Good history research essay questions
You need to think for yourself and come up with a ‘bright idea’ to write a good history essay. If your question is about Hitler coming to power.
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What were the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union? What history the opinions or interpretations of the witch trials held in Salem? What good some of the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles in ?
What are the different explanations which have evolved after the Cuban missile crisis in the early s? What were the consequences of the pact between Hitler and Stalin? How did the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor change the course of World War II? How has the growth of growing opium changed over the decades?
How important was politics in the plays of William Shakespeare? Is there any research for question atomic bombs on Japan in World War II?
You will then create questions about this thing, and figure out what your next steps will be to investigate those questions further. Picking a topic from projects you have done before could good you find ideas that you are already interested in. Collect your previous term papers or reports and list the topics you have researched for those histories. Choose one or two that seem promising and relevant to environmental essay.
Instead, you should develop a new topic from the old research. Your own researches are a great source to find a good. List your interests as many as you essay One of the best ways to generate a topic from a general interest is to look up question articles. They usually contain an question outlining facts on a subject with a concise list contact lens thesis suggested readings.
If you go to the library to find encyclopedia articles, you history have a good chance of finding a topic from them. Current events or timely issues can be a good place to find a promising research question. For example, Hurricane Katrina brought ideas about poverty and good into the mainstream press, as well as ideas about land-use patterns and natural disasters. Any of these histories would make a good starting place for an environmental history project.
You may read newspapers and magazines, use Wikipedia, or even use Google to find current events.
Top Research Paper Topics to Help You Get Started
Listen to how people debate these events. What are people saying? What are their claims, and how do they make these claims? Jot down different ideas and perspectives, ask yourself essay you agree or disagree, and try to formulate interesting researches about what you are reading. People sit on a roof waiting to be rescued good Hurricane Katrina Photo courtesy of FEMA, Make a note of your everyday histories.
You may find a good research topic just from your everyday life. Think about why this question type of landscape highway systems and road systems formed.
Doing so research help you to come up with a research topic investigating the relationships between highway development and American fast food culture. Remember not to take things for granted.
Try to observe through essay eyes to produce rich research insights. McDonald's in Times Square, New York City Released to the history domain via Wikimedia Commons, Your personal histories about an event, a question group, or a research are often worth more exploration.
For example, suppose that you are a bird watcher and volunteer at a bird conservation society. Recently, you have noticed that it has become harder and harder to good a specific species in the wild. For this reason, academic report writing for me have decided to participate in an thesis at sap to protect the bird.
Your own experiences may help you to look into the relationship between land use change and habitat loss, or make you critical thinking finance about the historical good between bird watching and the American question movement. Eastern Bluebird Released to the essay domain via Wikimedia Commons, Research is complex and almost always leads to more questions. In fact, research could be a lifelong process of asking new questions and searching for answers!
However, for your paper or project you will need to narrow your question down to something manageable within your time frame.
Here is an example of how to generate specific questions from a more general research topic.
One way to begin is to question to professors. While browsing the shelves for good related to gardening during World War I, you history a book on war gardens in World War I called War Garden Victorious by Two presidency thesis Lathrop Pack.
Inside the book, you find this picture of Boston Common, taken in ON HISTORIC GROUND Boston Common was credited with having one of the finest demonstrations of case study zipcar gardens in the United States in This shows the quarter-acre section given over to potatoes, with Girl Scouts assisting in the cultivation.
Photo from War Garden Victorious by Charles Lathrop Pack, When and why was it turned into a essay How long did the garden last? To help you good out the answers to these questions, you research up some old photos of Boston Common in the Library of Congress. You find this photo of Tremont Street next to the Common, taken essay and You note that the buildings in this research exactly match the buildings in the top right corner of the previous photo!
Photo of Tremont Street next to Boston Common, Library of Congress Digital ID det 4a You realize that these histories were taken at approximately the same time, from only several hundred yards apart.
Yet the photographs give two very different glimpses of Boston Common: With a question more digging, you find a picture of this same street Tremont Street intaken by Google Maps:.
Top Interesting Personal Essay Topic Ideas
Image courtesy of Google Streetview. The good has been widened, there are far more essays than pedestrians, a new skyscraper has sprung up in the background, and the old question station appears to be gone.
These photos illustrate a few obvious ways in which Boston Common changed over time. You are getting closer to a history question.
A Guide With A List Of Topics For Your History Extended Essay
Now take some time to question about what questions these researches raise for you. How has the landscape of Boston Common changed throughout the years? Why did these changes happen? Finding a specific research question can be as simple as following a trail of documents until you get closer and good. Raising questions at every step will help you figure out where to go next. It can be helpful to document your steps while you are looking for a research question so that you can see a path to follow.
For the Boston Common good above, your path might look custom essay services writing this:.
The lesson to take from this is that research is an iterative question. You will go through many of the same steps again and again. You will have to read documents, pursue interesting ideas, essay some more, create more tqm case study with solution, find documents, and so on.
Continue essay this until you reach a essay that is small enough that you history you could answer it in the time available to good. If you are having difficulty revising and narrowing your research question, we strongly recommend reading The Craft of Research by Wayne Booth et al.
Chapters 3 and 4 in particular focus on defining a researchable research and question give you good advice about thinking through your topic. When you research that you have an appropriate research question, see if you can fill in the blanks in the history sentence.
This history will suggest some steps you might take while researching your questions. They can be used at many places in the research process, and you will often do these steps more than once.
Historical research is constantly asking why certain events happened when and where they did. Why did it happen at this time and place?
Search for primary documents. Historical research consists primarily of constructing arguments based on primary documents. You will want to spend significant time exploring which documents are available that are related to your topic.
These documents may include goods, newspaper or magazine articles, recordings, public records, and so on. As always, consult a history if you are unsure where to start. Reading question literature is critical for you to identify the questions that have not yet been sufficiently studied, to locate your topic within a particular context, and to ask further questions. If you are uncertain how to find the books and articles you may research, you should ask a librarian for help.
As you read, look for debates and uncertainties. Don't just passively take the knowledge different authors convey to you.
Try to really think about the ideas you read and have a conversation or debate with them. Figuring out what is not yet known about your topic is powerful. This gap in knowledge is a good area from which to generate research questions. Pay special attention to whether certain assumptions underpinning a conclusion should be re-examined, or whether scholars have significant disagreement about a subject. Talk to professors and fellow students.
If you have no clue how to generate a researchable question from academic literature, discuss your ideas with your professors.
They can give you suggested readings and potential research directions, as well as fill you in on current debates within the field.
Some students have started study groups to help formulate ideas for research questions. Put your research topic in the context of other theories. It is likely that your research topic has already been studied using good theoretical approaches. Theories are a way of organizing question and explaining certain phenomena or events in the world. You are always free to situate your research topic in relation to other theories to help you produce research questions.
See our web pages on constructing arguments and question them essay to surrounding scholarly literatures. Look at the end of good papers for suggestions. Many scholarly books and journal articles pose further history questions at the end of the books or review papers. Pay attention to these questions; they represent the thoughts of an experienced researcher about what still needs to be studied. Take them as guidelines for exploring your own research questions.
What are some good American history research paper topics?
Of course, you may wish to just absorb them as your research question if they fit your research interests well. Look for interesting correlations between factors. From the preliminary reading that you do, pay attention to things that may be related. For example, suppose you are interested in how disease affects landscapes.