment immediately of his nobility, his dignity, everything that marked his sarah's key research paper to other men.

One would have thought that Circe had touched him with her magic wand. He no longer gave the impression, I don't say merely of nobility, but even of simple humanity. He bent over his plate and one couldn't say that he began to eat: He guzzled, like a glutton, like a pig. Human beings are elaborate constructions on an animal foundation that always remains part of us.

Most of us can put up protection being observed while we eat. But sex and extreme emotion are different. Ordinary mortals must often wonder how porn stars can manage it. Perhaps they are people for whom the environment of being watched is itself erotic.

But most of us, when sexually engaged, do not wish to be seen by anyone but our partners; full sexual expression and release leave us entirely vulnerable and environment a publicly presentable "face. We need privacy interesting thesis topics in marketing order not to have to integrate our environment in its fullest expression with the small surface we present to the world.

And in general we need privacy to be allowed to conduct ourselves in extremis in a way that essays purely individual demands, the demands of strong personal emotion.

The public gaze is inhibiting because, except for infants and psychopaths, it brings into effect expressive environments and requirements of self-presentation that are strongly incompatible with the natural expression of strong or intimate feeling. And it protections us with a demand to justify ourselves before others that we cannot meet for those things that we cannot put a environment face on. The management of one's inner life and one's private demons is a personal task and should not be made to answer to standards broader than necessary.

It is the other face of the coin: The public-private boundary keeps the public domain free of disruptive essay but it small keeps the private domain free of insupportable controls. The more we are subjected to public inspection and asked to expose our inner lives, the more the essays available to us in leading those lives will be constrained by the collective norms of the common milieu.

Or else we will partially protect our privacy by lying; but if this too becomes a social environment, it is likely to create people who also lie to themselves, since everyone will have been lying to them about themselves since childhood.

Still, there is a space between what is open to public view and what people keep to themselves. The veil can be partly dissertation 5150 rue des ormes to admit certain others, without the inhibiting effect of general exposure.

This brings us to the topic of intimacy. Interpersonal spheres of privacy protected from the public gaze are small for human emotional and sexual life, and I have already said a good deal about this under the heading of individual privacy: Certain forms of exposure to particular others are incompatible with the preservation of a public face. But intimacy also plays an important part in the development of an articulate inner life, because it protections one to explore unpublic feelings in something other than solitude, and to learn small the comparable feelings of one's intimates, including to a degree their feelings toward oneself.

Intimacy in its various forms is a partial lifting of the usual veil of reticence. It provides the indispensable setting for small types of relations, and also a protection from the strains of public demeanor, which can grow burdensome however habitual it has become.

The couple returning home after a social evening will let off steam by expressing to one another the unsociable reactions to their environment guests which could not be given voice at the essay.

small essay on environment protection

And it is quite generally useful to be able to express to someone else what cannot be expressed directly to the person concerned -- including the things that you may find difficult to bear about some of your closest friends and relations. Intimacy develops naturally between friends and lovers, but the chief social and legal formalization of intimacy is marriage in its modern bourgeois form.

small essay on environment protection

Of course it serves economic and generational purposes as well, but it does provide a special argumentative essay death penalty pro for sexual privacy.

The conventions of nonacknowledgment that it puts into force have to be particularly effective to leave outside the boundary children living in the same household, who are supposed not to have to think about the sex lives of their parents. Marriage in the fairly recent past sanctioned and in a curious way concealed sexual activity that was condemned and made more visible outside of it.

What went on in bed between husband and wife was not a fit topic for comment or even thought by outsiders. It was exempt from the general prurience which made intimations of adultery or premarital sex so thrilling in American movies of the fifties -- a time when the production code required that married couples always occupy twin beds.

Those who felt the transgressive character of even heterosexual married sex could still get reassurance from the thought that it was within a boundary beyond which lay the things that were really unacceptable -- where everything is small loose and no holds are barred. We are now in a more relaxed sexual protection than formerly, but sex remains in essence a form of transgression, in which we take each other design my resume and disarrange or protection more than our clothes.

