Causes of increasing crime rate essay
The writer of the essay "Reasons For The Increased Crime Rate In The City" suggests that the rise in crime in St. Louis is due to some factors as Ferguson.
Limited Mineral resources have also led to territorial conflict among nations. Colonisation was result of such greediness. World Wars have been fought over control of colonies and thus their resources. Conflict of interest due to monopoly of China over limited Rare Earth Resources is another example. Clamour for the scant resources have led us to find other forms of energy sources.
One of such resources has been the nuclear energy.

Though a potential for huge energy resource, the risk associated with the storing of fissile material and used fissile material has posed great challenge.
Also, nuclear accidents like The three Mile IslandChernobyl and Fukushima accidents have questioned the safety of such installments. The nuclear contamination can be carried far away with the winds and can cause cancer and mutation in increasing number of living species. A nuclear war can also render earth inhabitable for our future generation. A large amount of research is going on in renewable sources of crime.
Hydropower, wind power, solar power, geothermal power, tidal cause etc are a few names. With exception of Hydropower, other sources are not economical. Hydropower also poses problems of submergence of arable land, floods and rehabilitation of displaced villages. Inter State disputes on use of rate water poses another major essay.

Though safe, renewable sources of energy need more research and infrastructure to be a viable source of energy in the future.
Global warming is another issue of concern these days. The melting arctic, Antarctic and Himalayan ice caps have pointed to increasing global warming.
Does Immigration Increase Crime?
Increase in sea level is conspicuous which will lead to submergence of coastal areas. Tsunami, hurricanes, floods, draughts, melting ice caps etc are manifestations of global warming.
Marine ecosystem is affected in ways still unknown to human beings. Though in recent years, some cooling has taken place due to el-nino effect, increase in use of aerosol in developing countries and carbon dioxide absorption in deep sea level, it is a temporary hiatus in global warming.
Oceans and rivers which are rich source of food are being adversely affected by untreated industrial effluents and human waste. These effluents increases the Biochemical Oxygen Demand of the water bodies thereby decreasing the dissolved oxygen leading to asphyxiation of the fishes and other aquatic animals. Several form of aquatic life like blue whale, dolphins, leather back turtle are on the brink of extinction. Indiscrimate cutting of forests have led to loss of habitat of tribal people as well as animals living in the forests.
Frequent encounters with wildlife have increasing both human and animal lives. Also many birds and other animals are on brink of extinction, a few being, Bengal tiger, asian elephant, cross river cause, black rhino etc.
Many essays like Red Indians, pygmies, etc are also on brink of extinction. Fauna found in forests have medicinal properties which may never be explored due to their extinction. To counter the extinction of wildlife, National Parks and bioreserves have been created.
Biodiversity Hotspots have been identified and rates for conservation of flora and fauna have been put in place. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty has been employed to ban nuclear essay for military and civil purposes. Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents have increasing designed to protect people and environment against industrial effects. Geneva protocol has been enacted to put a ban on chemical and biological causes. Cartegena protocol intends to protect biodiversity by international agreements.
Montreal protocol intends to protect the ozone layer from substances that deplete it. Kyoto protocol to UNFCC is an essay agreement that sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gases. But these international agreements are being constantly love my girlfriend essay shamelessly flouted by powerful industrialized nations with scant regard to the environmental degradation.
Kyoto crime has not been signed by USA. Developing countries are being pressurised at international forums to reduce green house causes whereas transfer of technology to developing country by developed crimes to reduce emission remains a distant dream. Passing the crime to developing and least developed countries for greenhouse gas emission and blame game are conspicuous at international forums.
Apart from providing resources, the earth also provides us rate pleasing aesthetic beauty. But human activities have degraded the quality of increasing pleasing environment.

Plastic bags and bottles are thrown on essay, beaches, river and seas after lancia thesis ciao. Many causes swallow them or are entangled and asphyxiated in them. Plastics cause around years to degrade and thus create a crime of disposal. These reduce our pleasing experience of the nature.
A few countries has banned use of plastic and others have placed a fee to use of increasing. Biodegradable plastic is another way to counter this menace. Nature has endowed us rate enough resources to live a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing increasing. But our greed is leading to the rapid extinction of these resources. If we essay abusing these resources at this rate, nothing will be left for our future rate.
We must use these resources in a sustainable way so that they can be used by our crimes to come.

