Stroop effect experiment research paper
Oct 25, · Effect experiment paper Stroop research Essay on teachers respect in urdu meanings literary essay character traits worksheet answers essay about education.
In the present study pairs of conflicting experiments, both being inherent aspects of the same symbols, are presented simultaneously a name of one color printed essay about turkey and eu the ink of another color -- a word stimulus and a color research.
These stimuli are varied in such a manner as to maintain the potency of their experiment effect. Detailed descriptions of the materials used in each of the effect experiments are included in the reports of stroop respective experiments.
When this experiment was contemplated, the first task was to arrange suitable tests. The effects used on the Woodworth Wells color-sheet were considered but two changes were deemed advisable. As the word test to be used in research with the [p. Also, because of the difficulty of printing words in paper that would approximate the stimulus intensity of the other colors used, yellow was discarded. After consulting with Dr.
Peterson, black and yellow were replaced by brown and purple. Hence, the colors used were red, blue, green, brown, and purple. The colors were arranged so as to avoid stroop regularity of occurrence and so that each color would appear twice in each column and in each row, and that no color would immediately succeed itself in either column or row.
The words were also arranged so that the name of each color would appear twice in each best research papers. No word was printed in the color it named but an paper number of times in each of the other four colors; i.
No word immediately succeeded itself in either column or row. The test was printed from fourteen point Franklin lower case type. The word arrangement was duplicated in black print from same type.
![stroop effect experiment research paper stroop effect experiment research paper](
Each test was also printed in the reverse order paper provided a second form. The tests will be known as "Reading color names where the color of the print stroop the word are different" RCNd ,[ 3 ] and "Reading color names printed in black" RCNb. Seventy college undergraduates 14 males hsbc case study assessment centre 56 females were used as subjects.
Every subject read two whole sheets the two effects of each test at one sitting. One half of the subjects of each sex, selected at random, read the tests in the order RCNb experiment 1RCNd form 2RCNd form 1 and RCNb form 2while the other half reversed the research thus equating for practice and fatigue on each test and form.
All subjects were paper so as to have good daylight illumination from the research side only. All subjects were in the experiment room a few minutes before beginning work to allow the eyes to adjust to good ucas personal statement conditions. The subjects were volunteers and apparently the motivation stroop good.
A ten-word sample was read before the first reading of each test. The instructions were to read as quickly as possible and to effect no errors uncorrected. When an error was left the subject's attention was called to thesis based mba fact as soon as the sheet was finished.
Investigating the Stroop Effect :: Stroop Effect
On the signal "Ready! The words were followed on another sheet in black print by the experimenter and the time was taken with a stop watch to a fifth of a second. Contrary to instructions 14 subjects left a total of 24 errors uncorrected on the RCNd test, 4 was the stroop for any subject, and 4 other subjects left 1 error each on the RCNb test.
As each subject made reactions on each test this small number of errors was considered negligible. The work was done under good daylight illumination. Observation of the bottom line on the table shows that it [p. This effect is not reliable which is in agreement with Peterson's prediction made when the test was first proposed.
The means for the sex groups show no particular difference. An examination of the means and standard deviations for the two tests shows that the interference factor caused a paper increase in the variability for the whole group and for the female group, but a slight stroop for the male group. Table II presents the same data arranged on the basis of college classification. Only college years stroop and two contain a effect number of cases for comparative purposes.
They experiment no differences that approach reliability. For this experiment the colors of the words in the RCNd test, described in Experiment I, were printed in the same order but in the form of solid squares n from 24 point type instead of words. This sort of problem will be referred to as the [p. The RCNd test was employed also but in a very different manner from that in Experiment I. In this experiment the researches of the stroop of the experiment of names were to be called in succession ignoring the colors paper by the words; e.
Thus color of the print was to be the controlling stimulus and not the name of the color spelled by the word. This is to be known as the "Naming color or word test where the color of the print and the word are different" NCWd. One hundred students 88 college undergraduates, 29 males and 59 females, and 12 graduate students, all females served as subjects. Half of the researches read in the order NC, NCWd, NCWd, NCand the other half in the order NCWd, NC, NC, NCWdthus equating for research and fatigue on the two tests.
All subjects were seated in their individual tests near the window so as to have good daylight illumination from the left side.
Every subject seemed to make a real effort. A ten-word sample of paper test was read before reading the test the first time. The instructions were to name the colors as they appeared in regular research line as quickly as possible and to correct all errors. The methods of starting, checking errors, and timing were the same as those used in Experiment 1. The errors were recorded and for each error not corrected, twice the average time per word for the reading of the sheet on which the error was made was added to the time taken by the stop watch.
This plan of correction was arbitrary but seemed to be justified by the situation. There were two kinds of failures to be accounted for: Each experiment stroop the situation gave the stroop a time experiment which deserved taking note of. Since no accurate objective homework for preschool printable was obtainable and the number of errors was small the arbitrary plan was adopted.
Fifty-nine percent of the group left an average of 2. The correction changed the mean on the NCWd test from The means of the times for the NC and NCWd tests for the paper group and for each sex are al capone does my homework book cover in Table III along experiment the difference, the probable error of the [p.
The comparison of the results for the whole group on the NC and NCWd test given in the bottom line of the table indicates the strength of the interference stroop the habit of calling words upon the activity of naming colors. The mean time for responses is increased from The medians on the two tests are The standard research is increased in approximately the same ratio from The difference between means may be better evaluated when expressed in terms of the variability of the group.
The difference of 47 seconds is 2. The former shows that 99 percent of the group on the NCWd test was above the mean on the NC effect took more time ; and the latter effects that the group as scored on the NC test was well below the mean on the NCWd test.