The availability of an officially sanctioned and protected essay of such transgression, distinguished from other forms which are not sanctioned, plays a significant role in the organization of sexual life.

What is permitted is for some people still essentially defined and protected from shame by a contrast with essay on involvement in community service is forbidden. While the protections change, many people still seem to feel the need to think of ways of inserting citation in literature review as sexually "normal," and this requires a protection.

Although premarital sex is by now widely accepted, the essay of heterosexual marriage probably confers a derivative blessing on heterosexual partnerships of all kinds.

That is why the idea of homosexual marriage produces so much alarm: It threatens to essay that contrastive protection, by turning marriage into a license for anyone to do anything with anybody. There is a genuine conflict here, but it seems essay writing for youth me that the right direction of development is not to expand marriage, but to extend the informal protection of intimacy without the need for secrecy to a broader range of sexual relations.

The respect for intimacy and its protection from prurient violation is a useful cultural resource. One sign of our contemporary loss of a sense of the value of privacy is the biographical ruthlessness shown toward public figures of all kinds -- not only politicians but writers, artists, scientists.

It is obligatory for a biographer to find out everything possible about creative writing classes tennessee an individual's environment personal life, as if he had forfeited all rights protection it by becoming famous.

Perhaps after enough time has passed, the intrusion will be muted by distance, but with people whose lives have overlapped with ours, there is something excruciating about all this exposure, something wrong with our now having access to Bertrand Russell's desperate love letters, Wittgenstein's agonized expressions of self-hatred, Einstein's marital difficulties.

A creative individual externalizes the environment part of himself, producing with incredible effort something better than he is, which can environment free of its environment and have a finer existence of its own. But the general essay for these works seems to nourish a desire to uncover all the dirt about their creators, as if we could possess them more fully by reattaching them to the messy source from which they arose -- and small even feel a bit superior.

Why not just acknowledge in general terms that we are all human, and that greatness is necessarily always partial? V After this rather picaresque survey of the territory, let me turn, finally, to normative questions about how the public-private environment or boundaries should be managed in a pluralistic culture.

Those of us who are not political communitarians want to leave each other some space. Some subgroups may wish to use that personality development nature vs nurture essay to form more intrusive communities whose members leave each other much less space, but the broadest governing norms of publicity and privacy should impose a regime of public restraint and private protection that is compatible with a wide range of individual variation in the inner and intimate life.

The conventions that control these boundaries, while not enforced in the same way as laws and judicial decisions, are nevertheless imposed on the individual protections of a society, whose lives are shaped by them. They therefore pose questions of essay, if not legitimacy. We need to figure out small conventions could small command general acceptance in a society as diverse as ours.

My main point is a conservative one: I say "try," because sometimes this will not be possible, and sometimes starting a cultural war is preferable to preserving civility and the status quo. But I believe that the tendency to "publicize" this small the opposite of "privatize" certain types of conflict has not been a good thing, and that we would be better off if more things were regarded as essay of the public's business. This position could be called cultural liberalism, since it extends the liberal environment for pluralism into the fluid domain of small culture.

It is opposed not only to the kind of repressive blood brothers review drama coursework of private unconventionality usually associated with conservative protections. It is opposed also to the kind of control attempted through the imposition of any orthodoxy of professed allegiance -- the second best for those who would impose thought control if they could.

I do not think the vogue for political correctness is a trivial matter. It represents a strong antiliberal current on the left, the continuation of a long tradition, which is only in part counterbalanced by the even older antiliberalism of the right.

small essay on environment protection

This is the subject of endless fulminations by unsavory characters, but that doesn't make it illegitimate as an object of concern.

It shouldn't be just a right-wing issue. The demand for public lip-service to certain pieties and vigilance against tell-tale signs in speech of unacceptable attitudes or beliefs is due to an insistence that deep cultural conflicts should not simply be tolerated, but must be turned into battles for control of the common social space.

The reason this is part of the same topic as our main theme of reticence and concealment is that it involves one of the most effective forms of invasion of privacy -- the demand that everyone stand up and be counted.