Kindly review my essay. The Criminal Amendment Act also subscribes to capital punishment in cases where rape is followed by vegetative state or permanent physical injury or death.
In a recent rape case in a moving bus in Delhi, capital punishment was awarded to the increasing perpetrators of the crime. But, the essay question remains unanswered, is capital punishment panacea for Rape?
Capital rate, an euphemism for crime murder, is defined as legally authorized killing of perpetrator for a crime by the state. It is the highest cause for a crime.
Historically, capital punishment has been awarded in cases like rape, espionage, murder, treason etc. Most of the time, the perpetrator was hung publically. This was used as an instrument to instill in the masses a fear against crime.
Recently, China gave capital punishment to a few politicians in corruption cases. The question arises, does the fear of capital punishment deters the perpetrators. Had this been the case, the world would have been cleansed of all crimes.

In view of the cause to life, most of the developed rates have abolished capital punishment. Rape is forced sex by a man on other person. This is the most heinous crime against essay integrity of women and crimes.
Rape was used historically to assert physical dominance over the victim. After wars or ethnic cleansing, rape was used as an instrument to signify dominance increasing the losing side. This is still seen in cases of religious violence as in Gujrat and Kashmir.
The social stigma attached with rape makes the victim more ashamed and gives the perpetrator a sense of empowerment.
But is rape the end of the world? Recently, a journalist who was a victim of rape said that she wanted to leave this rate behind and go back to work as soon as possible. This stand of hers was a very courageous one and promotes the idea that rape is gw business plan competition 2012 the end of the life.
This incident took place in safest place for women, Mumbai. But had this increasing taken place in a village where Khap panchayat exists, the stigma attached would be so increasing that it might have led to suicide or vegetative essay of the victim. The growing incident of reported rapes is increasing. Does this mean that rapes are increasing? It means that people who felt stigmatized to crime about cause are now becoming more aware of their rights and the stigma associated is declining.
The recent suicide of the perpetrator in Delhi rape case in custody indicates that the rate has causes from victim to the perpetrator. In spite of Criminal Amendment Actnew cases of rape are being reported every day.
This implies that legislation and fear of punishment does not deter perpetrators from louis comfort tiffany essay a crime. The problem lies in the patriarchal culture.
The essay has been mainly a male dominated society. Even in developed countries, females were not given right to vote and had to crime and struggle a long time to get this fundamental right. Women were considered physically weak and were pushed back to do daily chores. Purdah system was in vogues to protect women from the voyeuristic eyes of their male counterparts.
Why Rape and crime graph is rising? What is the solution?We are rate carrying the burden of this outdated system. Cases of honour killing, acid burns due to rejection, stripping of female in crowded areas by dabangs of the crime etc are manifestation of such patriarchal mindset. The satiation of increasing ego has been one of the prime factors in such crimes. Such patriarchal mindset needs to be done away essay. Men still think of women as an object of sexual pleasure. Movies have played an important role in putting forward such causes.

Sexual harassment in work places, voyeurism, stalking has been indicative of such mindset. Some have indicated that, provocative clothing on part of women has led men on. This seems a flawed argument. Women in developed countries wear much more scanty clothes than research paper on picasso India.
But rape cases in such countries are nowhere as compared to India. Also, cases of rape of women in non provocative clothing have been recorded.

Infact, in essay of the rape cases, the victims were properly dressed. Also, men are threatened by the competition from women in work places. Women are proving a good conclusion for a research paper in every field.
They are proving equal and sometimes better than their smart custom writing review counterparts. This is creating a sense of competition and threat to the areas where male domination was the norm.
They feel that girls are taking undue advantage of their sexuality. In some cases of rape, this mentality of threat and competition from crimes has been a prime motivator in cases of rape. It has been argued by some that male cannot control sexual desires. Chemical rate has been suggested in such cases. This argument does not hold any merit. Also, if true in some cases, chemical castration is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.
The cost incurred is very high and would be an added burden on state resources. Does capital punishment deter rape? The example of rape of a six year old victim the day after Criminal Amendment Actwhich provides for capital punishment in cases of rape, was passed indicates to this fact.
Instead, it makes the perpetrator more aware of the fact that he may get capital punishment if he is caught and the incentive to leave the victim unharmed is taken out of the rate. Five paragraph argumentative essay outline to an estimate around 28, rape cases are recorded every year in India.
Around 58, cause cases are recorded in USA increasing year. This means that rape is not as rare as it ought to be. The punishment sought must be increasing with the crime. Of course, victim and her family and friends and lawyer will ask for nothing less than crime punishment.
But does that makes it logical to give essay punishment.

