Modelos de curriculum vitae de una enfermera - Modelos y teorías de la enfermería - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Ejemplo de curriculum vitae de enfermera tecnica. modelo de curriculum vitae de una enfermera tecnica.
Teaching was available for myself, both on the shop-floor and in the form of monthly consultant-led afternoons. I had ample opportunity to supervise and teach SHOs and medical students through individual cases and in more formal weekly sessions. It increased my exposure to new and broader aspects of medical, surgical and paediatric emergencies and furthered my skills in leading teams and supervising the SHOs in the same areas.
I went out as the senior member of the forward aid team on numerous occasions. I was jointly responsible for running a review clinic and for managing the observation ward patients. I was involved in teaching the SHOs on a variety of subjects and myself was taught in a variety of ways including clinics, ward rounds and giving weekly presentations on various topics.
The last three months of this attachment were spent in anaesthetics. I spent some time on the Intensive Care Unit introducing me to this other area of critical care medicine.
This post enabled me to further my experience and knowledge into the management of cases including reduction, internal and external fixation of fractures, exploration of wounds with repair of tendons and nerves as necessary, joint and extensive soft tissue infections. I had a weekly theatre session in which I was able to do many practical procedures myself under the supervision of a consultant. In the trauma meeting each morning I was encouraged to formally present the details and x-rays of each case I had admitted.
Para ello, inyecta soluciones, aplica sueros, realiza transfusiones y traslada a los pacientes en silla de ruedas o camilla. Consiste en un plan de cuidados: Una enfermera puede diagnosticar o emitir un dictamen sobre las necesidades alteradas que tienen las personas a las que atiende. La salud es un estado que significa integridad estructural y funcional gi jane essay se consigue por medio de acciones universales llamadas autocuidados.
Son acciones deliberadas que requieren de aprendizaje. Enfermera en el area de guardia y emergencias. Atencion en casos de urgencias. APTITUDES Capacidad para trabajar bajo presion y en situaciones de emergencia.
Realizacion de pruebas de diagnostico. Amplio Manejo de Herramientas informaticas.
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