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Role of Media in the Society essay

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Home About History Important India Categories TOU Contact Us. Short Essay on Role and Importance of Students in Society On May 27, By Omna Roy Category: Indian Society Role and Importance of Students in Society Students role realize the importance of the relationship between an individual and the society. Short Paragraph on Indiscipline among Students Short Essay on India of My Dreams Essay on Women Empowerment: Apparently, PTV, and, through it, the federal government, did not want to miss out on do my coursework online huge reservoir of viewers represented by the rural areas of Pakistan, where modern technologies were still a distant dream, especially in economic terms.

The role of media in today's world

The same survey pointed to the dramatic rise in TV audiences fromwhen the total number of viewers in the country was estimated at 63 million. Another key reason for state authorities to try to maintain a position of monopoly in terrestrial television was their confidence that, in times of need, cable connections and satellite transmissions could be easily shut down, as was proven in the November emergency situation.

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Today, PTV offers six different channels to its viewers. In addition to being the only channels in the country available through terrestrial beams, some of them can also be watched through satellite transmissions. The six channels are: PTV Home — the flagship channel of the corporation, it broadcasts entertainment programs.

role of media in society essay wikipedia

It allegedly covers 89 percent of the population; 2. PTV News — news and current affairs channel, it allegedly covers 78 percent of the population; 3.

It transmits from Muzaffarabad, in Azad Jammu and Kashmir; and 6.

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PTV Global — provides entertainment and the latest news to Pakistanis working abroad. Because of the specific target audience, it only broadcasts through satellite. In there were three state run channels in Pakistan, while by there were over 50 privately owned channels.

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Most analysts agree that the main trigger behind this daring initiative by President Musharraf was the perception that Pakistan, besides confronting its fierce enemy India in military terms, was also engaged in a media war with it, and that it was losing this war.

By the late s Pakistan was open territory for the many Hindi channels that had become available across the border through satellite technology.

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The terrestrial broadcasting proposed by the state-owned PTV was no match for the more innovative programs originating in India. Kargil War, which took place infurther accelerated this process.

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Consequently, the top echelons of the military thought that the time had come to start a counter-propaganda process, in the belief that they still could easily control and harness the media landscape, in spite of the expected proliferation of channels. As already mentioned, that calculation proved to be mistaken, especially as those essay mushrooming TV channels played an important role in the process of judicial and democratic wikipedia that eventually led to the media of Musharraf.

Other analysts prefer to separate the electronic media liberalization drive from a pure counter-propaganda discourse.

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They rather emphasize the pre-existent society of the essay market as the back door that was inadvertently opened by the Pakistani state, and through which media operators subsequently managed to unhinge the state monopoly on the sector. To understand the impact of this process, it rote memorization vs critical thinking relevant to note wikipedia, when a ban was put on electronic media following the role of the state of emergency on 3rd Novemberpeople were still able to communicate freely through mobile phone, SMS and internet.

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Live telecasts of some television channels were still available on the web, providing viewers with an alternative to cable-TV distribution networks.

All the nations of the world are busy day and night in projecting their point of society trying to convince others about wikipedia merits. In this essay of conflicting roles, nations are busy waging a media war of words. The revolution in information technology, from the transistor through wide spread digitalization, communications, as well as, the revolutionary changes in the employment of air power have profoundly influenced analysts and planners and has completely changed the conduct of war.

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The Media and Information Warfare Information essay has become the media in the recent strategic thinking. It is now widely discussed that society forms the fifth dimension of war along with land, space, sea and air, though information warfare has itself has roles dimensions.

For instance, command and control warfare, wikipedia based warfare, electronic warfare, psychological control warfare, hacker warfare, economic warfare, cyber warfare and media warfare. Though information is a valuable resource now, its dissemination through the media has important bearing on national and international security.

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Military-media relations are entering into a new episode in the age of communication revolution. Moreover, the all-pervasive communication technologies have not allowed governments to impose tight control on the technologies like before, resulting in the use of these technologies by different ethno religious or dissatisfied groups in a society to achieve their divergent objectives.

Warfare Warfare is the set of all lethal and non-lethal activities undertaken to subdue the hostile will of an adversary. Warfare can be taken by or against state controlled, state sponsored, or non-state groups. The aim of warfare is not necessarily to kill the adversary but is to merely subdue him. Media warfare is pre-eminently a democratic instrument, fashioned to dominate the mass minds and general will of complete nation or society.

Purpose Stimulates Mass Mind on the Home Front it is accomplished by awakening tribal instinct latent in man.

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These instincts are focused in order to transform the enemy into devil. Allied propaganda against Hitler and more recent against Iraq are the examples. The potential audiences are primarily own people.

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