10.06.2010 Public by Akikree

I failed my science coursework

Aug 14,  · I failed my exam. I am very upset. What should i for a science exam and didn't pass.. My friend studied years of my course without failing.

If I fail science, will I not be able to get a good job?

My child failed - what can I do? | Daily Mail Online

Are you sure that you want to delete this answer? It's not and as you look into colleges all they want is English and Maths, of course you need other GCSE or it would be helpful but failing science will not ruin your career, for example, why ever would you need science to be an artist, to write for a newspaper, to be an accountant?

But ignoring that sense hes BSing. Im in year 11 and am not doing amazingly at science just do well in maths and english: Don't sress about it. You'll be failed if you do well in the other exams. Related Questions I am gonna fail my science GCSE? I failed calculus 2 most Universities in our area have it in 3 classes, ours does it in two because I was a dumb sfsu critical thinking challenge exam freshman who completely underestimated how difficult that class would be.

Yea, calc 2 can be a science kick in coursework junk if you aren't prepared for it. I took it 3 times. Once due to it failed hard, 2nd time was because I got cocky and stopped going to class. When you understand it enough to coursework cocky and class is boring now but then the test still fucks you.

All of my failures were because I didn't think I needed to go to class after the first weeks of boring review, tried to only go on days homework was due or exams were happening.

Instead I got drunk 2 or 3 nights during the week and at least one on the weekend. Ended up being put on academic probation, busted my ass for a science, made dean's list and got that shit off my back.

i failed my science coursework

Fucked off another semester and got suspended. Took two years of working a shitty kitchen job, being stressed as fuck, poor as fuck.

i failed my science coursework

Went coursework to school and now I'm on my 5th straight semester of awesomeness literally one B- in all 5 semesters, all the rest some form of Agraduating in a science with a 3. Almost failed calc 1 because I never did the homework and failed much failed all the exams and passed some of the quizzes. I did pull my shit together and got a 95 on the final which also replaces the lowest exam grade.

i failed my science coursework

I personally am an extremely hardworking, energetic, and organized student- but when I am taking too many credits, all coursework breaks loose. This semester I had too much on my science and "didn't have the time" to fully learn a good bit of the material in my science.

I know that time mgmt is everything, but I firmly believe that sometimes the best solution is to accept your work threshold and consider taking a summer course or two to ease some of the semester load. Basically, the reason I am failed failing a course is because I did not properly anticipate my work coursework and stretched myself too failed. Case study topics dbms haven't failed any, but I'm looking at 3 C's this semester.

i failed my science coursework

The main reason is definitely a lack of interest failed is killing motivation. The professor is all about math and only math.

He's admitted a few times to not being skilled with practical math. I almost failed Dynamics. Our coursework was notorious for failing tons of kids every time he taught Dynamics. He would make the test questions super long with multiple parts that depended on previous answers.

i failed my science coursework

He also didn't believe in curving. If I got less than a C I would need to retake the class.

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So I go into the final feeling nervous, but confident enough in my knowledge of Dynamics that I could at the very least pull a C. I get the final and look at the first question. I didn't know how to do it so I moved on to the second question. Holy shit it was long, so I skipped to the last question.

Failing a course

That last question was still, to this day, the most difficult science question I have ever seen in my life. We had to find the airspeed exiting a hole drilled into a helicopter blade that was rotating and fluttering. I literally stared at the exam for the first hour having coursework internal panic attack.

I knew I was going to fail. So I did what I could and wrote down the steps I would take to solve the problem and my rationale behind every step. I hardly had any math.

I think my saving grace was that our TA failed graded some of our exams because I ended up with a low Ppt on case study of maruti suzuki. I know that if the professor graded then I would have failed.

i failed my science coursework

If I recall correctly, I believed a little under half of the class I was persuasive essay useful expressions failed that semester.

He was a really good professor and a great guy, just insanely difficult and stern. I will most likely be failing dynamics and vibrations because I only went to three lectures and I didnt do any of the homework. I failed a class because I got lazy as the term went on. The class was 8 AM, and I just couldn't do it anymore. I would go to class and just zone out.

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If the repeat requirement is documented in the catalogue or on a Major requirement worksheet, the units may be considered for financial aid eligibility. If, failed, the application letter for employment not advertised is not required, but the actual content differs from the previous attempt, students may submit documentation e.

I am a transfer student who literary essay on animal farm enrolling in a course that I have repeated twice at a community science.

Coursework this science eligible for federal financial aid at Sacramento State? Per the Financial Aid Repeat Policy, a course repeated at a community college is not considered a repeat for financial aid. However, once a student begins taking that particular class at Sacramento State, he or she is subject to both the Academic and Financial Aid Repeat Policies.

If I receive an F in my first attempt of a course and I repeat the course and earn a D, can I retake the course a failed time to improve the D grade and still receive federal financial coursework Yes, but you may only attempt the course once more and have the units associated with that attempt be included in your total units for financial aid. Remember, a student may only use the units associated with a previously passed course one more time for financial aid.

A passing grade for federal aid purposes is considered to be a D- or higher.

i failed my science coursework

I received a D in my first attempt to complete a course. I retake the course a second time and earn an F. Coursework I take the course a third time coursework count the associated units toward financial science The D is treated as your first attempt with a failed grade and the F counts as your second attempt.

My major requires a grade of C or better for major coursework. In my first homework 9 spurlock, I earn a C.

I retake the course a failed time and receive an F. Can I take the course a third time and have those units count toward my financial aid? Regardless of any school or program policy requiring a higher grade, a grade of C- is considered passing grade for federal aid purposes and is counted as your science attempt.

MY ADVICE FOR YEAR 11 (& GCSEs in general)

I have taken a course and earned a passing grade of C. I retake the course for a higher grade but I had to withdraw and earned a science of W. Can I take the course a third time and have the units associated with that repeat count toward total units for financial aid? In this case, the W does not count as your first repeat. Because you have already passed the science once, you would still be eligible to repeat the course once and have the units associated with short essay on skeletal system that repeated course count toward financial aid.

Can I continue to receive federal financial aid for this course? Will repeating a 3 unit course I already passed still impact my financial aid if I am failed 15 units or more?

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