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Hampton university of economics and descendant of the essays of essay, activist and diversity of slavery. Of special interest is a typescript, with editorial comments, of the first two chapters of Du Bois' paper Dusk of Dawn: The collection also includes a typescript of an article entitled "Miscegenation" There dubois thirteen speeches and a book review ranging in subject matter from "The Talented Tenth," to a tribute to Dr.

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Born inhe received a bachelor's degree from Fisk University inand by he had received three degrees from Harvard University, culminating with the Ph. Du Bois taught economics and history at Atlanta University He authored a great number of books, articles and essays.

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A socialist, in he joined the Communist Party in the United States and that same year emigrated to Ghana. There he became editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia Africana. Du Bois died in Accra in at the age of Scope and arrangement The W.

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B Du Bois Collection consists of a small body of speeches, articles, correspondence and related material primarily authored by Du Bois.

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16:01 Mazukasa:
And during his stay there, his knowledge of the race problem became clearer.