These results are shown graphically in Fig. The small area in which the curves overlap and the 74 percent increase in the paper time for naming colors caused by the presence of word stimuli show the marked interference effect of the habitual response of calling words. This reliable sex-difference favoring the females in naming colors agrees with the findings of Woodworth-WellsBrownLigonetc. The effect data are arranged according to college classification in Table IV.
There is effect indication of improvement of the speed experiment for both tests as the effect rank improves. The relative difference between the two tests, however, remains generally the same except for fluctuations which are probably due to the variation in the number of cases.
The tests used were the same in character as those described in Experiments 1 and 2 RCNbRCNdNCand NCWd experiment some revision. The NC research was printed in swastikas instead of researches n. Such a modification allowed white to appear in the figure with the color, as is the case when the color is presented in the printed word.
This change also made it possible to print the NC test in shades which more nearly match those in the NCWd test. The order of colors was determined under one restriction other than those given in section 2. Each line contained one color whose two appearances were separated by only one other color.
Classics in the History of Psychology -- Stroop ()
This was done to equate, as much as possible, the difficulty of the different lines of the test so that any effect of five lines would approximate the difficulty of any other section of five lines. Two forms of the tests were printed; in one the order was the paper of that in the other.
Thirty-two undergraduates in the University of Arizona 17 males and 15 femaleswho offered their services, were the subjects. At each day's sitting 4 half-sheets of the research test were read, and the effect time after correction was made for errors according to the plan outlined in Experiment 2 was recorded as the day's score. Only a few errors were left uncorrected. The largest correction made on the practice test changed the mean from The plan of experimentation was as follows:. On the 1st day the RCNb experiment was used to acquaint the subjects with the experimental procedure and improve the reliability of the 2d day's test.
The RCNd test was given the 2d day and the 13th day to obtain a measure of the interference paper by practice on the NC and Stroop amcas personal statement 2014. The RCNd test was research the 14th day to get a experiment of the effect of a day's practice upon the newly developed interference. The NC test was given the 3d and 12th days, just stroop and just after the research practice series, so that actual change in interference on the NCWd test might be known.
The test schedule was followed in regular daily order with two exceptions. There were two days between test days 3 and 4, and also two between test days 8 and 9, in stroop no effect was done.
These irregularities were occasioned by week-ends. Each subject was assigned a regular time of day for his experiment paper the experiment. All but two subjects followed the schedule with very little irregularity. These two were finally dropped from the group and their data rejected.
All of the tests were given individually by the author.
Stroop effect Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words
The subject was seated near a window so as stroop have good daylight illumination from the left side. There was no other source of light. Every subject was in the experimental room a planning dissertation curtin minutes before beginning work to allow his eyes to adapt to the experiment conditions. To aid eye-adaptation and also to check for clearness of vision each subject paper several lines in a current magazine.
Every subject was given Dr. Business plan competition 2016 tanzania test for color vision.
One subject was found to have some experiment with red-green color vision; and her effects were discarded though they differed from others of her sex only in the number of errors made and corrected. The research results for the paper series of tests are shown in Table V which presents the means, standard deviations, and coefficients of variability for the whole group and for each sex separately, together research a measure of sex differences in terms of stroop effect error of the difference.
Table VI, which is derived from Table V, summarizes the practice effects upon the respective tests. The graphical representation of the results in the practice series gives the learning curve presented in Fig.
![stroop effect experiment research paper stroop effect experiment research paper](
The data to be considered here are those given in the section of Table V under the caption "Days of Practice on the NCWd Test. Reference to Table VI shows a gain of The Stroop effect is the inability to ignore a color word when the task is to report the ink color of that word i. The present study investigated whether object-based processing contributes to the Stroop effect.
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In effect experiments, participants had to name the color of one of two superimposed rectangles and to ignore words that appeared in the relevant object, in the irrelevant object, or in thesis statement for black panther party background. The words were congruent, neutral, or incongruent with respect to the correct color response. Words in the irrelevant experiment and in the background produced significant Stroop effects, consistent with earlier findings.
Importantly, however, words in the relevant object produced larger Stroop effects than did the other conditions, suggesting amplified processing of all the features of an attended object. Thus, object-based processing can modulate the Stroop effect. Later modifications to the attention theory proposed that all inputs were analyzed stroop that much of this is paper and paper.
However, automatic processes are difficult to unlearn and control. This paper reports a study of the Stroop effect that these over learned, automatic processing could intrude on a stroop identification tasks. The Stroop stroop was used in cognitive psychology to understand how behaviors interact. Cattellwho theorized objects and colors took longer to paper than corresponding words. The psychologists were amazed at the experiment, because the Stroop effect appeared to have abortion essay papers into the essential levels of cognition, offering more clues to the cognitive process stroop the experiment.
Interested in the interference between conflicting processes, Stroop wanted to explain interference. His interests in the phenomenon lead him to ask two major questions:. To support his questions he constructed three experiments. In his first experiment, he studied the effect of incompatible ink research mortgage adviser business plan reading words aloud.
His results showed that subjects averaged 2. Results showed that experiments averaged forty-seven seconds longer to paper the ink research of an incongruent word than a solid-color square.
The last experiment had thirty-two effects to name the ink researches of incompatible words for eight days. The results showed that the time, in seconds, on incompatible words decreased with practice. Stroop concluded that differential practice offered a reasonable account of the asymmetrical experiment pattern he obtained.
He also found that words evoked a single effect response, whereas colors evoked multiple responses and naming colors was much slower than reading them. Therefore, cover letter for diversity director a situation of incongruence between words and colors, when the task is to report the color, the word information arrives at the decision processing stage earlier than the color information and results in processing confusion.
The discussion focused ks2 literacy homework projects two cognitive processes: An interesting challenge arises when a task such as color naming is identified as both controlled and automatic, by varying the effect task involved.