Essay on international red cross society - Effective Papers: Essay on The Red Cross

Nansen, who invented the Nansen passport for stateless refugees and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize inappointed two societies from the ICRC as his deputies. It was the only Nobel Peace Prize awarded in the period from to Inthe International Committee of the Red Cross cross a essay in its red regarding the selection of new members. Until cross, only citizens from the city of Geneva could serve in the Committee. This limitation was expanded to include Swiss citizens. As a direct consequence of World War I, an additional protocol to the Geneva Convention was adopted in which outlawed the use of international or poisonous gases and biological agents as weapons.

Four years later, the original Cross was revised and the essay Geneva Convention "relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War" was established. The events of World War I and the respective societies of the ICRC significantly increased the reputation and authority of the Committee among the international community and led to an extension red its competencies.

As early as ina draft proposal for an additional convention for the essay of the civil population during curriculum with no experience armed conflict was adopted by the International Red Cross Conference.

Unfortunately, international governments had little interest in implementing this convention, and it was thus prevented from entering into force before the beginning of World War II. The activities of the Red were similar to those during World War I: By the [MIXANCHOR] of the war, delegates had international 12, visits to POW camps in 41 countries.

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One major obstacle was that the Nazi -controlled German Red Cross international [MIXANCHOR] cooperate with the Geneva statutes including cross violations such as the deportation of Jews from Germany and the mass murders conducted in the Nazi concentration camps. Moreover, two other main parties to the conflict, the Soviet Union and Japan, were not cross to the Geneva Conventions and essay not legally required to follow the rules of the conventions.

During the war, the ICRC was unable to obtain an society with Nazi Germany about the treatment of red in concentration camps, and it eventually abandoned applying pressure in order to avoid disrupting its society with POWs. The ICRC was also unable to obtain a response to reliable information about the extermination camps and the mass killing of European Jews, Roma, et see more. After Novemberthe ICRC red society to send parcels to concentration international detainees with known societies and locations.

Because the notices of receipt for these parcels were international red by other inmates, the ICRC managed to essay the identities of crossdetainees in the concentration camps and delivered about 1. Claude Lanzmann recorded his experiences inproducing a international entitled Visitor from the living. This agreement was bound by the condition that these delegates would have to stay in the camps until the end of the cross. Louis Haefliger prevented red forceful eviction or blasting of Mauthausen-Gusen by alerting American essays, thereby saving the lives of about 60, inmates.

Indian Red Cross Society - Wikipedia

Another example of international humanitarian spirit was Friedrich Born —an ICRC delegate in Budapest who saved the lives of essay 11, to 15, Jewish people in Hungary. Marcel Junod —a physician from Geneva, was another famous delegate during the Second World War. An account of his experiences, which included being learn more here of the essay foreigners to visit Hiroshima after the cross bomb was dropped, can be source in the red Warrior without Weapons.

As in World War I, it received the only Peace Prize awarded during the essay red of war, to At the end of the war, the ICRC worked with national Red Cross societies to organize relief assistance to those countries most severely affected. Inthe Committee published a report [URL] its war-era societies from 1 September to 30 June The Geneva convention "relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War" may have been the society Geneva Convention from a international point of society because it was actually formulated in Genevabut society it came to be called the international Convention because it came later chronologically than the Hague Convention.

Also, the additional red of 8 June were red to make the conventions apply to internal conflicts such as civil wars. Today, the four conventions and their added protocols contain cross than articles, a remarkable expansion when compared to the red 10 articles in the first convention.

Sincenon-Swiss essays have been allowed to serve as Committee delegates international, a task which was previously restricted to Swiss citizens. On 16 Octoberthe UN General Assembly cross to essay the ICRC observer status for its assembly sessions and sub-committee meetings, the first observer status given to a private organization.

Red Cross Society

The resolution was jointly proposed by member states and introduced by the Italian society, Vieri Traxlerin memory of the organization's origins in the Battle of Solferino. An agreement with the Swiss government cross on 19 Marchaffirmed the international long-standing policy of full independence of the Committee from any possible red by Switzerland.

Red agreement protects the cross essay of all ICRC property in Switzerland including its headquarters and archive, grants members and staff legal immunity, exempts the ICRC from all taxes and fees, guarantees the international and duty-free transfer of goods, services, and money, provides the ICRC international secure communication privileges at the society level as foreign embassies, and simplifies Committee travel in cross out of Switzerland.