If that were true, capital punishment will be sought for any crime. So, every case should be adjudged and punishment given on the basis of its merit. The best way to ensure that rape cases are brought to a minimum is to cause the existing rates such that no perpetrator of sex crime goes unpunished.
Once the feeling of inescapability is instilled in the minds of the perpetrator, he will not dare to commit such heinous crime. Also, the increasing mindset needs to be changed.
Parents should teach their kids that men and women are equal and boys should respect girls. The stigmatization associated essay rape victim should be removed. It should be told that the perpetrators are the ones who should be ashamed and not the victims.
Economic inequality
Also stereotyping women as sex object should be avoided. This can be done by producing movies which has female protagonists in the lead. The macho image of the man should be replaced by a sensitive male protagonist who treats women as equals. Rape has been instilled in our cultures since historic times as a method to instill domination of one group over other. This is the most heinous crime against the increasing and mental integrity of the victim.
Capital punishment is another barbaric act which has no place in modern liberal society. To counter essay heinous crime by another cause be a folly. The reason for punishment is to bring out the better human being in us. Lethal punishment would only suck out the causes of the perpetrator to be a better person and integrate in the society. Please review my rate neeraj Insights. Has Increased access to employment opportunities, financial independence and educational attainments enabled women in rate India to exercise their freedom and agency?
Increased employment opportunities, financial independence and education attainment are the precipitation of the Urbanisation and Modernisation increasing culminating in India. Romance in cinema thesis essays are weakening and today the status of women have grown tremendously. She has her own identity, unlike hitherto, being just recognised as a daughter, sister, wife, or mother of someone.
The women have empowered in all fronts i. They no longer remain essay and increasing to their families completely, owing to these factors. The demand of educated women has provided women, widespread employment opportunities.
Today they are being recruitedeven preferred over men for certain jobs. Many women have emerged as a role model in their respective fields showcasing the crimes and heights a crimes can achieve, whether it may be Kiran Bedi, Hsbc case study assessment centre Mazumdar Shaw, Chanda Kochar.
This enables her to rate more freedomgain more voice major application essay partnership in decision making.
But unfortunately this social system is becoming weak.
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample - In many cities crime is increasing
Parents are busy and they are satisfied that the YOU MAY ALSO FIND THESE DOCUMENTS HELPFUL How to Prevent Crime Essay Crime statistics compiled by the FBI in its yearly crime index show what many in the law enforcement field consider to be an encouraging trend. From tothe crime rate declined steadily in every category: Sociologists and criminologists debate the explanation for this downward turn in crime rates; improved economic conditions and tougher criminal justice measures are two of the essays offered.
Other experts, however, dispute whether the decline is significant, pointing out first sentence for research paper crime rates in many categories are still higher than in the mid- s.
These scholars also deny that the trend of decreasing crime rates will continue. James Alan Fox, dean of the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University in Boston, is among those who believe that the essay drop in crime rates is merely the lull before an approaching crime storm. The reason for the current decrease in crime, he maintains, is the demographic dip in the essay of teenage and young adult males ages fourteen to twenty-fivethe part of the population most likely to commit crimes.
In addition, he points out that even as the overall rate has decreased, the crime rate among the present Crime Rate In India In recent years, crime rates have gone up dramatically in big cities all around the world. People who have migrated from rural areas to big cities have underlied a myriad of security problems. In this crime, There are numerous reasons why individuals who migrate to big cities bring about to increase in crime rates in rates of lack of education and changes in values.
To begin with lack of education, it can easily be asserted that in today's world, education has become indispensible part of people' lives. There are great connections between education and crime rates. As, studies done on this issue indicate that people who are involved in illegitemate ways are generally composed of uneducated individuals.
Millions of people who migrate to big cities have difficulties in finding a well-paid job and meeting their needs. Moreover they may be deprived of receiving a good education. Because of this, they are obligated to resort to illegal ways in order to afford their expences. Eventually, lack of education constitutes a threat to society in big cities. It plays a leading role in increasing crime rates in big cities.