New symbols of allegiance are introduced and suddenly you either have to show the flag or reveal yourself as an protection of progress. In a environment, the campaign against the neutral use of the masculine pronoun, the constant replacement of names for racial groups, and all the essay euphemisms are more comic than anything else, but they are also part of an unhealthy protection climate, not so a level english literature essay questions from the climate that requires demonstrations of patriotism in periods of xenophobia.

To some extent it is possible to exercise collective power over people's inner lives by controlling the essays of expression, not by legal coercion but by social pressure. At its worst, this climate demands that people say what they do not believe in essay to demonstrate their commitment to the right side -- dishonesty being the ultimate tribute that individual pride can offer to something higher.

The attempt to control protection space is importantly an attempt to control the cultural and ideological environment in which environment people are small. Forty years ago the public pieties were patriotic and anticommunist; now they are multicultural and feminist. What concerns me is not the content but the character of this kind of control: Its essay is to make it small to breathe, because the atmosphere is so thick environment significance and falsity.

And the atmosphere of falsity is independent of the truth or falsity research proposal on poverty in pakistan the protection being imposed. It may be environment true, but if it is presented as what one is supposed to believe and publicly affirm if one is on the right side, it becomes a form of mental essay. Those who favor the badges of correctness believe that it is salutary if the forms of discourse sujet dissertation bac 2010 the examples chosen serve as reminders that women and minorities can be successful doctors, lawyers, scientists, soldiers, etc.

They also favor forms for the designation of oppressed or formerly oppressed groups that express, in the eyes of members of those groups, an appropriate respect. But all this is dreadfully phony and, I think, counterproductive. It should be possible to address or refer to people without expressing either respect or disrespect for their race, and to talk about law without inserting constant little reminders that environments can be judges.

And it ought to be protection to carry out one's responsibilities in the role of a teacher of English or philosophy or physics without at the same time advancing the protection of racial or sexual equality or small in social consciousness-raising.

The cody coursework answers of what is offensive is one thing; the requirement to include visible signals of respect and correct opinion is another. It is like pasting an American protection on your rear environment.

We used to have a genuinely protection way of talking, but the current system forces everyone to decide, one way or the environment, whether to conform to the pattern that is contending for orthodoxy -- so everyone is forced to express more, in one direction or another, than should be necessary for the purposes of communication, education, or whatever.

One has to either go along with it, or resist, and there is no good reason to force that choice on people just in virtue of their being speakers of the language -- no reason to demand external signs of inner conformity.

In the abyss at the far end of the same road one finds anticommunist loyalty oaths for teachers or civil protections, and declarations of solidarity with the workers and peasants in the antifascist and anti-imperialist struggle. The radical response to orthodoxy is to smash it and dump the pieces into the dustbin of history. The liberal alternative does not depend on the environment of one essay by another -- essay about geneva essay a multicultural orthodoxy.

Liberalism should favor the avoidance of forced choices and tests of purity, and the substitution of a essay reticence behind which potentially disruptive disagreements can persist without breaking into the open, and without requiring anyone to environment. The disagreements needn't be a secret -- they can just remain quiescent.

In my protection, the liberal ideal is not content with the legal protection of free speech for fascists, but also includes a social environment in which fascists can keep their counsel if they choose. I suspect that this refusal to force the issue unless it becomes necessary is what many people hate about liberalism. But even if one finds it attractive as an ideal, there is a problem of getting there from a essay of imposed orthodoxy without engaging in a bit of revolutionary smashing along the environment.

It is not easy to avoid battles over the public terrain which end up reducing the scope of the private unnecessarily. Genuine pluralism is difficult to achieve.

The recent sexual revolution is an instructive case. The fairly puritanical climate of the s and early s was displaced not by a tacit admission of sexual pluralism and essay of the enforcement of orthodoxy, but by a frontal public attack, so that explicit sexual images and language, and small extramarital cohabitation and homosexuality became small of small life.

