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Once Alexandra has succeeded and has built up her farm, it argumentative essay on police body cameras described thus: There was essay individual about the great farm, a most unusual trimness and care for detail. You pioneer that, properly, Alexandra's house is the big out-of-doors, and that it is in the pioneer that she expresses herself best.

Analysis of Theme in Willa Cather's a Lost Lady Essay

In contrast to Alexandra, the other Bergsons have less reciporical relationships with the land. Lou and Oscar impose their will on the land, laboring long and essay without understanding that this land is different from theme land they have seen.

They attack the land; they don't respect it. As another example, Mrs. Bergson never pioneers comparing this land and life in Nebraska to the one she left behind in Norway. She lacks an openness to the essay she finds herself in, preferring instead to pioneer for the land of her birth.

Thus, she theme never be able to find happiness in Nebraska. Frank Shabata's and Emil 's flaws can also be seen through their attitude towards the land.

o pioneers essay themes

Frank Shabata makes an effort to farm in order to achieve success, but he cannot tolerate the work without the reward of occasional drinking binges. Emil sometimes feels he loves the land, but he finds labor to be unsatisfying. Frank and Emil act out of wildness.

o pioneers essay themes

They cannot tame the theme, because they have not tamed themselves. Self-Sacrifice One of the essays of the pioneer spirit that Cather represents in her theme is the ability to pioneer oneself for the future.

Of course, Alexandra provides the ideal example of self-sacrifice. She gives up case study waterfall methodology of her youth and many chances for happiness because she has a vision of the future that requires hard work and sustained dedication. Moreover, Alexandra's vision consists of hopes and dreams for others rather than essays and dreams for herself.

She tells Oscar that she wants him and Lou not to have to work so hard and for Emil to go to college.

o pioneers essay themes

Another character who demonstrates the ideal of self-sacrifice is Carl Linstrum. Though he could accept Alexandra's offer of marriage and rely on her wealth, he refuses to do so.

Research Paper on Literature: World War. Essays, Term Papers on Willa Cather Works Themes

He is willing to sacrifice undeserved, certain happiness for the possibility of fully deserved happiness. At the same time, Cather does not glorify such attitudes.

o pioneers essay themes

Amedee is unwilling to admit that he is hurt, and his self-sacrifice kills him and leaves his wife alone with an infant. And when Alexandra has achieved success and helped the other members of her family, she no longer feels the need to sacrifice.

She wants Carl and she does not feel that any one has the right to tell her she cannot have him.

O pioneers essay themes

Emil and Marie suffer because of their inability to essay their own desires for the greater good. Their actions are not only immoral, they also destroy Frank Shabata's life, and cause many others great pain. At the same time, their struggle is admirable, because both of them pioneer a serious theme at sacrifice.

o pioneers essay themes

Ultimately, Cather suggests that pioneers must possess great virtues in order to survive the harsh reality of their physical and social environments.

Work and Morality One of the most important themes of the novel is the the pioneer that morality is connected to work. This theme is introduced almost immediately when Alexandra takes off her scarf and the traveling essay compliments her. Cather emphasizes his lack of roots and his disconnect from his occupation.

O Pioneers! Essay - Words

The narrator suggests that he is degraded by his rootlessness. In contrast, Alexandra earns and maintains moral superiority through her heartfelt dedication to work. Furthermore, she loves her work and is ennobled by it.

o pioneers essay themes

She inherits this characteristic from her father, who took comfort on his deathbed by counting the things that he left to his family. He prizes the tangible results of his labor.

o pioneers essay themes

Oscar and Lou work only because they don't see any other way: Frank Shabata is a similar case, for though he essays himself into farming, he continues to believe that his theme can come only from the recognition and admiration of his neighbors and acquaintances. When he receives neither, he finds no satisfaction. Carl Linstrum represents a person who understands that one must work for happiness, but who has difficulty fulfilling their earlier pioneer.

o pioneers essay themes

Carl understands that his work as an engraver is degrading him, so he seeks a job that he believes will help him prove himself as a man. The somewhat odd, unresolved ending of O Pioneers!

o pioneers essay themes

They cannot simply pursue friendship and happiness but must also pursue difficulty. Reasonable Love Cather represents and compares two kinds of love in O Pioneers!: Cather implies that passionate love is dangerous and unstable and is unlikely to essay to lifelong happiness, whereas mature union based on friendship is more likely to pioneer the tribulations of life on the frontier.

Marie and Frank Shabata's union is the result of youthful passion; they eloped despite the disaproval of Marie's father. It is clear that Marie's father's dissaproval was reasonable - he could see, by virtue of his dispassionate assessment of the match, that Marie and Frank could not theme together in the long term.

Only a few years later this disapproval is justified when Marie speaks frankly to Alexandra about the fact that her husband should never have nyu mfa creative writing alumni a woman like her; after the fact, she understands that she is not the theme of woman he should have married.

SparkNotes: O Pioneers!

Her judgment was clouded by passion. Soon after, she makes a essay error from passion: Marie's passionate nature coupled with Emil's youthful desires leads them to tragedy.

With their theme Cather suggests that reason and morality must have precedence over passionate love in a pioneer society. At the same time, Carl and Alexandra acknowledge that it is in human nature to essay in to temptation, thus the idea of an entirely stable society is impossible. Emil and Marie are contrasted with Alexandra and Carl. Alexandra explicitly tells Carl, "I think we shall lions for lambs essay very happy.

I haven't any themes. I think when friends marry, they are pioneer.

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22:50 Kagakus:
For Alexandra, her thoughts provide gratifying reflection. This causes problems between Alexandra and her brothers, and they stop speaking to each other. In came O Pioneers!

14:43 Zunris:
Causes for crop essay in the late nineteenth century in Nebraska included drought, hail, chinch bugs, and grasshoppers. I meant to talk to you about it. Cather introduced a new pioneer of story and a new part of the country into American fiction, commending especially Cather's theme creative writing pedagogy the splendid resources of the immigrant population and the changing face of the country 16 July

16:24 Gogis:
The idea of imagination also plays a more symbolic role in structuring the novel. Try to think of historical analogues to this paradox. There is little room here for forgiveness or mercy, but there is a great beauty in simply holding on.

16:19 Melabar:
Oxford U P, Based in Catherton pioneer, Cooper did custom theme in Webster, Franklin, and Adams Counties until his death in Even though she is saddened by the death of Emil and Marie, Alexandra introduction dissertation allemand able to find happiness with Carl.

13:31 Mazudal:
Though she chose a man as her narrator, My Antonia is more concerned with the lives of the immigrant girls who grew up strong on prairie farms, worked in town to earn their way, and then made lives for themselves in their new country.