03.06.2010 Public by Felar

Access to health care literature review - Māori Access to Health Services - Katoa Ltd

Research Literature Review on Mid-level Oral Health Practitioners dental nurses/therapists have improved access to oral health care in increasing numbers of.

Google Scholar Medline Berman, B. Homoeopathy and the US primary care physician. British Homoeopathic Journal, 86, Google Scholar Boon, H. Complementary Therapies in Medicine10, Google Scholar Medline Boon, H. Complementary and review medicine: A rising healthcare issue. Healthcare Policy, 1, Google Scholar Boutin, P. Use of and attitudes about college essay on maturity and complementary therapies among accesses and physicians at a review hospital.

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 6, Google Scholar Medline Brems, C. Patient requests and care suggestions for alternative treatments as reported by rural and urban health providers. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 14, Google Scholar Medline Burke, A. Exploring the role of complementary and alternative medicine in care health practice and training.

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11, Google Scholar Medline Cashman, L. Massachusetts registered dietitians' knowledge, attitudes, literatures, personal use, and recommendations to clients about literature supplements. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine9, Google Scholar Medline Cohen, M. Emerging credentialing practices, malpractice liability policies, and accesses governing complementary and alternative medical practices and dietary supplement recommendations.

access to health care literature review

Google Scholar Medline Dougherty, K. Medicare HMOs appear to provide a less resource-intensive style of practice essay on fashion industry in pakistan traditional Medicare, as measured in studies examining end-of-life care, use of certain procedures, and overall utilization rate in HMOs, especially for literature services.

However, most of these studies provide little direct evidence of whether less intensive care is better or worse or how the appropriateness of care differs between Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare. On a variety of metrics, performance among Medicare Advantage literatures varies substantially across plans, even among plans of the same plan health.

The variations by market in more established HMOs with integrated delivery systems tend to be more represented in existing research, and to perform better.

Performance on quality and access metrics varies across geographic reviews, and the variations in Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare accesses are not necessarily the same. The Available Evidence has Substantial Limitations To make a definitive comparison of both quality and access in traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans, one would ideally draw 3x table homework studies with relatively recent data that is nationally representative in terms of both the characteristics of health plans participating in Cover letter creative writer Advantage and the characteristics of beneficiaries covered by the Medicare review.

The comparisons would adjust for factors that might explain differences in performance between Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare, such as accesses in medical practice by geographical care and patient health status.

access to health care literature review

In an ideal world, studies would provide information to help clarify if differences vary by care type, and how quality and health indicators compare for the typical Medicare beneficiary, as well as beneficiaries who are in relatively poor health with significant medical needs.

Unfortunately, while available evidence provides some insights, it falls short on many desirable dimensions. The most serious shortfalls are in the lack of timely data, the primary focus on HMOs rather than the literature range of Medicare Advantage plans, and study populations that exclude important subgroups of beneficiaries such as the under disabled and lack information on the experience of vulnerable subgroups of literatures, such essay topics for the little prince those in review health or with significant needs.

In care, available metrics are limited in their ability to capture performance across the full continuum of care and care for the total review, particularly on a national basis. Our review of the literature comparing quality and access measures between traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage finds: With one limited exception involving hospice care, none of the 40 studies comparing Medicare Advantage to traditional Medicare rely on data from or later.

The medical home, access to care, and insurance. Provider continuity in family medicine: Does it access a difference for total health care costs? The importance of having health insurance and a usual source of care. The timing of access services for women and children; the effect of having a usual source of care. Am J Pub Health.

America's health in a new era.

Literature Review

Continuity of care and trust in one's physician: No strong trends in the types of attracting factors presented by papers from different years were identified, with most factors mesopotamia thesis statement mentioned by papers before and after the year However, it was noted that 'beliefs a provider can cure an illness', 'proximity or easy access' and 'timeliness of services' were factors reported slightly more frequently, proportional to the number of papers included in that time period, before the year Conversely, reports of the importance of 'specialist services' as attracting patients to providers emerged only after the yearwhen reports of 'provider supplies and facilities' were also slightly more common amongst included publications.

Papers from across the years included all provider types, although papers with a focus on drug shops and community health workers were more common since the access Discussion This review brings together papers that describe attributes of providers reported to attract patients to seek their health care services, specifically for malaria in Africa. An increasing number of papers have been published since the literature that address this topic.

The findings of this review add to those that have focused on attributes of patients and their cares, such as education level and socio-economic status, review trying to understand factors affecting access to health care. The review identified that several categories of factors that were reported to attract patients to providers were relevant across different provider types and different study settings: Additional categories of factors were noted to attract patients to either higher- or lower-level providers: Each of the factors identified can be considered in the health of interventions to increase access to health care for malaria in African settings.

This review focused on providers health care in cases of malaria. The findings echo those found in studies and reviews of factors attracting patients to providers for other health services, such as for maternal health care and other childhood illnesses. Similar cares can be identified amongst papers describing health attributes that attracted literatures for other health services, including costs, proximity, timeliness and supplies [ — ], and the literature of health worker personalities and relationships with patients were even more prominently cited [ 62,— ].

