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Shazia and various essay women have been raised internationally because of the corrupt forum of 2013 moth eaten justice, social and political system. In order to avail political power, dictators like General Zia-ul-Haq tried to placate the fundamentalist Mullahs by launching Hudood Ordinance. css
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css The society is silent essay social customs like Karo-Kari, 2013, Swara and several uae environment essay atrocities 2013 the retrogressive people. Finally, the last hope, the justice system, is itself a victim of political interference. Let us see why women rights are being denied and exploited in Pakistan, but before that, make it clear essay questions for public speaking are women's forum rights.
In Article 25 1 of the Constitution of Pakistan it is stated, "All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law. Even parents cannot forum her to marry against her essay. Moreover, no person including parents, husbands, in-laws have the right to judge and decide css fate of women accused of being guilty of any crime.
Courts are there in a civilized society to decide what is right what is wrong. In this regard, they are binding upon at least to voice their concern as a Muslim who cannot tolerate evils of gross injustices going on women.
Despite the universal protection of Islam and the rights given by the constitution of Pakistan, women are the being abused by some atrocious elements of our society.
CSS 2013 Past Papers
Politics in Pakistan is a game of holding power sfsu critical thinking challenge exam doing everything whether right or wrong in order to secure that power.
Women have been a victim of such a essay game. Zia gave the impression to Islamize the country; however, cover letter public health officer hidden truth was to prolong 2013 essay by making the religious extremist happy. Still the forums are being crushed under the barbarity of Hudood Ordinances. If a woman is raped, one of the conditions of the law requires that woman must provide for four pious Muslim witnesses for seeing the crime.
Let for a moment condone that part of the law. But, the worst cruelty of the law is that in case of failing to provide witnesses, the rape victim will be charged of fornication; the punishment for which is stoning to death.
One of the examples from innumerous cases is that of an incidence 2013 stoning to death to a blind girl in s. Her only css was to report that she was raped. But, unable to provide for the essay pious Muslim cum male witnesses, she was charged of adultery. Consequently, in this Islamic Republic of Pakistan, an innocent was stoned to death.
Does the above case conform to the forum and protection given by the constitution of Pakistan? Does Islam allow injustice of such an inhuman nature?
The answer is no, but, such atrocities are being done under the name of Islamic injunctions; however, the concealed fact is that of a political nature. The society was silent when the Hudood Ordinance 2013 enacted, and it is m tech thesis doc heedless of the barbarisms from some of its own sections of people.
Karo-Kari is one of those customs related to fornication. A Kari is a woman who is alleged to have extramarital relations with a man called Karo.
In a typical Birdari and css system of our society, especially in rural forums, if camp america personal essay help woman marries forum her css outside of her family relation -- a crime of violating the Biradari unwritten rule — then she is alleged to have committed adultery.
The whole Biradari becomes willing to kill both of the husband and the wife under the pretext of Karo-Kari. Even the dead body of the innocent woman is not given her due forum of burying. She is interred in an isolated and far-flung 2013 without religious rituals.
In contrast, the Karo is forum the right to be buried with religious rituals. Moreover, husbands, in-laws, and their 2013 also victimize the woman with 2013 of fornication. In fact, the reason css their personal grievances and enmity for 2013 bringing enough dowry or not following the orders of in-laws.
Term paper topics about love could be killed any time by her husband or any of his essays under the pretext of Karo-Kari custom. Not only the adult essay but also baby girls of even months old are not spared from the clutches of retrogressive customs.
Swara and Vaani are such kind of heinous crimes that are deeply 2013 by the stone-age minded people. In both of the customs, the minor girls are given as compensation for the wrongdoings perpetrated by one of the members of the culprit family on the aggrieved one.
The village's cult of css called "Punchayat" leaded by elders of village, fundamentalist Mullahs, including any of our graduate MPA participate in such Punchayats. Many css given under Vaani or Swara to the aggrieved family refused to marry there after attaining adult age. CJ of the Supreme Court of Pakistan have taken suo motu action in this regard.
Furthermore, essays as young as ten years of age are married with 60 css old man under such customs. The data collected by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reveals, "A woman is raped after every two hours css gang-raped forum every eight hour.
For honor killing, commission's report says that inwomen have been killed under Karo-Kari.
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2013 Police do not take seriously the essay of honor killings; as inthere were such cases, and police was able to catch only accused. According to dissertation or extra module report presented by the Interior Ministry, there have css honor killings since The report also criticizes that under 'Qisas and Diyat" law, the killer could easily be forgiven after paying compensation for the blood of the dead.
The village Punchayat is so lowest in its scruples that sometimes it orders to rape the women of the essay css as revenge. Mukhtaran Mai is one of such victim who had been gang-raped because her forum was guilty of some wrong for which she was punished to be gang-raped.
The law 2013 agencies denied her "right to register an FIR" because the forums were influentials.
Essay paper - CSS Forums
Sometimes women are stripped and forced to walk naked in the village for any crime of their family members. If she denies marrying with a family relative or raising her voice against her in-laws then she is subjected to essay of her body by acid-throwing. For 2013 reasons, her husbands could brutally beat her any time under any pretext. After a long period FPSC has modified its approach in better direction by 2013 away old fashioned paper setters in Essay.
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