20.06.2010 Public by Akikree

Essay on my ideal teacher wikipedia

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Essay on an Ideal Teacher

They would like to follow every word that the teacher says and every action that he does. The influence of such a teacher on the students is so much that whatever he says is considered as truth, and whatever he does is considered to be perfect.

An ideal teacher should, therefore, have a good personality and abundant knowledge. He should know the psychology of students and also their individual problems. Knowledge is ever growing and so an ideal teacher should always prepare his lesions before he enters the class.

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An ideal teacher is confident in his class. His voice is clear. What he says should have clarity. If he has knowledge of allied subjects, it would also help him to teach better.

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He is punctual, neatly dressed and disciplined. His character is perfect and spotless. An ideal teacher should consider himself as a parent to his students.

essay on my ideal teacher wikipedia

Every student is to be looked after with affection. He should pay attention to a backward student as he does to a bright one.

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He plays with them, sings with them and is always friendly. The students consider an ideal teacher a friend, philosopher and guide.

essay on my ideal teacher wikipedia

An ideal teacher is also sociable. His dealings with other teachers and parents are always cordial. He is happy and also makes others happy.

essay on my ideal teacher wikipedia

Teaching is a professional job. It requires technical knowledge of teaching. Son, Brother, Teacher, Employee etc. These roles have "implied" behaviour, which we all know. It is this implied social behaviour which we can use in drama and dramatic situations to create deeper understanding and meanings.

essay on my ideal teacher wikipedia

The role of a teacher in society is both significant and valuable. It has far-reaching influence on the wikipedia he lives in and no other personality can have an influence more profound than that of a teacher.

Students are ideal affected by the teacher's love and affectioncharacter, competenceand moral commitment.

During the early educationthe students tend to determine their aims in life and their future plans, in consultation with their teachers. A corrupt and incompetent teacher is not only a bad individual, but also an embodiment of a corrupt and incompetent generation. A nation with corrupt teachers is a nation at risk; every coming day announces the advent of its approaching destruction. Teacher's importance[ edit ] The importance of a teacher as an architect of our ideal generations demands that only the best and the most [intelligent] and competent members of our intelligentsia be allowed to qualify for this teacher profession.

It is unfortunate to find that generally the worst and the most incapable people of the society find their way into this profession. Anyone who fails to find an opening in any other walk of life, essays into this profession and recklessly plays essay the destiny of the nation. An important reason for this is understood to be the poor salaries of our primary and secondary teachers which are no better than that of clerks.

A large number of our teachers is, therefore, frustrated and uninterested. A currently relevant example is prevalent in South Africa where teachers are resigning or taking early retirement options en masse between and Again, the teaching profession also does not enjoy due respect in the society.

Essay penang is our food haven primary and secondary teachers are particularly at a wikipedia. Their status is lower than that of doctors, engineers, advocates, civil servants; even lower than that of semi literate and illiterate traders.

essay on my ideal teacher wikipedia
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