04.09.2010 Public by Felar

How to write discussion section of research paper

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How do you write a discussion paper? Quick Answer A discussion paper presents and discusses in depth the issues that surround a specific topic.

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how to write discussion section of research paper

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11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take seriously

Full Answer Begin a discussion paper by selecting a topic that you are personally interested in and for which you have access to enough good research that supports the topic. Learn more about Academic Essays Sources:.

how to write discussion section of research paper

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how to write discussion section of research paper

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how to write discussion section of research paper

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how to write discussion section of research paper

Vertical structure of the text is comprised of information presented in a hierarchical manner, relating to general elements and more specific ones. The topic unfolds into subtopics, subcategories and separate arguments. You have to keep in mind, that from your point of view, the argument and facts are arranged in a descending manner, taking into consideration how you intend to communicate your thoughts, speculations and conclusions.

11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take seriously

On the other hand, your reader will perceive all information in an ascending manner, from more specific elements to the general understanding of your topic. The horizontal structure is formed by creating cohesion between your findings. This cohesion is achieved by means of language devices, such as conjunctions, references and omission of words or phrases that can be logically derived from a sentence.

All facts, arguments and speculations should be presented consistently, using logical connectives and references.

Discussion section of a research paper

Which Type of Structure is Better There is no right or wrong, it just depends on your findings. The horizontal structure is especially relevant when you are conducting an interdisciplinary research.

There is no hierarchy between independent disciplines, so you need a structure which will highlight the relations between facts that belong to different fields. Vertical structure employs the deductive approach to research. If you start paper your thesis how from a generalization and build your way to a section by analyzing separate element of the general notion, then a vertical research is more suitable for you discussion write.

Points to Consider Whichever structure you decide to choose, your discussion section should have a discussion summary of the importance of your findings for the field you study.

how to write discussion section of research paper
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23:04 Arashikora:
Don't wildly speculate, however!

23:04 Nikoran:
Our company works with the standard essay format: However, better instructional materials and adequate pay are rarely even distantly related to the topic of the paper! Points to Consider Whichever structure you decide to choose, your discussion section should have a brief summary of the importance of your findings for the field you study.

11:51 Gujora:
Do not fall into the trap of thinking that results contrary to what you expected are necessarily "bad data". At the beginning of the Introduction section, the context and need work together as a funnel: Additionally, our sample was predominantly Caucasian, and thus, we do not know how these results would generalize to ethnic minority groups.