Crime of passion thesis
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This nurse with so much love and so much knowledge relieved him of his pain and let him die.
The public and the hospital then scolded her. She was labeled a murderer.
Reading this essay was like watching it on television. Every sentence was described with so much depth; there was no need to imagine the scenery or the excitement of the hospital.
The healthy police officer was described as a young, witty macho cop with thirty-two pounds of attack equipment. When reading this, the vision of a man in a blue uniform with his gun and walkie-talkie enters the mind.
When the man had been diagnosed with lung cancer he was described as a sixty pound skeleton being kept alive by liquid food poured down a tube. The code blues were described horrifically.
He stopped breathing two to three times a day, and every time he stopped he was resuscitated. The pain he was enduring was far too much for any human or any animal to sustain.
He begged to die, and only one nurse had the strength to give him peace. Descriptive Essays term papers Disclaimer: Free essays on Descriptive Essays posted on this site were donated by anonymous users and are provided for informational use only.
Essay on atomic warfare free Descriptive Essays research paper Crime of Passion by Barbara Huttmann thesis presented on this page should not be viewed as a sample of our on-line writing service. A story of love, dedication, moral values, and a nurse who loved her job and her patients very dearly. One of her crimes was a passion police officer who had been diagnosed with lung cancer.
Within six months time, he had lost his youth, two of his five senses and his ability to do anything for himself. He had stopped breathing numerous times, and each time he was resuscitated. Eventually the pain became unbearable and he begged for God to take him.
This nurse with so much love and so much knowledge relieved him of his pain and let him die. The public and the hospital then scolded her. She was labeled a murderer. Reading this essay was like watching it on television.