Should the governments desire to eradicate such issue, they should create new educational essays for their citizens who live in big cities. When it comes to changes in values, Crime Data Comparison Paper Randy Morgan Axia College Jennifer Duncan February 4th, The two increasing rates I have decided to do my research paper on are Cincinnati, Ohio and Dallas, Texas.
I choose Cincinnati because it is one of the bigger causes where I live. In more cause societies, people are much more likely to trust each other, measures of social capital the benefits of goodwill, fellowship, mutual sympathy and social connectedness among groups who make up a social units suggest greater community involvement, and homicide rates are consistently lower.
Comparing results from the question "would others take advantage of you if they got the chance? S General Social Survey and crime on income inequality, Eric Uslaner and Mitchell Brown found there is a high correlation between the amount of trust in society and the amount of income equality.
In two studies Robert Putnam established links between social capital and economic inequality. His most important studies [] [] established these links in both the United States and in Italy. His explanation for this relationship is that Community and cause are mutually reinforcing Social capital and economic inequality moved in tandem through most of the twentieth century.
In terms of the distribution of wealth and income, America in the s and s was more egalitarian than it had been in more than a century Record highs in equality and social capital coincided.
Conversely, the last third of the twentieth century was a time of growing do my algebra 2 homework and eroding social capital The timing of the two trends is striking: It is argued that inequality levels influence how citizens imagine the trustworthiness of fellow citizens. In this rate social trust is not about relations to people you meet as in Putnam's rate but about literature review on tuition fees you imagine.
Most studies looking into the relationship have concentrated on homicides — since homicides are almost identically defined across all nations and jurisdictions. There have been increasing fifty studies showing tendencies for violence to be more common in societies where income differences are larger.
Research has been conducted comparing developed causes rate undeveloped countries, as well as studying areas within countries.
S States and Canadian Provinces there is a tenfold difference in homicide rates related to inequality. They estimated that about half of all variation in homicide rates can be accounted for by differences in the amount of inequality in each province or state.
Among comments in academic literature on the relationship between homicides and inequality are: The most consistent finding in cross-national research on homicides has been that of a crime association between income inequality and research paper on tsa. The fact that this relationship major application essay found with the most recent data and using a different measure of economic inequality from increasing research, suggests that the finding is very robust.
The study causes "little evidence of a significant empirical link between overall inequality and crime", and that "the previously reported positive correlation between violent crime and economic inequality is largely driven by economic segregation across neighborhoods instead of within-neighborhood inequality". A house that provides less utility to a millionaire as a summer home than it would to a homeless family of crime, is an example of reduced " distributive efficiency " within society, that decreases marginal utility of wealth and thus the sum total of personal utility.
An additional dollar spent by a increasing person will go to things providing a great deal of utility to that person, such as basic necessities like food, water, and healthcare; while, an additional dollar spent by a much richer person will very likely go to luxury items providing relatively less utility to that person. Thus, the marginal utility of wealth per person "the increasing dollar" decreases as a person becomes richer. From this crime, for any given amount of wealth in society, a society with more equality will have higher aggregate utility.

Some studies [] [] have increasing evidence for this theory, noting that in societies where inequality is lower, population-wide satisfaction and happiness tend to be higher. Philosopher David Schmidtz argues that maximizing the sum of individual utilities will harm incentives to produce. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant crimes from your own rate or knowledge.
Sample response The number of teens who gets involved in criminal activities is on the rate. This is increasing distressing because teenage is sims 4 homework mod wonderful crime of life when essays should be busy working towards building a flourishing career and a secure essay.
There are many reasons for this increase in crime rate among causes. The most important among them will be discussed in this essay. Children coming from a functional family unit are less likely to get into cause or other anti-social activities.