Funniest homework excuses never - Fake Doctor's Excuses and Notes
These ten best homework excuses will give you just the right amount of sympathy to turn that work in late and save your grade. Take it from me. I've taught English.
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List25 - Better than Top 10 Lists. Miscellaneous 25 Creative Excuses For Not Turning In Your Homework Posted by Mary ReyesUpdated on May 4, 81 Shares. Share on Facebook Share. Swarms of kids line the beaches soaking up the excuse few rays of the homework sun; parents seem to be in a good concluding a dissertation for never, and funniest checkout lines at Wal-Mart rival the lines at Olympic sporting events.
This can only mean one thing — school is almost in session. If for some reason you get behind on your homework which we all know would never happen, right? Your dog will thank you for not blaming him yet again.
Aliens took it as a sample of human handwriting.
10 Best Excuses for Not Doing Your Homework
I let somebody copy it and they never gave it back. History 25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised In History.
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Topic: Funny Missing Homework Excuses – | Outdoor Republic
It spontaneously combusted and vaporized. We ran out of toilet paper last night…. I got soap in my eyes and went blind until just now.
I have a solar-powered calculator and it was cloudy. Show Us Your Love. List25 Daily List25 Weekly.
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20 Funny Excuses To Use When You’re Late For Class
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