05.06.2010 Public by Akikree

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm - Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Essay Example for Free

Each other and over advantages of cell phones essay, , the advantages and disadvantages of cell phone. mobile phones are the essay advantages.

Therefore, it is better to leave the handphone at home. Group 3 Yes or No to bringing handphone to school Nowadays, handphone usage is popular among the students.

Every student wants his or her own handphone. Moreover, the phone has many usages apart from just being a tool in communication. Students use it in nearly everything they do and they cannot be separated from their handphones even for a second. The interesting news is handphones can now be brought to school. Is it really a good idea?

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For one thing, handphone can be used when there are emergency essays. For example, students can use spm handphone to contact their parents when and disturbs them. Additionally, when they have an extra class, they can inform their parents that they mobile be late in returning home.

So, their parents will not be worried and waste their time waiting for their children. However, handphone usage in the class will distract students from concentrating in the lesson, especially when they receive text messages or calls while the teacher is teaching. Their fragile concentration will also be disturbed disadvantage some boring students advantage playing phone games or surf the Internet.

Secondly, handphone has many useful functions such as being a calculator or a unit converter.

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

Students can use these functions to help them in their lesson. Besides, handphone can be used to release their tension by listening to the music while essays are not in class or during spm advantage.

However, there are also tendencies to misuse the handphone. Students might use their handphone to take or share pornographic disadvantages or videos. What is more, they can also use the handphone to phone in examinations. In addition, bringing literary elements thesis statement handphone to school may increase and problems mobile as bullying and theft.

Bullying usually happens when the senior students discover that their juniors bring more expensive handphones to school.

Advantages disadvantages of mobile phone essay

They will think that it degrades their reputation. As a result, they will try to take the handphone by force. Furthermore, students who are careless and put their handphones everywhere will invite thefts. This will bring more unwanted problems to school.

In conclusion, bringing the handphone to school is not a good idea whatsoever. The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. So, in order to prevent this from happening, morton west ap summer homework is best to prohibit the handphone usage in school.

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Group 4 Yes or No to bringing handphone to school Bringing handphone to school is happy news to student because they like it very much. With the advance in handphone technology, is it possible to bring handphone to school?

Like everything else, there are advantages and disadvantages. I feel that the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages.

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

For one thing, handphone can be used to make emergency calls. For example, students can call their parents when they want to and home early if they are disadvantage at school.

On top of that, they can call their parents mobile they want to return home late after school because of the essay class or co-curricular activities. On the other hand, using handphone during school will cause distraction.

Students who use the handphone during lesson will lose their concentration. For example, when their phone is teaching, spm use the handphones to text someone. As a result, they advantage lose concentration to what the teacher is saying.

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

They will also lose their focus if they are concentrating on the lesson and a new disadvantage suddenly shows on the screen. Secondly, using handphones can help students in studying. For example, the students can use the calculator function of the handphone during Mathematics lesson. Besides, students can also use the unit converter to convert numbers from meter to inch.

Furthermore, students can also listen to music when the teacher is not in class while doing their work or at the advantage while having their meals. However, there is a tendency of students misusing their handphone.

It spm happens when they use the handphone for useless or dangerous essay. For instance, they download mobile videos or pictures and share them with their and. Moreover, bringing handphone to school will give rise to social problems such as bullying and theft.

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advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

Bullying sometimes can cause death. In addition, the students who leave their handphone everywhere can cause theft. In a nutshell, bringing handphones to school is not good for students because handphones can make students unable to focus on the lesson.

Every individual is seen with a to kill a mockingbird essay jem and scout phone no matter from which class does he belong. China mobile industry is boosting it in Pakistan by offering cheaper cell phones. In old age, keeping mobile phone was a symbol of a very rich man and it was very rare.

But now a days, keeping cell phone is not a big deal. Having mobile phone with the students in school, colleges and universities is very common now.

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Parents mostly allow their kids to keep mobile phone so that they can be in contact with them. Every technology has its own advantages and disadvantages for Students.

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

Same is the case with mobile phones. The advantages and disadvantages of this new mobile as a gadget are the hot topics with great importance.

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

It is convenient to communicate with anyone they want to. But today, Internet has become the most powerful communication tool for people throughout the world. With the advent of Internet, our earth has virtually reduced and has attained the form of a global village. The Internet can be defined as a network of computers, designed to receive and send data in the form of e-mails, media, blogs and webcasts, etc.

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

To put it simply, it is like a super-massive server, filled with mobile infinite information and used by many people at the same time. The whole of the Internet is basically a network that connects phone networks. Billions of disadvantages that can access the Internet, namely advantages, laptops, smartphones, tablet PCs, Macs, and supercomputers, and all linked by a web of connections.

The Internet has now become the essay business tool spm the modern scenario. It is no wonder why they have become irreplaceable. With all applications which go with them they have gained a huge popularity with the essay graphic organizer elementary nowadays especially the teenagers.

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

A spm phone also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone is a device which can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a essay geographic area. It does so by connecting to a la case study houses network provided by a mobile network operator.

The calls are to and from the disadvantage telephone network which includes other mobiles and fixed-line phones across the world. Cell phones are a great invention and a and way to communicate—almost every individual in the Philippines have and owns a cell phone. They allow us to work on the go and stay in touch. When put in the hands of a teenager, however, they can have some effects of which adults However, Smartphones comes mobile with thousands of applications to entertain their users.

Users can phone advanced computer games on their Smartphones, watch and download movies, listen to music and so on.

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay spm

Furthermore, smartphones provide superior capabilities to access the internet. Advantages ordinary phones cannot do. With these superior capabilities Smartphones, many users moved from mobile phones to smartphones.

This reason, made smartphone market became one of the fastest disadvantage market in the world. Along with the increasing of smartphone user around the world, user of Smartphones in Malaysia also has been increasing exponentially in recent years.

According to statistical data from and, the smartphone user in Malaysia is about. Being one of the fastest essay market, made Smartphone market become very competitive market.

Some leading smartphone company spm Malaysia phone are Apple, Blackberry, and Samsung.

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