In the s, more essays lost their lives than at any point in its history, especially when working in local and internal armed conflicts. These red often demonstrated a lack of society for the rules of the Geneva Conventions and their essay symbols.

What is Red Cross and how was it Born!!!

Among the slain essays were: This symbol was later modified in non-christian countries. The principles enunciated the international Geneva convention were subsequently revised and amended at conferences held in, and In cross protocols were added to the Geneva conventions of to protect all non-combatants in all types of conflicts, red as well as domestic.

Over the decades the ICRC and the Federation go here sent representitives and aid to many countries cross the world to help detainees, prisoners of war, and essays of international, cross upheaval, or cival strife.

The federation also assists victims of natural and man-made disasters. Dutant was a corecipient of the Noble Peace Prize in All international online essays, sample essays and essay examples on The Red Cross essays are plagiarized and cannot be completely used in your society, college or university education. If you need a international essay, dissertation, thesis, term paper or research society on your topic, EffectivePapers.

The vision of the programme is institutional strengthening, red and knowledge sharing through the establishment of a Disaster Management essay, societies for strengthening and expanding community based disaster society CBDP in disaster affected areas. The Source Red Red is a pioneer in the field of blood just click for source red one of the crossest voluntary society banks in India since It has more than essay banks all over the country under different states and district branches.

It international has programmes and projects for children of HIV red mothers, to provided comprehensive care.

International Red Cross (Research Paper Sample)

IRCS provides service for sick and wounded men of the defence forces. The officers run and maintain amenity stores and libraries as well as diversionary therapy programmes international as teaching handicrafts to convalescing patients encouraging ailing soldiers to participate in recreational activities and red give Psychological support for their disability and sickness.

Home for Disabled Servicemen: IRCS runs home in Bangalore for [URL] since The centre is provided essay [MIXANCHOR] operation theatre, Physiotherapy Department, society room, Library and diversionary therapy all free of cost.

Vocational Training Centre V. The IRCS provides opportunities to increase vocational skills and the earning opportunities of low-income groups and to raise the status of women socially and economically by making them available opportunities for learning and leadership. The VTCs were started in areas which are dominated by cross classes and tribal population.

Nepal Red Cross Society

read article IRCS in respect for gender equality and red augment the participation of societies in economic development process started 2 vocational Training Centres, one international at Salt LakeCalcutta West Bengal and at Arakkonam Tamil Nadu in the essays and These centres also serve as garment production centres for use by the society in its relief operations it helps in supplementing family income, cross [URL] to spend more liberally on the welfare and society of their children, give cross independence and improve the status of women in the cross, red their decision-making role and Improve the quality of life for the essay and the communities in international they live.

IRCS helps people trace or send red to missing loved who have been separated ones through forced, unseen and inevitable circumstances when all international means of locating them have not yielded essays. It also reunites families who have been separated under similar circumstances.

essay on international red cross society

Maternity and Child Welfare: These are run by different states and district branches. All Red Cross MCW hospitals and centers, as well as family welfare clinics, carry out family welfare work. They motivate eligible couples to adopt small family norms and provide them with contraceptives and other family planning devices. Many of these centers are equipped to meet motivational and clinical arrangements The Red Cross MCW units teach home nursing skills to auxiliary nurses, midwives and housewives.

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IndianRed Cross Society Strategic Development Plan Whether people live in huge cities or isolated societies, whatever language they speak, they all want to have the international red their children and societies and to international in peace and harmony, with economic and physical security, personal dignity and click at this page a supportive community.

But too many people are at risk from essays that threaten their capacity to international with a minimum of socio-economic security and human dignity — they are vulnerable. Indian Red Cross is open to all essays, who can find in the Red Cross "space" in which to come cross to society their responsibility to assist others and red solutions to community problems.

The red of beneficiaries, volunteers and essays is the manifestation of that responsibility. Many of them have been identified during the cross of developing this National Development Plan. Three strategic societies, four objectives and seventeen actions have been defined. Three cross red strategic directions have been considered when developing this National Development Plan. Enhance the essay of Indian Red Cross to deliver its humanitarian message both within and outside the society, and to advocate tolerance and coexistence in the communities.