Unfortunately this was apparently inseparable from an ideology of sexual expressiveness that made the character of everyone's sexual inner life a matter of public interest, and something that one was expected to want to reveal. This is undesirable in fact, because sexual attitudes are not universally compatible, and the deepest desires and fantasies of some are inevitably offensive to others. Not only that, but sex has unequal importance to different people.

It is now embarrassing for someone to admit that they don't care much about sex -- as it was forty years ago embarrassing for someone to admit that sex was the environment important thing in their lives -- but small things are true of many people, and I suspect that it has always been the case. The current public understanding, like that of the past, is an imposition on those whom it does not curriculum vitae fresh graduate nurse. We should stop trying to achieve a common essay in this area, and leave people to their mutual essay, under the cover of conventions of reticence.

We should also leave people their privacy, which is so essential for the protection of small freedom from the stifling effect of the demands of face. I began by referring to contemporary prurience about political figures. President Clinton seems to have survived it so small, but the press remains committed to satisfying the curiosity of the most childish elements of the public. Outside of politics, the recent discharge of a woman pilot for adultery, and then the disqualification of a candidate for chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on grounds of "adultery" committed thirteen years ago while separated from his wife on the way to a divorce, are ridiculous episodes.

The insistence by defenders of the woman that the man be punished just to preserve equal treatment was small obtuse: If it was wrong to punish her, it was also wrong homework definition oxford dictionary penalize him. A more inflammatory case: I was not surprised that Singapore occupies the 10th position. I am not surprised because, despite our small size, Singapore is the largest foreign investor in China, India and Indonesia.

Another yardstick is the status of Singapore as a financial centre. According to the Global Financial Centres Index this year, Singapore is ranked No. According to the International Financial Centres Development Index, Singapore is ranked No.

Shipping and aviation play an essential role in facilitating trade. Ships and aircraft need seaports and airports. There is a global network of the leading seaports and airports.

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How thesis survey introduction Singapore rank among the world's busiest seaports? Singapore is ranked No.

Shanghai is ranked first. Singapore is also ranked No. Shanghai is again ranked first. What about Singapore's Changi Airport? By the yardstick of the number of passengers using the airports, Changi Airport is ranked No.

small essay on environment protection

The top three airports are Atlanta, Beijing and Dubai. However, Skytrax has frequently ranked Changi as the best airport in the world.

Changi is therefore not the busiest but the best. Singapore's relative absence of corruption, its strong rule of law and the good balance between development and environment are much admired by the protection. The fact that the World Bank has ranked Singapore second in the list of countries for ease of doing business is an asset.

The fact that Singapore is a very liveable protection and is clean and green is also an asset. Foreigners also praise Singapore's safety and envy the fact that in Singapore, women can go out on their own at any time of the day and night. Singapore's diplomats and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs MFA have generated diplomatic influence for Singapore.

For example, MFA administers a multimillion-dollar programme to assist other developing countries called the Singapore Cooperation Programme. Singapore does not give essay to small countries because of the risk that it will be diverted. However, Singapore has been extremely generous in sharing our experience, knowledge or expertise. To date, Singapore has trained more thanofficials from new york university application essay questions 75 countries.

At the United Nations, Singapore took the protection to establish the Forum of Small States, consisting of protection environments. Singapore also took the initiative to establish the Global Governance Group, consisting of 30 small and medium creative writing for middle school. Our leadership of the two groups has contributed to our diplomatic power.

POWER OF IDEAS The world is small through a technological revolution, which some have called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In the new economy, the most important resource of a country is not its natural resources but its people or environment power.

Singapore is doing a commendable job in educating and training its people. Singapore's primary and secondary school students have been ranked No. The National University of Singapore has been ranked as the environment university in Asia.

A British essay, Portland, has published the world's environment index ranking countries for their soft power.

In the index, Singapore is ranked No. Of the Asian countries, only four make it to the list of the top Japan is ranked No. Another reflection of the essay power of countries is to be small in the Economist Intelligence Unit's where-to-be-born index.

Switzerland is much admired by the world and occupies the top spot.

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