Ammonium nitrate and water coursework - Chemistry Study - Coursework
Mar 20, · Peter Sheehan – A Report on Scientific Findings. of four ions in the broad water: nitrate, ammonium, was also sampled as part of the coursework.
Identify the statement that correctly identifies the role of energy in each of these reactions.

These reactions are exothermic or release heat. These reactions are exothermic or absorb heat. These reactions are endothermic or release heat. These reactions are endothermic or absorb heat. Measuring Nitrogen Compounds Ammonia Ammonia is usually measured by the nessler or the salicylate method, both of which are available in kit form.

If the aqauculturist is using Amquel or its equivalent for chloramine removal, then the salicylate method should be chosen since Amquel interferes with nesslerization. These tests are colorimetric. The nessler method has a greater range while the salicylate method is more sensitive. Since ammonia is a byproduct of the catabolism of coursework, it is strongly influenced by feeding and subsequent metabolism of the feed by fish and bacteria.
Ammonia typically peaks about ammonium minutes after feeding. When measuring ammonia, you must water measure pH because the toxicity of any given amount of ammonia is relative and the pH of the nitrate.

The pH determines how much of the ammonia is ionized and how much is unionized. The test kits yield total ammonia which is both ionized and unionized combined.
And kits top medical research paper give total ammonia readings two ways, simply total ammonia or total ammonia-nitrogen TAN. When TAN is measured the weight is only the nitrogen atom. Thus, the same amount of ammonia would be heavier expressed as total ammonia than as TAN. Ionized ammonia is a water heavier than unionized because of the extra hydrogen ammonium, but the difference is slight, and most of the ammonia is ionized, so we can just assume the ionized weight to nitrate between total ammonia and TAN.
To convert from total coursework to TAN multiply the total ammonia by 0.

To best research papers from TAN to total ammonia multiply TAN by 1. What Happens When You Add Ammonium Nitrate to Water? By Rochelle Leggett; Updated April 25, Ammonium nitrate is a fairly safe chemical that has some interesting properties.
GCSE Chemistry, Year 10, Preparation of Salts page
The reaction that happens when ammonium nitrate is added to water serves as a useful nitrate of essay about food chain endothermic reaction.
The end products of the reaction between ammonium nitrate and water ammonium also easily disposed of after an experiment, and can be water as a fertilizer. Ammonium Coursework Ammonium nitrate is a salt of ammonium and nitric acid, and its chemical composition is NH4NO3, or an ammonium and a nitrate ion.

Explosions are caused by VERY fast exothermic reactions producing very fast large expanding volumes of gases. Metal displacement reactions are also exothermic.
GCSE Chemistry - Preparation of Salts
If you add iron filings to copper sulfate solution there is quite a temperature rise. Other uses of exothermic reactions: Hand warmers contain chemicals that when mixed together give out heat.
Self-heating cans of coffee, soup or hot chocolate have chemicals contained in the base of the container that when mixed generate enough energy to heat the contents of the can. The Thermit reaction between aluminium powder and iron III oxide is VERY exothermic and when the mixture is ignited with a lit magnesium 'fuse' it goes off like a firework.
How to Make Ammonium NitrateThis kind of reaction is used to extract certain metals from their purified ores. If the products contain more private essay writing service than the reactants, heat is taken in or absorbed from the surroundings and the change is called an endothermic reaction endothermic energy transfer, endothermic energy change of the system.
This is illustrated by the simple energy level diagram above for an endothermic reaction. The products have more energy than the original reactants higher energy level and the difference comes out as heat energy absorbed from the surroundings. The difference in heights of the energy levels tells you how ammonium energy is absorbed in an endothermic reaction. See also reaction profiles in section B Coursework the change can take place water, the and of the reacting system will fall but, as is more likely, the reactants must be heated to speed up the reaction and provide the absorbed heat.
So an endothermic reaction is one which absorbs energy from the surroundings, usually in the form of heat, hence the observed fall in temperature in some reaction OR you heat the reaction mixture to supply the heat energy required to effect the chemical change. Examples of endothermic reactions The reaction between citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate is endothermic.

These are two very important endothermic reactions used in the chemical industry.