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Schedule for writing a research paper - How to Develop a Research Paper Timeline

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Identify the purpose for your work plan. Work plans are written for various reasons. Determine the purpose up front so you can prepare properly. Keep in mind that most work plans are for a certain period of time i.

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In the workplace, work plans help your supervisor know what projects you will be working on over the next several months. These often come right after an annual performance review or as teams undertake large projects. Work plans can also be the result of strategic planning sessions your organization holds at the beginning of a new calendar or fiscal year. In the academic world, work plans can help students create a schedule for a large project.

They can also help teachers plan their course material for the semester.

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For a personal project, work plans will help you delineate what you intend to do, how you intend to do it, and by what date you intend to have it done. Write the introduction and background. For professional work plans, you may have to write an introduction and background. These provide your supervisor or manager with the information they need to put your work plan into context.

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Academic Support Center - Research Paper

Writing an introduction and background is often unnecessary for an academic work plan. The introduction should be short and engaging. Remind your superiors why you are creating this work plan.

schedule for writing a research paper

Introduce the specific project s you will be working on during this time period. The background should highlight the reasons you are creating this work plan. For example, recite details or statistics argument essay model recent reports, identify problems that need to be addressed, or build off of recommendations or feedback you received during previous work projects.

Determine your goal s and objectives.

schedule for writing a research paper

Goals and objectives are related in that they both point to things you hope to accomplish through your work plan. However, remember the differences, too; goals are general and objectives are more specific. Goals creative writing about yourself focus on the big schedule of your writing. List the desired ultimate outcome of for work plan. Keep it broad; for research, make your goal be to complete a research paper or to learn more about writing.

Objectives should be schedule and tangible. There will come a time in most students' careers when they are assigned a research paper. Such an assignment often creates a great deal of unneeded anxiety in the student, which may result in procrastination and a feeling of confusion and inadequacy. This anxiety frequently stems from the fact that for students are unfamiliar and inexperienced with this genre of writing. Never fear—inexperience and unfamiliarity are situations you can change through practice!

Writing a research paper is an essential aspect of academics and should not be avoided on account of one's anxiety. In fact, the process of writing a research paper can be one of the more rewarding experiences one may encounter in academics. Consider also consulting academic journals, mass-market and specialty periodicals, and the Internet. Consider also writing original research, such as interviewing for or conducting a survey.

Try to use the most current sources. A good rule of thumb is to stick to sources that are not more than 10 years old. Of course, many exceptions can be made to this rule, especially if the most important works in a field are more than 10 years old. But do try for paper works wherever possible. Don't fall into the writing that a former student did. Writing about "the technology office," he chose sources all cover letter gis specialist that were at paper 10 years old, yet he kept talking about "the office of tomorrow.

Be sure you know what citation and bibliographic style your instructor wants you to use. Plan to have your preliminary schedule prepared by the 11th week of class.

schedule for writing a research paper

Insert quotations, cite authors that bolster your thesis, and develop a bibliography of healthy size and variety. Use the research you've uncovered in a way that logically supports your thesis.

Check in with your instructor as you're researching and writing your paper if you have questions about whether the research seems adequate.

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Every paragraph except the introduction and conclusion ought to have a reference to the primary or secondary source material used for your paper. Without a reference to a source in the paragraph, you may not have provided the necessary evidence to demonstrate your point.

Citing your sources within the text and avoiding plagiarism: If your assignment doesn't make it clear, ask your instructor which citation style you should use.

Understand that writing you use ideas, facts, and opinions that are not your own -- even when you don't use the for exact words -- you must give appropriate credit to the author as you paper his or her ideas into your paper. If you don't do so, you're committing plagiarism, one of the most serious offenses in academe. It's better, when in doubt, to over-cite than under-cite. At schedule one citation per paragraph is not unreasonable.

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Writing Project Plan Date assigned: Who is the primary research Who is the secondary audience? Do I need to make any special accommodations for these audiences? How long is this assignment expected to be?

schedule for writing a research paper

Is it expected to cover a time period or a range of ideas? What do I want to accomplish with this project—show my instructor what I know, earn a high grade, satisfy a course requirement?

Goals of the information: How will the audience use the information?

schedule for writing a research paper

How will I write this assignment?

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