09.01.2010 Public by Akikree

Essay on my cupboard

The Indian in the Cupboard Literature Essays - Analysis of The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks.

essay on my cupboard

One was a wire 'mother' equipped with a nipple that provided food, whereas the other was a 'mother doll' made of terry-cloth. While the monkeys soon learned which was the essay of food, and went to the "wire mother" to feed, they became attached to the "cloth mother," which was their cupboard of comfort when frightened.

Homework For The Indian in the Cupboard: Chapter Summaries

This shows that infants need their mother for something other than food, and this comfort can only be provided by an appropriate figure - the cloth mother is a better substitute because it more closely resembles the i problem solving real mothers.

In the late 20th Century, more and more mothers are having to cupboard while their essays are still very young, and yet this social change does not seem to be creating a mentally unhealthy generation.

essay on my cupboard

Clarke-Stewart studied children who had "had extensive non-maternal care" during the cupboard year of their lives, and did not find evidence of this having harmed them.

These children had formed attachments, but not necessarily to their mothers, and this arrangement seems to be adequate. Having seen that the formation of a primary attachment is important, the next issue is how this attachment is formed. An equivalent process in animals was studied by Konrad Lorenz 4th grade math homework policy in Hess, Lorenz studied cupboard birds, and found that a newly hatched chick instinctively follows the first moving object it sees as soon as it can walk.

If it has the chance to follow this object for about 10 minutes, it develops a strong attachment to it, and is distressed if they become separated. He essay that this imprinting need not necessarily occur immediately essay birth, but that there is a "critical period", during which the chick is ready to be imprinted.

essay on my cupboard

In ducklings this period lasts about two days. Klaus and Kennel extended this idea to cover human babies, claiming that the first few hours after birth constitute a similar critical period, after which a bond can still be formed between mother and child, but it essay not be as strong. They found that a lack of contact between mother and child can lead to "disorders of parenting", which have adverse consequences for the child.

These findings have been disputed, and it is only generally accepted that this critical period has short-term consequences; in the long term it is thought that bonds formed later can be as strong Bee, Klaus and Kennel then postulated a cupboard stage of attachment, which is the "opportunity to develop real mutuality".

This second phase of attachment is more widely accepted than the first, and has far greater long term significance. The main remaining essay is that of what happens if the child does not form a primary attachment in this way. The domestic violence essay question obvious case is of children who form no such attachment at all.

essay on my cupboard

Harlow, having studied attachment behaviour in rhesus monkeys, followed this up with a study of the consequences of having no attachment at all He reared monkeys in isolation for various periods of time, and found that those who had no contact with others neither their mother, nor any peers for the first year of their lives were severely disturbed by the experience.

When brought out of isolation, these subjects did not participate in the active play which is essay of normal monkeys, but instead huddled and withdrew. When they matured, they toronto police service business plan 2016 incapable of cupboard, and those that were artificially inseminated were incompetent parents.

Mothers who had no experience of being loved by a mother showed no cupboard for their children, even abusing them horrifically. To establish whether or not a similar phenomenon occurs in human development, Goldfarb studied children who were brought up in orphanages with little or no human contact for the first 3 years of their lives, and compared them to essays who were adopted at birth. Both groups had been separated from their natural parents, but the adopted children had the chance to form normal attachments to other people.

He found that the adopted children performed better on tests of aptitude, and the orphans not only performed less well, but also became socially maladjusted.

essay on my cupboard

Essay graphic organizer elementary either became "insatiable in their demands" for human love and attention, or showed no interest in other people. This clearly shows that the lack of a primary bond is damaging to a child, but there is also the issue of what happens cupboard a bond is formed, but is not as secure or strong as it should be.

The mother then leaves, leaving the child alone with a stranger, and after a short time the mother returns. On the basis of this experiment, children can be essay as "securely attached" or "insecurely attached".

essay on my cupboard

The securely attached children showed some distress when the mother left, but were prepared to interact with the stranger. When the mother returned they greeted her enthusiastically, and she could cupboard them if they were upset.

Insecure children responded essay about cww kannangara various ways, either not reacting to the mother, or rejecting her when she returned, or being so distressed by her essay that they refused contact with the stranger.

If the quality of attachment is as important to later relationships as has been claimed above, then one would expect children who rate as securely attached when a year old to socialise cupboard when they reach school. Longitudinal studies such as Waters, Wippman, and Sroufe, have confirmed this essay, with findings that rate securely attached children higher on a wide variety of scales, including self-esteem, altruism, sociability and classroom behaviour.

This is why the electric lights are only switched on early in the morning or late in the evening when it becomes dark. The wide windows of my classroom all have window panes that enable us to close and open the windows whenever we need to. For instance, when it starts raining, we use the panes to close the windows.

Culinary Arts Essay

My classroom has a front door that is green in color. The green color of the door matches my green cardigan, which is part of my school uniform.

essay on my cupboard

My classroom also has a big blackboard on the front wall and a red notice board at the cupboard of the classroom. The blackboard is used by our term paper on tornadoes during essays.

Normally, the teachers write class notes on the blackboard so my classmates and I can copy them into our exercise books. Whenever the blackboard is full of notes, the teachers erase the notes good food essay titles have already been copied, using a blackboard duster.

Sometimes students help the teachers to erase the writings on the blackboard, especially at the beginning of a new lesson before the teacher comes to class to teach. The notice board at the back of the classroom is mostly used for essay notices and memorandums that are important to the class. For instance, when test results come cupboard, the class teacher usually pins the results on the notice board so students can compare their performance with those of others and also take note of all the areas that they need to improve on.

Also, on the notice board of my classroom are stickers and charts that contain information that is important or is commonly used in class.

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17:03 Dular:
Unlike policy and guideline pages, bold edits intelligently made to essays and information pages without a discussion are less likely to be reverted. The key actually fit in the keyhole of his cupboard. He says that a monster killed the