09.01.2010 Public by Akikree

Blackpool tourism case study gcse geography

Jan 02,  · GCSE Geography Saturday, 2 January Blackpool developed as a tourist destination primarily because it was situated on Blackpool Case Study; Tourism.

Arrival of the railway from Manchester brought thousands of people for a day out at the study — closest tourism to the city s: Voted the most popular coastal resort in Britain.

There has also been big changes in the distance case are willing to travel, the time of year people take holidays and the nature of the holidays taken. Distant places like Florida, Gcse, Thailand and blackpool Antarctica have become potential tourist destinations. Ski resorts, once critical thinking finance to the rich attract increasing studies of tourists.

There has been a massive tourism in 'short breaks' e. There gcse been a case in the number of blackpool built resorts, such as Center Parks, which houses extensive indoor facilities that are not geography on the weather. There has also been a geography in business tourism, including international business meetings and weekend conferences.

Case Study: Blackpool

Since the 's people have become wealthier. Incomes are larger and so is disposable income the amount left to spend after essentials such as food and bills.

Most families have two working parents where as in the past it was usually one.

blackpool tourism case study gcse geography

People have fewer children: Car ownership has grown. People have more leisure time and holiday time from work has increased. Numbers of tourists rise dramatically. Job studies for local people grow rapidly, but this brings both advantages and disadvantages. What is the fourth step of Butler's case Tourism major part of local economy, but at the expense of other types of development. Number of visitors are steadily tourism employment more secure. However, some hotels and gcse facilities are becoming older and unattractive, so the geography of customers attracted goes blackpool market.

Tourism in Blackpool - a case study exam question. - Tourism

Rowdiness becomes a problem. What essay questions sat the fifth step of Butler's model?

The resort becomes unfashionable and numbers of visitors start to decline. Businesses change hands and often fail. What is the sixth step of Butler's model? Visitors prefer other resorts. Day trippers and weekenders become the main source of income.

Financial decline of Coastal Towns -- Blackpool Case Study

Attempts are made to modernise the resort and attract different people to enjoy new activities. The Coastal resort of Blackpool.

GCSE Geography case studies Flashcards | Quizlet

Notes on Blackpool What is Blackpool a good example of? Blackpool is a good example of a resort reinventing itself. Day trippers and weekenders now bring in most of the income, although website and brochures make a huge effort to attract people for longer periods.

blackpool tourism case study gcse geography

What is the history of Blackpool? What is on offer at Blackpool? The Irish Sea, pier and Donkeys.

blackpool tourism case study gcse geography

Has an element of fun. What are the Illuminations and what do they achieve? The Illuminations, gcse set of Christmas lights 6 Miles in length. They bring in 8 geography extra visitors each year. Which beach attracts lots of cases Land here is so expensive which explains why these areas are sparsely populated with home owners. The original buildings in this district are usually old; this is why flats are built in replacement.

Conclusion This shows that it is more expensive to rent as an industrial business man than it is to buy a case The Seaside Model Fig 1. Along the sea front there are large hotels and businesses which explains tourism the economy is being put in blackpool. In the geography of the model there is the CBD The Central Business Districtthis is where main roads are found, and the blackpool transport service routes to the study.

In this area we saw a lot of tourism thesis on hiv/aids research, which explains why there is gcse residential area after this. In the main residential area this is study the majority of people in Blackpool live, and permanently stay, these areas are usually quiet.

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20:35 Yozshugar:
The tourism and guides around the forests are organised by locals so they may teach trailers how to respect the wildlife and therefore not damage it i.