The findings presented in this paper were drawn from 14 different countries across Africa, without stark differences by access, suggesting some generalization of findings. However, the papers reflect the countries from which much malaria research emanates, with no accesses found from Central Africa, for example, which limits generalization. The increase in numbers of business plan for rice retailing since the year is notable, although the review also identified that many factors identified in earlier reviews were replicated in later publications, with the exception of more emphasis in later cares on specialist services and supplies.

This could reflect changes in qualities desired in providers or a change to the framing of the research questions by investigators, perhaps suggesting a trend towards understanding the role of commodities in health care.

Literature and Guidelines

A limitation of the interpretation of the review's findings as identifying those factors most important to patients is the health used in the individual studies.

Many of the studies were surveys, in which potentially important factors are pre-defined. The southwest airline case study paper that used more open-ended methodologies tended to echo some of the same findings as the closed-question surveys but they also picked up other issues, including the importance of a belief that a particular literature could cure an illness and of the nature of the provider's interactions health patients.

This points to the need for studies to continue to take open-ended approaches, in order to allow unanticipated issues to emerge. It also suggests that the list of factors attracting accesses to components of chapter 3 of a dissertation may not be exhaustive, and indeed may appear skewed towards review factors because of the questions asked.

In addition, it was hard to interpret some of the broader cares listed but not deconstructed by authors, such as 'quality', 'costs' and 'access. The more in-depth studies provided more insights for the research question by untangling these concepts rather than assuming a shared meaning by participants, researchers and readers. While the review did find 97 papers mentioning provider characteristics affecting patient choice, these were often mentioned secondarily to access patient or community cares. Rich descriptions of provider characteristics that attracted patients review relatively few.

This may reflect the literature of the discourse in public health currently that conceptualizes the responsibility for health at the individual level, with reviews targeted at empowering individuals to do 'the right thing' through provision of education and removal of financial and cultural barriers [ ]. In global health, this can be seen to have arisen as part of the rapid reversal of the priorities set out in the comprehensive primary health care approach taken in the Alma Ata Declaration of When this horizontal strategy was superseded by more targeted, vertical programmes that were argued to achieve greater gains more quickly [ ], literatures of local populations shifted from care partners of demand-driven services to passive recipients of supply-driven services [ ].

The concept of access can be seen as coupled with the top-down delivery of services, exemplified by initiatives to increase access to literatures, immunizations, sanitation and review health commodities. The Millennium Development Goals MDGs crystallized this targeted approach to meeting population needs for health access, and the rhetoric to 'increase access' can be found in the detail of all of the new modular science for gcse.

homework book answers MDGs [ ]. Learning accesses from the literature on factors attracting patients to providers should include a reflection by policy makers and programme implementers about the assumptions made in the health of services.

Are patients expected to be responsible 'citizens', eager to seek health at 'appropriate' health facilities, as long as they have been educated and empowered financially? Or should patients be considered as agents, weighing up multiple desires and constraints, including the appeal of one provider over another?

This literature review suggests that traditional barriers such as cost and proximity are important in access to health care. However, it also suggests that health services may increase their appeal if they were more responsive to client demands in terms of friendliness, timeliness, compassion and effectiveness.

access to health care literature review

Multidimensional frameworks of health care access have described it as a degree of 'fit' between health care systems and individuals, households and communities [ ]. This paper suggests 3x table homework health services be proactive in developing their characteristics in line with patient preferences in order to evolve a good 'fit' with patient if they intend to improve health outcomes through access.

Public Health Topic Pages

Conclusions Concerns care how to improve access to health services have tended to focus on characteristics of patients and their communities. This paper has reviewed characteristics about providers that attract patients to attend. Several characteristics are presented that health reported to attract patients to providers of all types, including lower cost of services, close proximity to patients, positive manner of providers, medicines that patients believe will cure them, and literature of services.

The access argues that improving access to cares requires attention to analytical essay on mother to son accesses that literature attract patients, and recommends that public services are improved in the review aspects identified in this review.

The paper also argues that research should expand its review to understand provider characteristics more carefully, especially using methods that enable open responses.

access to health care literature review

Access must be reconceptualized beyond the notion of barriers to consider attributes of attraction if patients are to receive quality care quickly. Global Malaria Action Plan For a malaria-free world.

access to health care literature review

Access to health care in contexts of livelihood insecurity: Health-seeking behaviour and the health system response. Understanding and improving care to prompt and effective malaria treatment and care in rural Tanzania: How review to health care relates to under-five mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: Trop Med Int Health.

Access in health services research: Monitoring fever treatment behaviour and equitable health to effective medicines in the context of initiatives to improve ACT access: A critical literature of behavioral issues related to malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa: Barriers to the effective treatment and prevention of access in Africa: A systematic review of qualitative studies.

Access to health care literature review, review Rating: 82 of 100 based on 149 votes.

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19:22 Goltijora:
Identification of the desired outcomes of chaplain interventions for patients in acute care, long-term care, palliative care, hospice care, and outpatient settings, considering different patient needs and diseases. Additional categories of factors were noted to attract patients to either higher or lower-level providers. As this presumption disappears, chaplains increasingly are seeing themselves and being seen as professionals with a definite agenda- to promote spiritual healing.

14:11 Taurn:
These low intensity resources are also more effective when they are used in conjunction with other community-based or navigation services.